

New York, New York

Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager: 3x06 Remember

An utterly devastating episode that shows the best of the Voyager crew. After two decades of its airing, it is still relevant with genocide still alive and well in many corners of the world, with its extreme inhumane measures and layers of lies and subterfuge. I'm utterly shocked by this experience.

Roxanne Dawson's acting is superb here, and B'lanna is the exact character to carry the story for her combination of Klingon honor and human empathy. It is not only her living Korenna's memories, but us living her memories as well.

Like many of the best Trek episodes, it is a dead heat that does not resolve with no good solutions for the Voyager crew, but it is left in the viewer's hands to contemplate for their own world.

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