


Meteor Garden

While some episodes did drag a bit for me overall it was still enjoyable to watch.

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King the Land

Loved this show. Yes it is predictable and sometime cheesy in parts, but it just works. The main leads are perfect together and the secondary couples were also perfect.

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My Naughty Assistant

I enjoyed the last few episodes, but that was it. The rest of painful to watch and I wanted to punch some of the characters a few times over.

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Triad Princess

I just can't with this show. The ending is incomplete and the story felt a bit jumpy to me. Don't not watch the English dub, it's the worst I've seen and might put you off watching this show.

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How to Steal 55 Kisses

Was hoping for a different outcome for the ending of this show. I felt like too many questions/situations have been left unanswered.

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Love of Replica

Brilliant action packed/body guard C-Drama. Wasn't much of a fan of the 2nd lead couple, but it didn't take away from the show too much. Well worth watching.

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Sweet Bite Marks

Enjoyed this show, just wishing there was more. I feel like a second part is needed to know what happens with some of the plot points that don't get closed up.

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I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. It's not a show I Would normally go for but something in the trailer intrigued me and I had to know more. I'm glad I did. I was hooked from the start. I'm still left with a few questions but overall a must watch mini series.

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Female CEO Love Me

I thought it would get better as it went along, but the story never really took off for me. It just felt really flat the whole way thru.

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Gabriel's Rapture: Part I

A good first part and start to this book. I just wish they had included more from the book, as it only covered a few chapters from the very start. Will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

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Yan Zhi's Romantic Story

The dad was so annoying with reflecting his bad experiences onto his son. Besides that, it was an enjoyable mini series

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Yan Zhi's Romantic Story: 1x14 Episode 14

How could she do that to him after everything he just did?

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Love Me in Three Days

First mini series and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It was like watching a long movie in small parts in the end. There was enough character development thru out and story flowed well enough.

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The Watcher

More drama then true story. It was struggle to get thru after 3 episodes

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The Next 365 Days

Still plays out like a long music video with sex scenes. I feel like there was a bit more dialogue in this one compared to the second movie, but not much. I can't believe they ended it like that... where is it going to go now!

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I enjoyed this movie the second time around after reading the book. It really did help flesh out the story and the characters, and I was able to understand their actions more.

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History of Swear Words

This was a lot more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be, while still been very informative

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I tried to finish it, but I just can't. #teamnoone since everyone seems toxic AF so far and everyone is in it for themselves.

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I enjoyed it for what it was and didn't expect to see every thing that was in the anime. It's good for the 108 minutes that they had, but if you want more I would be sticking to the anime for sure

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Gabriel's Inferno: Part II

I was worried that the middle part of this story would dip, but it did nothing of the sort. If anything it made the story even more exciting

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