Omicron Persei 8

Fleabag: 2x04 Episode 4

Perfect episode: poignant laughs and emotional punches, pure superb writing and acting.
I loved how The Priest is catching on Fleabag's 4th-wall commentary (and how that's weirdly absent when Boo was still alive...).

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The Magicians: 4x13 No Better to Be Safe Than Sorry

Just beautiful.
Didn't expect that move, and I totally appreciate how it went down.

As the showrunners put it: "There is no such thing as a Minor Mending. The smallest action can ripple out in powerful ways we may never fully know."

Also, well, if you've come here simply to be angry that your ship has sunk... You have my empathy for your sadness, but try turning that into something more positive, 'mkay?

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The Magicians: 4x12 The Secret Sea

This season has been amazing for me until now, and seeing all the plots coming together is wonderful.
The whole cast gives an extraordinary performance (the stand-in for Josh included), and the writers pulled off another magic trick making so much things from the books come out in new ways, yet still woven in the overarching story. Even the Cozy Horse was there! Such a brilliant adaptation, I loved this episode soooo much.

"This promise that people like me can somehow find an escape... there has to be some power in that."

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The Magicians: 4x09 The Serpent

Another great episode: loved Alice's splitting (personifying the ambitious and the self-deprecating sides was just brilliant), Monster!Eliot is always thrilling, I was completely satisfied by how they played out the Fen thing, and seeing Margo walk out to We Belong, damn, made me tear up.

I absolutely cannot wait for the next episode!

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Rick and Morty: 4x06 Never Ricking Morty

C*m gutters AND the Bechdel test in the same episode?!? You're spoiling me!

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x12 I Need a Break

This episode was a lot. A lot good too. It possibly was cinematic art just as Lilo & Stitch.
Perfect songs, perfect writing.

Even if at first I felt this season was kinda shaky, now I'm glad they took their time to explore other corners of the story, so that when they get to back to the titular "crazy ex-girlfriend" plotline it packs even more punch. And Paula's was great too, down to the parallel about taking care of one self's health.

Also, Tyler Darkness, what a legit snack.

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Patriot: 2x02 The Vantasner Danger Meridian

I laughed so hard my coccyx snapped, and pierced my kidneys, liver, and then my heart. Yeah, like an organ kebab.

So glad they're managing to maintain the excellent quality of the first season, and even improving on that.

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DuckTales: 2x03 The Ballad of Duke Baloney!

This new series has been quite brilliant this far, but this episode takes the cake for me. I can't resist a good dream sequence, and that quick homage to the original theme was great.

"...was that in his pocket the whole time?"

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The Dragon Prince: Season 1

Amazing storytelling, characters and world building.

I will complain a little about two things:
- the clunky animation. In (I suppose) an effort to give a more "hand-drawn" feel and blend with the environment, it's mostly animated on the 3s or 4s, with some moments quicker or even slower - in layman terms, each character pose is held a bit longer than customary. This gives it a distinct feeling, and it does do the trick especially in more complex and CGI-heavy scenes; at the same time, it can be quite distracting or even seem cheap, jarring with the otherwise beautifully rendered scenery. It wouldn't even be much of a problem, but then there's a secondary character that uses ASL to communicate, and not having smooth movements hinders this brilliant choice.
- the scottish accents, quite thick and heavy, and often sadly not consistent or even performed too smoothly. Coming off from what Tennant is doing in DuckTales, it's a bit disappointing... and now you're reading this review in Rayla's voice, aren't you? :P

It's still a season (dare I say, "book"?) that I enjoyed a lot, and I'll eagerly wait for more.
The Avatar Crew always deliver the goods!

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Harley Quinn: 2x06 All the Best Inmates Have Daddy Issues

Both "The Dark Knight" and "Joker" should have been this good.

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The Magicians: 4x10 All That Hard, Glossy Armor

From The Magician's Land:
Eliot didn’t say anything. For all the years of his life he’d spent with Janet, he’d never really known her, not deep down. Sometimes he looked at her and thought, Gosh, I wonder what’s underneath all that anger, all that hard glossy armor? Maybe there’s just an innocent, wounded little girl in there who wants to come out and play and be loved and get happy. But now he wondered if maybe that little girl was long gone, or if she’d ever been there at all. What was under all that armor, all that anger? More anger, and more armor. Anger and armor, all the way down.

As for the episode, * chef kiss *.

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You're the Worst: 5x04 What Money?


The whole gang gets together for another brilliant episode, starting from an Oliver Twist dirty joke, passing through champ-pons, and ending with one of those punches to the stomach that this show is so good at.

Does money change everything? Is becoming grown-ups inevitable?
All I know for sure is that Paul F. Tompkins is the nicest guy in comedy, and I'm not being forced at all to state that.

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The Favourite

Great movie, standing proud on three great actresses.
I'm still not sure about Lanthimos's actual skills as a director: he sure has a good eye for framing, manages to find good casts (though usually everyone is kept on low energy - something that gladly doesn't happen this time), and picks interesting stories... but he never sticks a landing for me.
I found the last third of the movie much less solid, and what was even the point of that final scene?

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Corporate: 3x02 Black Dog

Good, good, good episode.
At moments reminding me of some stuff from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (high compliment).
I'm gonna miss this show so much.

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What We Do in the Shadows: 2x05 Colin's Promotion

"So many villages, so many pillages..."

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Corporate: 1x03 The Pain of Being Alive

I always love a good Aimee Mann cameo, and probably this one takes the cakepainkiller pill.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x09 I Need Some Balance

"My cavity needs filling" killed me just like Cats killed musicals.

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South Park: 22x03 The Problem with a Poo

Al Jean completely missing the point, and declaring that South Park is siding with them, is absolutely the best part of this weird alternate timeline we live in.

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Channel Zero: 3x02 Father Time

"In Heaven / everything is fine. / In Heaven / everything is fine. / You got your good things / and I got mine."

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