Jim G.



The Umbrella Academy: 1x09 Changes

A powerful farewell performance by Delores. I have to admit that she seemed a bit stiff in the early episodes, but she really came into her own over time, especially in this one. That parting scene with Five...never before have I seen so much emotion expressed with so few words.

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Gotham: 5x12 Legend of Dark Knight: The Beginning...

It was nice to see that Ace Chemicals made some safety improvements after the earlier, um, incident. Oh, wait.

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: 2x10 Nice Jacket

As was the case with the first season's finale, they did a great job of wrapping things up here while giving some hints of what the gang might be facing just down the road. Sadly, I've read that the show has been canceled, so I'm once again left to wonder why a show as creative, original and fun as this one this struggles to find an audience while millions and millions tune in for things like the 483rd repetition of the same tired police procedural or sitcom with its canned laughter...

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The Expanse: 4x02 Jetsam

Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-01-01T00:36:17Z— updated 2020-01-14T18:08:29Z

It was super considerate of Bobbie's nephew to give his aunt the opportunity to vent some perfectly understandable frustrations.

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Nothing whatsoever happens to advance the season hack arc, but this is an incredible episode that brings together a lot from all four years of the show and provides a ton of insight into both Elliot and what all has driven him to this point. Great stuff, and it will certainly drive his actions for the remainder of the season and series.

The actor who played Vera needs to submit this one for an award or ten. The rest of the limited cast here was terrific, as well.

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Mr. Robot: 3x07 eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk

Let's hope that Trenton was telling the truth about that automated email...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x08 Legends of To-Meow-Meow

Brilliant. Just freaking brilliant. I don't know what they're smoking in the writers' room, but someone really needs to ensure that they never run out of it. Ever. Not only was this one crazy stupid bonkers in the usual very good way, but it also did an amazing job of revisiting earlier episodes from this season and tying it all together with the current outing while, at the same time, giving some hilarious alternative endings to what we've seen before. Did I mention that this was brilliant?

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iZombie: 4x07 Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Brain

A solid outing until that insanely stupid final twist. I imagine that Liv's thought process went something like this: "While I'm breaking all sorts of laws, I should probably sit here wearing headphones and listening to music so that I can't hear my roommate, who is a lawyer for the city, when she comes home. And I should make sure that my laptop screen is facing the door to my room in order to make it as easy as possible for my roommate, who is a lawyer for the city, to immediately see that I'm breaking all sorts of laws when she walks into my room and surprises me. Because being surprised by my roommate, who is a lawyer for the city, is something that will work out well for me when I'm breaking all sorts of laws."

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The Expanse: 5x07 Oyedeng

Something like 90% of the Naomi stuff in this one is a waste of time. A well done waste of time, but a waste of time nonetheless. It just kills the overall pacing of the episode and is WAY too much soap and way too little sci-fi. Throw in the fact that there is no Amos and only a brief bit of "Chrissy" and it all adds up to a rare disappointment for me, and one that feels like it lasted every minute of its runtime.

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Mr. Robot: 4x09 409 Conflict

Wow. Just...wow. I have to imagine that Michael Cristofer read this script and then went out and bought the writers a nice bottle or ten of single malt. What an EPIC exit for a fantastic character. Every single moment of Phillip's verbal exchange with Whiterose in this one was terrific, and Wong was no slouch here, either. Phillip was stalling for time and used that time to taunt and mock Whiterose, who was just a step behind in figuring it all out for the entire hour. Just phenomenal.

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

Things are really getting interesting. And I'm starting to wonder if there's not more to Becca's story than what she told Billy...

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Gotham: 5x10 Legend of Dark Knight: I Am Bane

The writers and directors and the young actor continue to do a solid (and often subtle) job of evolving Bruce Wayne into what he's destined to be. Still, if I had to pick one scene to show to a newbie as being symbolic of the series as a whole, it just might be the scene with Lee wheeling a very pregnant Babs down a dark hallway while Babs is firing two guns from her wheelchair. It is just so incredibly perfect for this show.

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The Americans: 6x05 The Great Patriotic War

Philip is awesome. His character arc has led him to such a decent place that I'm convinced that he's gonna end up dying. I can only hope that I'm wrong.

