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Arrival 2016


Shout by stormsm
BlockedParent2016-11-12T07:42:24Z— updated 2023-07-07T22:18:02Z

If you're looking for an action and "turn brain off now" film, just don't watch it and spare us the 6-7 hearts review.

I for one, am very tired from 500$m crap like Indi Day and Marvel's poop. So I was very excited to watch this one.

This one is more like Spielberg's Encounters from the Third Kind. It's more about the characters in the film and the amazing journey they go through. It's mostly about the human behavior that will make you think.

While it's not an End of the World aliens movie like Battle: Los Angeles, it still offers great amount of military presence and plenty of stuff that's going on.

So if you actually want to care about an intelligent movie and use your head - go. Otherwise, go watch an X men.

Highly recommended for some audience 10/10.

2-feb-2017 edit: Just came out on Bluray and I saw it again. Definitely keeping my rating.
Watching again at July-2023, excited towards Dune II : Excellent. Excellent film. So called plot-holes listed here are negligible when the overall product is really thoughtful and masterfully crafted.

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So the free choice does not exist? I'm not buying it.
Also, why the less advanced species are supposed to learn the more advanced language? This would be like expecting that people wait till dogs start to communicate in English.

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Disappointed.....while basis of the movie is intriguing the execution was extremely poor. I love sci-fi's that are more than visual effects and action so I appreciate the depth of this film. This isn't your typical alien invasion storyline it really had the potential to be a great movie. There was also such a lack of emotion it seemed like the entire cast as on xanex!!! The ending was also very weak and left too many questions unanswered.

If you're looking to kill some time or veg on a Sunday afternoon give it a watch but this is NOT a main attraction movie night film.

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This movie takes us to interesting places, exploring the barriers of language that meeting an alien race would pose, the geopolitical impact of the first contact with an extraterrestrial life, the mystery of... "Why are they here!?" but it sells itself short, going instead to a rushed third act with no REAL explanation whatsoever for why these creatures have come to the earth. This movie is amusing at times but very disappointing overall.

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This movie talks more broadly than just Science fiction. It talks about language, non-linear time, and decision.

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Over all a fine movie. Good for a one over, I think the rewatch-ability of it is very low.
- The communication element and focus on that element was neat and different.
- The effects were decent. Though this is more of the lower side of a pro though because I've seen video games with better looking CGI than they used during the climax. That was a bit jarring. They're decent, nothing to write home about.
- The alien language looked cool. Yes it's a shallow reason, so sue me.

- Super generic character behaviors. Unfortunately it couldn't escape the sameness that all alien encounter movies seem to share.
- Lots of useless people. If you're like me you will only know 2 of the characters names by the end. The rest are either functionally useless, or cliche "imma just get in your way" roles.
- and my biggest annoyance we never find out what crisis the aliens needed humanity's help with. That would have mades MUCH more interesting movie. Instead we're just left to wonder because like virtually all alien encounter films only the humans story gets too told.

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Perhaps taking a long time to watch this film was the best choice, because a story that would have everything to be just about another alien invasion, turns into a very impactful personal experience.
The best asset of "The Arrival" is in its script that shows the puzzle as the story evolves. When this construction is finished, in the final act, the sentimental "stroke" can be measured according to the personal experience of each spectator.
So, I say with certainty that the beauty of this film is in this impact and this construction.
Nice film that shows that Denis Villeneuve is in fact one of the great directors of his time, that makes a topic as complex as the importance of language in the evolution of the species, has such a personal approach.

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Terrible don't waste your time

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The investigation of Language was what made "Arrival" so interesting. After the aliens land, Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is recruited to try and communicate with them. The film was very thought-provoking, especially in its early stages, because it broke down the challenges of communicating with something that is totally foreign.

The film moves at a slow pace and there are going to be viewers who won't have the patience to enjoy it. It was entirely engrossing and the purpose for the aliens' visit could make your imagination run wild. There is a twist that is pretty satisfying but hard to grasp and it concerns the dream-like states that Banks experiences. It makes "Arrival" better but presents a point of confusion that is best left for viewers to discover on their own.

