Maha Abdullah


Omicron Persei 8

Downton Abbey: 3x05 Episode 5

"the sweetest sprite under this roof is gone"

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The Office: 9x12 Customer Loyalty

awwww pam :( :( :(

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"what makes you cry?
I cry so much, sometimes I feel like Imma just turn into drops."

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"sometimes round the way, where we live you can catch that same breeze.
it just come through the hood and it's like everything stop for second...
cause everyone just feel it. Everything just gets quiet, you know ?
And it's like all you can hear is your own heartbeat.
Feel so good!"

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The Place Promised in Our Early Days

I don't want...
to be alone anymore

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The Place Promised in Our Early Days

“It was as if I was holding my breath underwater…deep, cold water. And it was like that every day.”

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