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iZombie: 3x07 Dirt Nap Time

The scene where Clive stopped Liv from bringing up the sockpuppet from under the interview table was a thing of beauty. The charm of season one continues to be present in season three, and that's a good thing.

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Mr. Robot: 3x08 eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x16 Doomworld

This show continues to be the only CW supes show that still remembers to bring the fun. ARROW never did, being dark and dreary from day one. THE FLASH gave it up a while back for some reason and opted to go down the ARROW road. SUPERGIRL is pure relationship soap opera these days. But LEGENDS? Its braintrust continues to offer plenty of crazy, brainless fun. And props to them for that.

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Mr. Robot: 4x08 408 Request Timeout

This week it's Slater's turn to show off his acting props. And they are considerable here. His monologue when Elliot invites him back is done extremely well -- neither overplayed nor underdone -- and also reminds us that he is NOT Elliot's dad; rather, he has done his best to be Elliot's protector and has tried to have his back. And along those lines, it may be up to him to convince Elliot to go through with the hack...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x06 Tender Is the Nate

Mona has been a terrific addition and single-handedly made the B-plot better than the A in this one. (Although Hank fanboying all over Hemingway wasn't bad, either.)

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The Flash: 4x20 Therefore She Is
Arrow: 6x20 Shifting Allegiances

Felicity had no lines of dialogue and barely made a cameo appearance, making this the best episode of the show in more than five years.

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Marvel's Runaways: 1x01 Reunion

Given how many characters needed to be introduced here, it's impressive that they were able to squeeze in any plot at all, let alone handle both the characters and the plot so smoothly. Not bad at all for a premiere.

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Riverdale: 2x18 Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember

Oh, joy. It's time for the musical episode that I've so been looking forward to. (That was sarcasm in case it was unclear.) All of the regulars have major roles in the school musical, of course, because there are really only about ten or twelve people going to Riverdale High while everyone else we occasionally see in school hallways is someone wandering in off the streets, or something. After fast-forwarding through the music, this one features all sorts of reconciliations. Except for Cheryl. That one kinda sorta goes the other way when it comes to her and her mom. I'm pretty sure that there might be some dysfunction going on there. And that final twist? Awesome. The sort of thing that hooked me on this show in the first place. Poor Midge. But hey, her loss is the show's gain.

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Twin Peaks: 3x12 Part 12
Orphan Black: 5x01 The Few Who Dare

Shout by Jim G.

I'm so glad to have this one back. None of the sestras is having a good day, but that scene with Donnie ditching Alison was hilarious. Not just the running away part, but the tiny rolling bag. That he was rolling. Through the woods.

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Foundation: 1x03 The Mathematician's Ghost

The time jumps are already starting to trip me up. They're also making it obvious that it's not worth getting too invested in any of the characters since they may not be around for very long at all, one way or another. I'm also completely unimpressed by the fact that we were given absolutely NOTHING in terms of an explanation for what transpired at the end of the last episode.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x02 Window of Opportunity

Not bad. Fitz is still awesome, May gets a couple of good fight scenes, and that entangled portal trick is cleverly executed. But speaking of doorways, someone's gonna have to explain to me why you'd build a ship with an airlock on one side and a door that opens directly into space on the other side.

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The Americans: 5x01 Amber Waves

An okay start to the final season, but a bit disappointing. In particular, I have to question why they spent over 12 minutes on digging up William's grave there at the end. It's obvious what the goal was, but did we have to see all of that? Dig, dig, dig. Shovel, shovel, shovel. Not the sort of thing that puts the "thrill" in "thriller."

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Mr. Robot: 4x06 406 Not Acceptable

Amazing performances all around once again. Props to the actors for having it in them and to Esmail for getting it out of them. Granted, none of the plots were advanced much, but that hardly matters when you can deliver what this outing delivered.

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The Magicians: 4x05 Escape from the Happy Place

For a show that consistently has some of the best dialogue out there, this was even better than usual. An A+++ effort, and the talented cast did a terrific job of delivering it. The actor who plays Eliot, in particular, really did a fantastic job in this one.

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The Expanse: 3x05 Triple Point

Another terrific hour of a terrific show. I hated to see some good people killed in that "mutiny," and none more so than Souther, who I'd been hoping would at least be around long enough to see Avasarala again. At this point, I'm hoping that Nguyen, Mao and Dr. Evil all meet slow and painful deaths soon.

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