"Arrival" looks nice and really does a great job to keep the aliens mysterious. My attempt at not spoiling this film makes me wonder if writing this review has any value. It seems frustratingly vague but this is the type of film that I enjoy over all others. This generates a lot of questions and leaves a lot of room for your own imagination.

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It's essentially the "squidward teaches humans a special language" movie.

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Whoever watched this expecting loads of action and weird alien stuff got disappointed, because this movie is 100% about humans their emotions and interactions, it was all I wanted in a movie and I'm so satisfied with it! A beautiful work and highly recommended if you like a movie about HUMANS not ALIENS.

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"Language is the foundation of civilisation. It is the glue that holds the people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict."

It's always so refreshing watching this one. Arrival isn't your usual "let's throw a bomb at the aliens" action blockbuster, it's more civilized, it's all about understanding the aliens and communicating with them—this is the approach we would take in this situation, hopefully!

Another perfectly directed movie by Villeneuve, one of my favorites. Flawless direction and storyline, loved every aspect of the story. Every shot looks gorgeous, love the violin score and great performances. Amy Adams was perfect for the role, she's so believable and knows how to pack a punch with the emotions. Good chemistry with Jeremy Renner, who also delivers.

I'm so fascinated by the language and the aliens, excellent original concept, could have taken an extra ten hour documentary on this. I was already blown away and content with what was given but then a twist happens and it adds another level of complexity to the story. Mind blown. Peak sci-fi!

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Movie is slow on some points, to the point of wanting to put it forward.
Regardless of that, the history, the structure of the movie, the aliens and their purpose, was well put.
I like the movie

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I loved the premise, but the execution was poor. The first half is great, I loved this take on first contact with aliens; but in the second half focuses on telling the story of just one person, instead of the much more interesting story of the aliens and their relationship with humanity. Louise also comes of as extremely selfish. She either should have told Ian what would happen to their daughter beforehand or never at all. And as others have pointed out, she can relive her time with their daughter any time she pleases, but Ian can't. All he has is the pain of losing a child. I don't find her story sympathetic at all, I just feel sorry for Ian.

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The investigation of Language was what made "Arrival" so interesting. After the Aliens land, Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is recruited to try and communicate with them. The breakdown of the challenges of communicating with something that is totally foreign is exciting.

The film moves at a slow pace and there are going to be viewers who won't have the patience to enjoy it. "Arrival" does a great job keeping the aliens mysterious and the purpose for their visit is simply hinted at. There is also a satisfying twist that concerns the dream-like states that Dr. Banks experiences.

Visually, this isn't going to win any awards. It's a murky looking film and everything seems like it's some shade of grey. The alien craft is ominous but basically looks like a massive skipping stone. This isn't necessarily a happy film, either. In fact, it's rather sad.

If you're tired of watching Marvel, DC, and Star Wars movies, give "Arrival" a try. It's thought provoking and leaves room for your own imagination to work on those "what if" questions that the universe has to offer.

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There is something about this movie. I really love the plot, I think it is great how they did the story. The screenplay and direction is wonderful and the acting is magnificent. But I just cannot connect with the ending. I don't quite like it.

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Oh Amy...

How could she not get an Oscars for THIS?

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First time I saw it, I thought it was boring. Now I have learned to appreciate it.

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Without being a master piece, be it of sound or visual, this is a nice experience that will make you think and wonder.

"If you could see all your life from start to finish, would you change things?"

This movie brings an interesting approach to Time, which you would’t expect from a sci-fi movie where an extra terrestrial species makes contact.
It made me think about how foreseeing the future could either allow you to shape it or become crazy trying. If you were writing the book you will read, where would the content come from? Do you see what actually is or what you want the future to be. And therefore do you even see the future? Or do you see a future? Probably you’d go crazy and live a life of regrets from what could have been but wasn’t.

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Villeneuve elevates Arrival's source material to the very zenith of great storytelling through excellent production design and an incredible, intensely-emotional plot, bolstered (and blessedly not sidelined by) the science-fiction concepts at its core. A must-watch, and my all-time-favourite.

