Frankie D'Angelo


Omicron Persei 8

Euphoria: 2x08 All My Life, My Heart Has Yearned for a Thing I Cannot Name

Anyone else feel like there’s little to no closure from this episode? Everything was left so open ended which is fine in certain circumstances but this was too much. Mainly the thing that bothered me was killing off Ash in only the 2nd season of the series. I get he was a minor character that didn’t get a ton of screen time but he started to get more and I really grew to like his character much more in this season. Due to the more screen time, I started to believe Ash was gonna have a crazy arc throughout the series since I always thought he and Fez were way more interesting than the other characters and the high school drama bull shit and collectively they had much more screen time this season so I really enjoyed it. They did it all just to kill off Ash. Whether it was for pure shock value, or they needed to use it as a plot device to further develop Fez it just feels so cheap. Unsure if I’m even going to return next season.

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Greatest comedy/drama series ever made

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