


Kung Fury

Absolute genius. If you love comedy and 80's movies, then this is for you. I now know Kung Fu!

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Not sure why I gave this film a chance. It was poor. Poorly shot, poorly acted, poor dialogue, poor action. Poor. The whole thing made zero sense due to it trying to be cleverer than it actually is. Was only hour and a half, but an hour and half of my life I'll never get back.

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea. But it IS genius. Well made, beautifully shot, superb acting and great message. Good choice for the Oscar.

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The Class of ‘92

You don't have to be a fan of United to love this. Just a fan of football. Enjoy the romance of 6 mates playing together and achieving the ultimate dream.

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The Interview

Utterly ridiculous decision for Sony to cancel this movie entirely. Mercia doesn't not negotiate with terrorists. A sad day for Hollywood and the movie industry in general. Hopefully this will see the light of day and we won't get bombed by North Korea.

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Don't download it. Go see it at the cinema, it deserves the big screen. Wow. Stunning.

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Superb film, even more amazing it was a true story. The actors look so much like the legends they played. Best film I've seen in a long time, even for the non F1 fan.

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