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First half was really good. Second half was the usual Hollywood stuff. Shame

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Spectacular, thought provoking, intelligent sci-fi. Beautiful to look at and the sound design is fantastic.

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Wow, what an amazing movie. The story is brilliant and thought-provoking. Amy Adams delivers a great performance and the soundtrack is just beautiful.

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It’s good but very boring

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This blew my mind. I expected just another alien invasion movie and got something to think about instead. The story has a bit of a slower starting pace but once you get in to it it just gets very interesting. The aliens are beautful and the ending is truly not what I expected at all, mind blowing stuff and very heartbreaking.
One of the best alien movies.

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amy adams breathing loudly into her microphone the entire movie is super annoying. can't even concentrate on the movie

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Since interstellar I've been waiting for a movie that will blow my mind like it did. Simply amazing!

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Villeneuve follows up "Sicario" with a gem. A deep, twisty and emotional sci-fi piece. Aspects of time, how we view life experiences, communication and and if we would still choose paths even knowing the outcome are a few theme that are touched upon. Jóhannsson again composes a masterpiece score instilling the needed wonderment and fear first contact would dictate. And of course a great cast including Adams, Renner and Whitaker. Just awesome, gotta see it again!

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Subtle, imaginative, and well-told story that doesn't rely on big-budget effects or a body count. Original, unique concepts weaved together for an enjoyable movie. If you're looking for high-tech space battles, fast-paced action and death -- this isn't that kind of SciFi -- move along... ;-)

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Heavy on the fiction, weak on the science. This makes the human race look incredibly stupid. They are completely guessing at what the aliens are saying. They have no proof at all. Seems to me, beings would be able to decipher our simple symbols before we could make any progress with theirs, duh! They mastered space travel didn't they?

Also, in order to communicate in a first contact situation would be to use symbols that we both have in common, and the only thing that we could have in common would be the elements of the periodic table. Quantum physics would be the only way to communicate initially.

Last point, and this goes along with the first point. They mastered space travel, obviously superior. Wouldn't they have first contact protocols ready, before they actually land. Why come and just sit there looking stupid? Awaiting a primitive species to figure you out. Wouldn't they at least take the lead, not let some dumb college teacher to bumble things up.

I'm sorry but this movie is just plain dumb. At least the science portion of it is.

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Excellent sci-fi movie that requires an active brain to enjoy it... But I still wanted to know more about Portuguese! D:

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What an amazing journey.
This movie is wonderful.
You need to pay attention so you can understand what's going on.
It reminds me to the butterfly effect.

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Prisoners, Sicario and now Arrival - Denis Villeneuve proves once again that he is one of Hollywood's finest directors. This movie is one of the best movies of 2016 and one of the best sci-fi movies I've seen lately. It was very thought provoking, and everything about it was nothing but amazing - the acting (especially Amy Adams, who was brilliant as usual), the cinematography, the suspense & the atmosphere. Definitely an Oscar deserving movie.

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Discovering this plot as it unfolds is such a joy. The themes may be hammered home a little hard towards the end, but I don't care because it's powerful and important.

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Shout by Deleted

I missed movies like this one

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This is Sci-Fi at it's finest. An original and emotional exploration of the nature of language and time, and a masterfully done sequence of what a plausible non-extintion level first contact would look. Every element fits cohesively to build a strong atmosphere; music, cinematography, audio effects are top notch and will stick with me probably forever. I wanted to rewatch this move the moment it ended.

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I don't understand why this is considered to be such a life-affirming movie. I just don't. I was bored most of the time, mildly intrigued sometimes, and downright confused how the end of the movie is supposed to be so special. Oy. Not a terrible movie. Just not a mind bending spectacular film the critics are calling it.

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Shout by Sora
BlockedParent2023-03-14T07:55:45Z— updated 2023-03-15T14:07:54Z

Now, this is what a movie about meeting the aliens for first time should be like. Movies like independence Day & War Of The Worlds are shit. Movies like this and interstellar should be made more often. I'm not saying these types of movie are 100% realistic but at least they try to express themselves and have some meaning to them. Overall, it's a 10/10 from me....

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Wow, I did not expect this film. The hook alone is more than worth the experience - I gasped out loud when I realized what it was. Beautiful and emotional story.

