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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x05 Part V

Garbage writing. This whole episode does not make any sense.

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The Mandalorian: 3x04 Chapter 20: The Foundling

Awful episode. The whole dragon fight does not make any sense. The training grounds are empty and for target practice they shoot the water? No creativity whatsoever. And what is actually the point of this season up till now?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x06 Part VI

Let’s be happy that the series was only 6 episodes

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x09 All Those Who Wander

The only 2 interesting characters are gone. What remains is average, dull and uninteresting. Not promising

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

Am I the only one who is irritated by the silliness? The whole town evacuates, 30 people. Big ass war ship with dozens of fighters, easily defeated by a small ship and transport. Radar, never heard of it. Defenses, never heard of it. Somebody shooting from above, if only we had rockets on our backs.
This is really the a-team/macgyver equivalent of Star Wars. Low quality entertainment

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Only way to watch this show is like the A-team or mcguyver or something. Don’t take it serious, otherwise you will be disappointed. The writing is bad, Sfx are not good, story does not make any sense, why is Vader in Mordor, why can’t a Jedi catch a slow little girl.

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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

Best episode of the season, solid 5. Still episode don't make any sense.
This show wants to take itself serious, but does not have the quality for it

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The Umbrella Academy: Season 3

Not a good season. Story is full of holes. At the end they try to suggest there was some big masterplan going on. I don’t see it. Skip this season if you haven’t started already

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Best show out there. Visuals, story, acting all great

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The Mandalorian: 3x06 Chapter 22: Guns for Hire

I enjoyed the sets on the planet, the droidbar was beautiful made.

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A Man in Full

I like the show, acting is good, pace is good. Story is mostly garbage and does not make a whole lot of sense.

A bank that has a personal vendetta against a client for no reason. A guy that knocks out a police officer is supposed to be innocent somehow. All the main characters conveniently know each other, but apparently never actually talk to each other.

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Foundation: 2x05 The Sighted and the Seen

What happened to this show.
Everything seems to connected by coincidences and magic.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

This is the perfect show to irritate yourself. Sometimes it’s just nice to curse at the screen at the dumbness you are seeing. This is the perfect show for that

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x07 The Serene Squall

Pike is ok, but among the rest there isn’t one likeable character

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The concept of the show is really neat, but does rely that you are interested in the quantum and many worlds interpretation and the consequences of that. If you are not, still will be a dull show.
That being said, the concept is nice and makes you think, but the story itself is too little and too slow. Should have been a mini serie at most.
The end was kind of bs though

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

Let’s cancel this show.

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The Book of Boba Fett

I kind of like the show, but the story is just lazy writing. The characters make weird decisions and does not make any sense. For mindless entertainment it’s ok

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Rick and Morty: 6x04 Night Family

Aweful, ranks up there with the sperm episode. Story actually pretty decent, but the dialogue and the how it was put together is bad. Written for 16 year olds

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x08 The Elysian Kingdom

Best episode so far. Closest to original Star Trek it has been. Was it good, no.
Story does not make sense. All the characters are still unlikable. Only the blind guy is growing on me

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x06 Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach

This episode is barely watchable

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Groundhog Day

My ultimate feel good movie!

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