Dylan Hope


Hebburn, England

Arrow: 1x04 An Innocent Man

My favourite episode so far. The characters were great and the pacing had improved massively. The ending was amazing, and the overarching plot for this series is forming very well. Also, John Barrowman. The villain played a very small role, but thats fine cause we got more Laurel.

Final Score— 83%

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Arrow: 1x01 Pilot

A really good pilot, that introduces a lot of the key elements of S1. Does a great job introducing the characters (none of which I dislike; many of which I love). The “villain” is pretty bland, though (which is a problem I have with arrow in general).

Final Score— 73%

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Arrow: 1x02 Honor Thy Father

This episode was really good; just like episode one. The characters were amazing in this episode, with a large portion of the episode focusing on Laurel. China White is a great villain, even if she doesn’t really play a huge role in the show. The fight between GA and China was great, too. However, the rating is brought down by the fact that the pacing wasn’t great (I often found myself checking how long was left) and the “main” villain being quite bland. This episode is also a filler, which is a problem that most superhero shows have.

Final Score— 75%

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Arrow: 1x03 Lone Gunmen

A decent episode, but quite slow. Not a huge fan of deadshot. The Green Arrow himself is rarely in this episode, which is another negative. The characters were goods in this episode, especially the Queens and Walter. Overall, a very average episode thats sole purpose is to set up the ending, which was also good.

Final Score- 65%

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