


After Earth

Could have been a much better movie, but Jaden is a terrible actor.

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The Matrix Resurrections

It’s, disappointing. At times you get snippets of the old Matrix but it’s only nostalgia. The casting is all wrong, the seriousness of The Matrix has been replaced with sitcom level comedy, and it’s not a good fit.

It feels like the creators have been forced to make this movie and made it like this on purpose, because they didn’t want to make it in the first place…

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Travel Man: 48 Hours in...: 1x02 Istanbul

800 Euros for a rug?!

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Escape Room

I don't watch Horror movies purely because I don't enjoy jump scares. This movie doesn't use jump scares and I was able to watch and thoroughly enjoy it. I wish more horror movies were like this rather than just trying to make you jump every 5 minutes.

Overall the movie was better than I expected it to be, and I especially liked the detail of each escape room.

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Twin Peaks

I wasn't alive when this show aired so I don't remember it when it originally came out. I got half way through the pilot, but the acting was so bad I couldn't keep watching.

Maybe if you remember this show it's still good, but if you hear about it and watch it for the first time now (24 years after it aired), it's not great.

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How I Met Your Mother

Not totally ninja, it's Legendary!

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White House Down

Did you watch the latest Die Hard movie? It was terrible. This movie is basically Die Hard without Bruce Willis. It was pretty good.

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World War Z

This movie was a let down for two main reasons. Firstly, the zombies. Something about them just wasn't right, they came across almost super human and the sounds they made certainly didn't sound like they were coming from a human voice box. Also the cgi at some points was quite poor.

Secondly, the general flow of the movie scene by scene, it didn't flow well at all especially during the beginning 30 minutes. The camera work didn't help with this.

As for the story, the way it was told was very predictable and you will see everything coming from a mile off. Other than Brad Pitts performance, I didn't find any of the other actors very convincing and found it difficult to care if their characters they lived or died.

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A Good Day to Die Hard

Seemed like it a forced Die Hard movie, it was just bad.

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