Svetoslav Gechev


Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Breaking In

Cancelled again! Hated the new characters. It deserved to be canceled now!

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Power Book II: Ghost

It was actually much better than I expected it to be - at least the first episode.
The other characters - Method Man and Mary J are doing great.
Still more excited for the Tommy spin off though, next year

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This Means War

really liked it. Funny as hell at moments! Totally ninja!

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absolutely stunning pilot! Maybe the best one that I have watched since I began watching TV shows!

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Superman & Lois: 3x06 Of Sound Mind

I get that they named Superman and Lois so they save themselves from the hate The Flash gets (as it should be The Flash and Iris) for several seasons now.

Still the last 3 episodes are a total snoozefest and completely overdoing and dragging the cancer storyline. Should have been done with it in an episode or two.

It is clear that the writers just did not think of enough main story material for this season and it just feels flat…
Hope they reinvent themselves like the excellent first season as it has been going downhill since then.

The good thing is that James Gunn would not really let this show go for more than 2 more seasons so I hope it does not become as bland as the IRIS…

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National Lampoon's Van Wilder

One of the best comedies ever along with American Pie!

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Seeking Justice

This is one of the good movies Nicholas Cage has... I really enjoyed it!

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I'm gonna miss this so much!!!
The ending was amazing!!!
Hope they are soon to come out new shows which are entertaining and funny like Chuck! :(

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The Last Stand

Such a weak script... Cliches every second of the movie. Arnold was terrible but he is never been an good actor so...
However we laughed so much at the cliches, the poor script, and action scenes which were ridiculous ... So I give it a 6...
Without these the movie is a 3 or 4...
Americans spending a lot of money on shitty movies like that is unbelievable!

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War Horse

Are you crazy??? The movie was terrific! So touching that I cried! Steven Spielberg at his best!

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Self Reliance

While a great actor, Jake Johnson fails with the script on this one - the jokes are mostly poor and especially the ending leaves a lot to be desired.
It would have been way better if all this was inside the head of the character.
Not to mention a big plot home - initially they mentioned that the prize will be in USD and then it is in Danish krones? Why? Was this anywhere in the contract?
Why did they just not say - 1 million without the USD if they were aiming to surprise us with the currency in the end.

In summary - acting was excellent, good chemistry between the major characters except the family of the protagonist - all except the mother and the sister's husband were not really into it. The directing was okay, script especially the end - bad.

6/10 mainly because of the ending. If the ending was satisfying maybe 7.5/10

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Game of Thrones

This show should has the highest rating on the site! Simple the best show I have ever watched!

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People Like Us

This movie is great. 80% is not enough!

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The Following

Great pilot!!! Can't wait for more but I think this show doesn't have the story for more than 1-2 seasons.

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The Secret Circle

Canceled as expected... Poor acting and some stupid romance were the reasons in my opinion.

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The Adventures of Tintin

Amazing animation but stupid storyline..

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Tower Heist

it's good only for one time. All actors except Eddie Murphy were total disasters...

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brilliant show!!!
Season 2 is way better than the first one!
The Americans must be envious of the British shows!

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Still i'm gonna give it a change... 4-5 episodes I think will be enough to decide is it worth watching...
I hope the rest of the cast compensate for Sarah Jones. And of course is Abrams's work!

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OMG Sarah jones is terrible in the main role! Such a strong cast and she is the odd one!
Don't they have more beautiful and talented actresses in America?

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This show keeps getting better and better! First season was good but season 2 is just perfect! I hope it live to see season 3! Great show, love Alex.

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