
1 follower

Bengaluru, Karnataka

The Body

Starting off to what seems like a really normal movie that involves cheating, romance, and the jump of logic for love.

Except that this isn't it; and while everything looks like so as the movie progresses, it all breaks itself apart and refixes itself into something new as the movie comes to a close.

Really worth watching it for the twists and turns it slowly brings about.

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The Pianist

In a world rife with wars and battles of heroes with the the sound of swords, knives, and bullets blazing through the heat of battlefield, we're introduced to a man whose fingers work best pressing keynotes of a musical instrument.

Enter our protagonist, a Polish Jew who lived and dredged a life through the hell that was Warsaw that creeked and crumbled during the war that ripped through Europe. His struggles, his battles, and his determination to live through what was inhumane is made to resonate through the works of another Jew, one who could understand this pain as being a victim himself.

And in the end, just as we began to see him play so do we see him at the end playing yet.

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K.G.F: Chapter 1
City of Lies

Drifting, speaking, thinking, wondering.

Being introduced to a movie that involves the tag/genre "thriller" would make one expect that there's truly something..... well thrilling about the movie. But there really isn't, and no I'm not looking for fast cars or cheap stunts that defy what one might have assume dot be logically or humanely possible, but even twists and turns in the story that one wouldn't have even assumed.

But, sadly, by the time I've reached midway the movie it seems I'm lost in where the plot's going to with me left grappling at anything that makes sense anymore.

Tl;Dr: Maybe this was better off made as a documentary of the protagonist than as a "thriller" of crime.

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The Professor

In the end, what really matters?

A movie about a man that's diagnosed with cancer with no way out except death, comes with it a string of events woven as tales/chapters that discuss and detail how the ill-protag deals with the many "empty holes" that are left inside of him when he begins to look back at the kind of a life he's made; and the final choice he takes that is of neither two choices he was given with at hand.

While not superb in itself, the movie is rather well made being short and proper to how much there is in the story.

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The Tourist

Genuinely took me nearly an hour to think up of an apt enough comment on what I thought about this movie. Really did.

A story that has a rather unbelievably comical twist at the finale, with the movie trying to show itself as being a thrilling romance but delves into comedy so many times that I agree with the Golden Globe's choice of category.

Honestly, except for that really impressive plot-twist which was so comically pulled off, there's nothing much of inherent value here that makes the movie stand out from many other romantic "spy novel" movies that have been made in the past; you know, the kind where the woman is the spy and the man is this unbelievably layman individual who somehow gets "sucked into all of this but begins to like it".

I guess the rather short time spent on watching this movie is the only other positive thing there is.

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TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay - Away from Keyboard
Happy Death Day

To start off the movie with a random girl in a random bed with a random dude from some random party, it grows on to set the mood, and the starting scene, of what can be a series of events in an extra-ordinary day of the protagonist.

Happy Death Day comes off as a movie that looks into what a person might do when they are made to face a single day of their life over and over again, the protagonist at first growing more and more enraged with all that's going on but later begins to reflect on herself with each passing horror, even growing confident of herself to the truest of forms.

The first half starts off with a setting, showing us the struggles of a woman locked in a loop, while the second half is where all those twists begin with the last one being the sweetest twist in the list.

In short, a movie that's worth the time spent watching it.

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