Mikael Bergström


Nynäshamn, Stockholms Län, Sweden

Russian Doll: Season 2

The first season was absolutely fantastic. It didn't need a second season. This is exactly the kind of second season you get when you make a second season for a show that really didn't need a second season. It's not terrible by any means, just unnecessary and fails to capture whatever magic season 1 had.

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Madame Web

I thought it was pretty neat. It's not Endgame, but it's not trying to be. It's a pretty small, kinda old-school self-contained superhero movie that doesn't do much to heavily worldbuild. It doesn't even have a post-credits scene with Sam L Jackson. But I thought it was pretty neat for what it is.

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The Flash

Incoherent plot, a bit too much unexplained (such as how come Keaton-Batman knows all about time travel?). Pacing was all over the place, and too many things got resolved by pure plot contrivance. And the effects looked absolutely awful. Not a single effect involving a CGI person worked, not even a little bt. And the attempts at deepfaking were even worse. Someone, somewhere in the team responsible for this someone should have pulled the breaks and said "no, the tech isn't there yet. We can't do what you want, not at this budget and with this amount of time". I'm almost sure someone DID point this out, and was apparently ignored. This is absolutely embarrasing. I might have been able to excuse these effects if I saw them five years ago on the Flash TV show, but in a "blockbuster" movie? No, not a chance.

Thre were things I liked. Mostly references etc. Cameos were mostly shit, especially the JL ones; most of those felt forced and uninteresting. But finally seeing Nick Cage fighting a giant spider? That was awesome.

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Eraser: Reborn

This movie only has bad parts. Incoherent, clumsy, exposition-ridden script. Complete lack of chemistry between any of the characters. Wooden performances – and I mean, I'm comparing against Schwarzenegger here. The exact same beats as the original movie, onky done MUCH worse in every single instance.

There's absolutely room to make an Eraser reboot. Today's social media/surveilance capitalism world would make a great backdrop for a techno-thriller about a guy erasing people and getting them into witness protection. But no, this isn't that movie. I don't mind them setting the movie mostly in Cape Town or inserting social commentary on stuff like animal rights or apartheid. Sure, do that. But it's don so incredibly awkwardly and clumsily it just doesn't even come close to working. And the setting is completely wasted by weird direction and angles.

No, stay away. Watch the original; it was at least a decent movie. This is more like an insult.

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Heart of Stone

Went in looking for a decent, semi-generic Bond-y agent romp and that's pretty much what I got. I enjoyed it – nice explosions, nice action in general, decent plot, ok acting, good score. Hope it gets a sequel.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Absolutely fantastic movie IMHO. Great cast, the effects were beautiful, the de-aging seamless, the plot interesting and the pacing was balls-to-the-wall. This was very much and Indiana Jones movie desighned by someone with a real maximalistic "balls to the wall" aesthetic. This movie follows the Yngwie principle – you know, "less is more? How can less be more? MORE is more!" Loved the characters; Phoebe Waller-Bridges Helena was great! An adventuress in her own right – not perfect or clar-cut. I'd watch the heck out of a spinoff with her.

I was very entertained from start to finish, and I really enjoyed pretty much every part of the movie.

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I enjoyed the first few episodes immensely. Loved the multicultural cast and that they all actually spoke different languages. Around the haöfway point I started suspecting what the twist was ginf to be, and started dreading that I'd be right. I mean, this is right up there with "it was all a dream" in terms of "nothing actually mattered and there were no actual stakes". I thought we were done with "this was all a simulation" plot twists after the early 00s? This just felt handwavey and cheap. Felt like a pretentious RPG scenario from the early 00s.

Would I have watched a second season? Sure. Was I excited for it? Not especially.

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I wish I could like this. I understand it's a good movie. All the elements are there. The CGI is servicable, and the rest of the pure craft aspects are at the very least decent. But I'm sorry, I just can't deal with the embarrassing and awkward moments of the film. I understand this is just completely natural for 14-year old boys. They are embarrassing and awkwayd, I get it. But I'm way too neurotic and anxiety-ridden for this.

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Too bad. Halfway-interesting premise, which wasn't explored at all. Flat, uninteresting central conflict between bland good guys and skeletorially evil bad guys. Opening narration destroyed any suspense. No unexpected plot twists or turns at all; everything 100% on the table from minute 1. Inconsistent or weak characterization all around; noone had much of a consistent or inteesting personality. Why was there almost no instances of people using non-combat skills from their previous lives?

And also: Why the heck didn't the bland Skeletor bad guy just use his own tech on himself? He wanted to stop reincarnating, he had a gun that made people unable to reincarnate. And yet his best plan was to kill everyone, rather than just stop himself from reincarnating. This was, of course, not touched upon or explained in any way whatsoever.

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Pedestrian. Profoundly boring. Tries very hard to be shocking, fails miserably. Richard Brake is the only thing that really works here, the rest is absolute shit. I can forgive a lot of stuff when it comes to shock-horror-splatter-type movies, but lack of shock, lack of gore, lack of any kind of emotional reaction is not one of them.

I find it very weird that there could be someone, somewhere, who found this movie titillating, shocking or disturbing in any way whatsoever. Or even entertaining.

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