
All My Friends Hate Me

"If this happened to me, I'd put a bullet inside my head infront of my friends..." is what I was thinking when I was watching All My Friends Hate Me. Imagine, you're about to hang out with a group of friends, but that group of friends invite a stranger that you do not "vibe" with. Then when you finally open up and make a joke that no one laughs at, the stranger takes out a notepad, writes something down, and hides the notepad.

Now that both triggers me but also makes me find it funny for Pete (the main character), for how absurdly creepy and stupid it is. Something so small can both play with your anxiety and your trust. If that isn't a perfect representation of a mixture in both COMEDY and HORROR, I do not know what is. Do not be fooled by people complaining it wasn't either both funny nor scary, because it doesn't try to do those in the story appart, but rather mixes them up in the events of the scenes. All My Friends Hate Me wants to play with your anxiety and your solace in the same scenarios.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

I absolutily had no idea that the show was going to be different than the original graphic novels. Which is exactly why I loved it. Immediately in the first episode, when it begins to become something else, I just had to sit there and laugh. It's a new Scott experience with more of Ramona too. More of everybody. It's was a fun ride in it's whole.

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Castlevania: Nocturne
PLUTO: 1x01 Episode 1

After many years of praising the works of the master "mangaka" Naoki Urasawa, here comes Pluto (on Netflix). The story was first written and illustrated as Manga series and then left untouched for many years. However, the popularity of Naoki's Monster series, fans were hyping Pluto up since maybe 2017?..

It's finally here and it's gorgeous, even for Netflix quality. Netflix has released the whole series season one already, so we can binge it. I think I'll take my time with this one.

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From Hell

From Hell is an adaptation of Alam Moore's story based on the grim murders of the classic Jack the Ripper.

Alan Moore notoriously hates all film adaptations of his work, and I tend to disagree with him. I personally love V for Vendetta and I like The Watchmen eventho it has it's flaws. But from Hell? Compared to his novel, this one feels flat. I can understand him why...

It isn't terrible or anything, but it can be boring in the second half. It does take the setting serious with the dark nightmarish slums of London filth and skies as red as a pool of blood. It looks great. But the flow of the story is slow.

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Very promising from the start onwards. Jumps into interesting events that kept me liking it untill the third act. Everything fell flat after. All that was build up went down the drain. The final reveal of what the horns stand for was not imaginative. The conclusion wasn't pleasant or satisfying. I'm also blaming most of these criticisms on Max Minghella's character.

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Scavengers Reign

Speculative astrobiology at its finest.. It tells a story of a group of survivors crashlanding on a alien planet filled with lifeforms that have it's own biology. I think the biology if the wildlife is the best part of this show. I haven't seen this concept used in animation like this before, or not on this scale. The movement of some of the creatures are so detailed and fluent, that it kind of makes sense a imaginary bug would protect itself like that from predators.

On this planet you're as equally suprised by it's lifeform than any of the characters really. It's incredible how this is how you're connected to these characters, really makes the story so immersive.

The show is aside from all it's colorful creatures, very tense. You're eventually not just surviving the elements or the wildlife, but there is something more sinister and dark. I could recommend this to anyone who loves Science Fiction. I hope there will be more.

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Meet the Spartans

This is one of those Spoof where the genre of these movies started to turn from original sketches in the parody, to just parody "is the joke". Instead of being clever, use the comedy to your advantage by changing scenes, doing creative things, all this movie does is put something famous and popular from the 2000s and laugh at it. A.k.a Britney Spears being bald was somehow funny then. What do they do with it? Just have her sit there and get pushed in the famous 300 pit. Same with everything else in the movie.

From example take a look at Top Secret! (1984) which genuinly makes you laugh at times by using the camera as a joke or joking about how the film is made. Or even the first two Scary Movies, where you almost forget it's a parody of The Scream, and I can't even remember what the second one was a parody of. And then this random mess where the joke is the content it's parodying. "Haha so funny look, it's Idols parody."

The 2000s killed this Gerne.

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The Walking Dead: Season 11
Edward Scissorhands

Very good, kind-off, retelling story of the Frankensteins monster. Edward Scissorhands is a fairy-tale like story made my Tim Burton about a man made by a scientist, except with scissors as hands. Damn, no shit. This also feels like one of the Tim Burton self insert using Depp movies. It has charming moments with some comedy about the issues Edward is having. But there is more to this story than just cute comedy. It felt to me that it was trying to tell a story about being disabled or being an out-cast, weird or misunderstood, but with so much potential being so different.

Without spoiling anything, I just want to note that the ending was what stick with me the most.

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Crimson Peak

Around this films release, people were asking Guillermo Del Toro for a horror film. He released short video's of haunting visuall effects of puppetry. What people began to expect was a typical horror film, but what Del Toro eventually made, was a Ghotic Romance thriller with rather horror in the back seat. These aren't your typical boring evil ghosts. There are legit some terrifying scenes in the film, but these shots are more haunting than anything jumping. It shocks you more visually and emotion, rather than slapstick jumpscary stuff you get usually.

Suprisingly there are some horrific violent confrontations between characters that gets too bloody, which makes all the red stand out in snow or the house. The house looks beautifull, you know Del Toro took care of it's look like it's a character on ot's own. All the furniture, the dust, cobwebs, the colours of the walls, all look like they come from a fantasy film. Which is expected in a Del Toro film.

Last thing to mention is how gorgeous the costumes in this film is. There is no way they could wear these dresses once every day back then, but whatever.

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Sleepy Hollow

Tim Burton's imaginative vision of the classic tale of Sleepy Hollow is easily one of my favorites. A timeless halloween fun with your typical over the top Burton's Gothic atmosphere. They succeeded to capture that October feeling with how the setting is designed. The trees in the dark are shaped in such a caroonish way. The amount of nightly mist surrounds the entire town and how shadows are pitchblack and uninviting.

This tale both tells a mystic Gothic story and a horror murder-mystery detective drama. It's definitely one of Johnny Depps better Tim Burton characters, but Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman is such a good pick. He wont speak a word, but when he charges on a horse whealing a sword around, you know he's telling you that your head is now his.

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Victor Frankenstein

This isn't even that bad as people say it is. It has a lot of gay undertones and idiotic overacting but, I still felt it was a fun ride. It isn't the best Frankensteins story there is. It is the most unique one I've seen so far for sure. Also to mention, both James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe work so well with eachother.

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