Héctor Corte León


Teddington, Slough, United Kingdom


Double moral, the world is shit because we have an antena that puts bad thoughts on people's minds, we are OK on turning it off, but sharing knowledge? No, we don't do that here. Also, we are going to take the brightest minds for ourselves and keep moaning on how bad you are and how badly you behave. Even at the end there is no indication of none of this changing, they created more robo... sorry, AASs to recruit more people for their city. Reflecting on it, I thought we were watching the good guys, but not so sure after all. Also, society that claims not to have politics has fallen onto dictatorship regime? I think whoever wrote the script needs to spend some time with scientists/engineers, to see that everyone will be fighting to "be in charge" and make it's vision of the future true. I'm sorry, but I think as a brainless story it would have been fun, but when they introduced all the moralistic view onto it, they failed miserably, because their own morale cannot stand a very basic scrutiny.

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Castle Keep

The dialogues are surreal, but it fails to deliver any meaningful message. It's like a combination of unrealistic situations around a castle and WWII to make you think, but I think they forgot what was the message they try to convey. For this reason, it shows like a disconnected film where the actors' motivations are not clear and seem like crazy. Seeing that it is tagged as comedy is probably a good description of what is wrong, has no comedy, tries to be a drama, and the mix doesn't work.

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Great actors cannot make up for bad story. I personally find blackmirror stories more catching than these ones. I'm sorry for the actors who attached their names to this. The stories are predictable, have been discussed many times in the pop culture, and fail to engage. It's almost as if what we see is the first draft and they didn't went back and refine it.

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Incredibles 2

I see reviews here, and everyone give quite high score. I'm sorry, the product looks good because it's expensive animation, and I'm sure the put hours in it. However, the story is predictable and it looks almost like the first one. After so much time, doing something that looks almost the same is lame, lazy at most. Looks like Disney wants some easy cash on nostalgia. Not surprised if there is a series...after this, and if there is already, not surprised it's super generic. I have to admit that the Edna is as good as always, the only part that actually enjoyed. We deserve better after 12 years waitting.

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