Luiz Eduardo

1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Ma Rainey's Black Bottom

Take your attetion with the first scene, each characters has his own characteristics, background, beliefs that conflict with each other character. Chadwick robbes the scene, his character is extremely well written and very well perfomed. Viola Davis is marvelous as aways. But the movie looks more a play - same problem that Fences haved - then a movie, a lot of monologues (that I love) and the whole situation that takes place in one location. To me, one of the best of this year.

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Good Morning

Every frame of this movie is beautiful, looks like a painting, and the story is simple and funny.

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Itaewon Class

The show started so well, with an interesting plot and interesting characters, but after first half of the show the things start to become slowly, the romance substitued the main plot and the repetition start to show off. Besides all of that it's a good trama, and deservers merity for treat themes like racism and transphobia.

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The Age of Innocence

The theme of the film is forbiden love: When faced a dilemma of follow the rule's society or follow your heart, often times the best decision is not persue this love, but do the best to everyone. Here, we have a film, that above all the thing that makes up him, the more outstandig element is the style of the director, Martin Scorsese delivery a piece of art that make us breathless in every scene, your unique voice, with use of voice over, sequence shots, close-ups, make the story better then really are, creating one of the more beautiful romance's movie that I ever had seen.

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Alice Júnior

Almost identical to "John Wick", the previous work of the screenwriter. But it's good, though.

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Memory House

Souther represented by germans, protagonist works on a milk fabric and a separatist movemment created by the South of Brazil rises asking for independece. Yep, super creative. The symbols just work if you have any knowledge about them before, the others symbols presented has none idea attached to them. The movie is very slow, and the screeenplay does not work in the sense of creating more deeper characters.

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Divine Love

I really don't know what to say about this film. This brazilian movies talk about a nearly future where the laic state does not exist anymore, mixing religion with sci-fi, the movie show us an interesting environment and unusual situations: like a prayer drive-thru, a weird ritual in the church involving sex, and other things. The movie do a critic about the envangelic fanatism in the Bolsonaro's governement.

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This movie turn around the theme of denie the realiaty. The idea that we can not live without a purpose, motivate the main character to do everything as possible to go forward, persuing a lie, resulting in the death of Teddy at first scene of the film. Telling the story backwards, make that us feel like as if we are the character, without any clue of what is fucking happening, we have to start collect the clues with the main character, what make us engage in the plot.

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A History of Violence

The movie's theme is about past: No matter how much you trie to forget, it'll hunt you. In this movie, we follow the story of a normal guy, named Tom, and his relationship with his family, but everything changes after he react to a trie of assault and murder at the place he works, becoming a local hero. The film is okay, we have good actings, the story mantain us engage.

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