Alondra Márquez


Omicron Persei 8


Wow. Never has a movie kept me at the edge of my seat and guessing the whole time. Just wow, the story-telling-through-a-computer concept just makes it a hundred times better. An absolute must for everyone, specially thriller/mystery fans.

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The best movie I will probably never watch again and one of the best movies I've ever seen. It left me deeply sad, disgusted and depressed, it made me wonder how can people so vile exist and so nonchalantly mingle with us. If you're doubting whether to watch it or not, just do it. It is a fantastic piece of cinema that regardless of how tough it can be to watch, deserves to be seen.

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Robot Dreams

As a certified:tm: deeply lonely person, this is the best portrayal of loneliness I've ever seen. The fact that not a single word was spoken makes it even more realistic.

And the god-damned ending. I was not expecting THAT.

I saw it in a venue that marketed it as a movie for children and yes, of course children enjoyed the pretty colors, character designs and funny moments, however they were quite confused with the ending. The adults on the other hand... A couple of us were battling the sniffles.

This is now the best animated movie I've ever seen. Sorry, Pixar

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should've ended five minutes sooner, they had the perfect scene! but really good nevertheless.

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Our Love Story

What's special about this movie is how real it is. It tells so accurately how it is to love someone of the same sex in a society where you have to be the same as everyone else, to do the same as everyone else if you don't want to lose face and disappoint your entire family and peers. The acting is excellent and the chemistry between the two leads is remarkable. This film was directed by someone who actually understands how all of this feels, and it shows.

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