

Omicron Persei 8

Mr Inbetween

Holy shit this is good. I know there have been a lot of hitman series this year, but I think I prefer this to both Barry and Killing Eve, for instance. It's beautiflly shot, it's funny but also jarringly real and sparse. And it's only 6 half-hour episodes!

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Dear White People: 2x08 Chapter VIII

now that's a fucking episode

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This Way Up

This Way Up is fantastic. I think I'm in love with Aisling Bea.

A fast-moving series, it's funny, warm, sad one moment and hilarious the next. There's a natural chemistry between Bea and Horgan, and the supporting cast is stellar. Most surprising bit? Visually it's quite ambitious, at least relative to what I'm used to seeing with shows of this genre or tone. It really is beautiful to look at. Director Alex Winckler did a wonderful job.

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Station Eleven: 1x03 Hurricane

This is the best episode of television I've seen in several years.

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High Maintenance: 3x01 M.A.S.H.

Oh, that's how good television can be...Missed you, 'High Maintenance'.

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Ginny & Georgia: 1x08 Check One, Check Other

Early worst episode of the year contender. Between the oppression olympics scene, the SOS meeting at the diner scene, and the ending, this ep is sitting pretty.

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The First

Shout by Maeby
BlockedParent2018-12-16T20:56:03Z— updated 2018-12-23T01:21:21Z

I fell in love with this show. Maybe it's nothing groundbreaking, and perhaps it treads too closely to Golden Age cliche, but what it's doing is right up my alley. It's a mood-driven show. Big themes, big ideas; emotional. It's beautiful to look at, the score is intoxicating (if divisive — I heard someone call its horns the "horns of importance"). Watch it on a big screen in a dark room if you can.

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Sorry For Your Loss: 1x05 17 Unheard Messages

Well, this episode wrecked me

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The Bold Type: 2x07 Betsy

Jane is the worst. Trash episode. Get it together Bold Type, I still love you. I think.

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Worth watching for the scenery alone. Place looks like a Nordic paradise.

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Written by Elwood Reed (he did the U.S. version of The Bridge), sprawling world, a bunch of characters, beautiful location shooting—I should really dig this show. I do like it, I think, I'll watch a Season 2 if there is one. I have to say, however, there are some language and accent issues in this show that really bug me. These just-off-the-boat French immigrants aren't speaking French! The actors aren't French (or French Canadian) and their accents are just atrocious. A huge dynamic in the show is the conflict between the French, English, and Native peoples in New France, and when it's hard to tell the French and English apart (it is), that's a story problem. This is 2020, a Polish film has been the most popular thing on Netflix in the U.S. over the past month, Barkskins shouldn't be afraid of some subtitles.

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Too Old to Die Young: 1x02 Volume 2: The Lovers

I still think about this episode. It's one of my favorites in recent years. TOTDY is inconsistent, but the highs are very high, and to me this is its apex. It's a miracle this weird-as-hell show made it on TV, and I'm thrilled it did.

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Das Boot

Das Boot really could have benefitted from a woman in the writers room. I don't think it's a bad series, most everything on the boat works great for instance, but it could have been a lot better. The entire boat half of the show, all of the actors, the production values: there are great aspects. But not working well is the show's treatment of most of its female characters. If rape-as-drama tropes make you at all squeamish, avoid this show.

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Minding the Gap

One of the best things I've ever seen. If you're at all considering watching this, do yourself a favor and dive in. It's stunning.

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I really dug this show. Great writing. If you enjoy family dramas give this a shot. I didn't love the bottle episode (1x05) as much as many seemed to, though I admired its boldness, but the series on the whole I liked very much. I'd love to see it renewed.

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I liked this show a lot more than I was expecting. It's bold, has a whole lot of ideas, and was just a fun and propulsive ride throughout. I'm sad I'm just getting to it now, after it was cancelled. I'd have loved to see what they could have done with a Seaseon 2. If anyone is looking for a good review, I thought Emily Nussbaum's in The New Yorker was well-done, and eluminated many of my thoughts.

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Bodyguard: 1x04 Episode 4

If Keeley Hawes's character is actually dead, I'm out. Y'all on thin ice messing with my heart like that!

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Animal Kingdom: 3x12 Homecoming

Ya did it, Animal Kingdom. You jumped that shark. Real good.

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Harlots: 1x07 Episode 7

This is a good show when it’s not ratcheting the drama up to 11. It doesn’t need it. And I’m not liking them doing it in these latter episodes.

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Downward Dog: 1x06 Old

dope episode in an underrated series

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R.I.P. Impulse. You were a real one

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In an era of under-recognized shows on obscure platforms, Impulse might be the most under-recognized. I don't care what you think this is going in, what it is is a fantastic television show. It's character-driven at its heart, it has wonderfully realistic dialogue, and Maddie Hasson is truly giving one of the better performances on TV; she's a star. This show has so much heart.

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Better Things: 3x06 What Is Jeopardy?

What a fabulous episode. One of the show's best. Special series.

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Please Like Me

Please Like Me is perfect. It's a perfect television show.

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Shout by Maeby
BlockedParent2018-11-29T01:13:55Z— updated 2022-01-02T20:39:10Z

Bachelorette > Bridesmaids. Great, super underrated film.

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Doll & Em

One of my faves. A hidden gem about friendship and jealousy.

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