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Cinematic masterpiece. I love everything about this movie.

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Boring, confusing, incoherent and wants to be one of those "what if?" movies. Skip

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favourites of this year. Amy is such a treat. Denis Villenueve once again hits it out of the park. Love the music and drive notes. Amazing aliens. Wicked cool writing by aliens.

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Shout by Deleted

Arrival is probably the most beautiful film of 2016. Denis Villeneuve continues to blow me away with his direction. He elevates a script that was already incredible with great locations, great cinematography and one of Amy Adams best performances yet.

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Shout by ltcomdata
BlockedParent2016-11-21T01:18:42Z— updated 2017-03-13T01:24:37Z

The (mostly) faithful adaptation of the science fiction short story "The Story of Your Life' by Ted Chiang. The short story is absolutely fantastic, with an original premise and flawless execution. Therefore I had high hopes for the movie. And despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with the movie, there is also nothing great about it. It is a pretty conventional adaption. Because part of the charm of the story is not only the twist ending (which the movie keeps), but also the beautiful language which describes the time perspectives. And those were not kept in the movie. Thus, we were left with the visual medium trying to convey the poetry of words. Yes, visually stunning shots helps to do that, and the movie tries its best to be a stunning visual experience. But in this case the words themselves added immensely to the story. The movie starts with a voice-over narration. They should have done a lot more of that, quoting the short story language.

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Rewatching this masterpiece on Amy’s big day. Happy birthday, Amy Lou Adams! :orange_heart:

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This is how a human alien interaction would be.

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Es una historia perfecta, y la parte de ciencia ficción no es la más importante.

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I love that feeling when I can see that the movie is going to be at least a great experience just after the first 10 minutes. You can see right from the start that everything was thought through carefully, every shot so well made, the cast is good, the atmosphere, the lighting and sound are top-notch and the premise a mystery. Arrival takes its time but is never boring.

As far as I know this story is adapted from a book and although Villaneuve didn't invent any of the twists or how the story was structured, he did an amazing job adapting it to the screen.

Arrival is a must-see in the sci-fi genre and one of the best movies I have seen, ever. If you are looking for an action film about aliens invading Earth, then forget it. This is a serious movie and revolves around science and philosophy. You can't really turn your brain off and enjoy it, you have to think and pay attention because every second matters and contributes to the overall experience.

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Intelligent and purposefully directed, Arrival succeeds in its' ambitious themes despite sedate pacing and uneven characterization.

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Sooo... well made movie, good acting (the white house people were a bit to dumb but who knows, it is not like I will ever witness that ;) and quality filming including fx. The ending was a bit odd though.... let's just say it felt like a thriller that deals with catching a serial killer and after 1.5 hours you see the end trailer and a voice narrates that they caught the guy. Done... what?

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An emotional, spine-tingling movie. Highly recommended.

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amy addams every movie she starts in have an interesting story and this is one is no different.

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You may find yourself waiting over 2 hours to something to happen... And that something, indeed, will never happen.
It's questionable the whole plot, when the aliens do not do anything over the whole movie, and at the finale when you're expecting for a "massive" attack ends on nothing, so the overhelming suspense has no reason to be...

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Shout by sp1ti

I appreciate the ride offered and was entertained by "Arrival" but if this came in any less competent package my rating would be much lower.
Instead of relying on explosions as other Hollywood titles of this kind do were instead focusing on an outer space mystery while still not presenting "human characters"* which is something the story asked for (they're all just a backdrop to for our Mary Sue anyways). Tying into this does the world building which was questionable at best along with quite a few stupid people in charge.

*Might also mention the usage of Max Richter's "Nature of Daylight" here; it does not magically conjure emotional connections for your characters on screen and I would even go as far and say that it's not at all suitable as a complementary track (the use in the opening sequence was esp. awful imho).

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This film could be 30minutes and finish...I just watched it because it was interesting how they described the alien and the language...after seing it the film was over... So dont waste time till the end, skip your player and watch every 10 minutes, and save your time...

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Shout by Link111

I loved it, I had not seen a movie so deep of mind for a long time! SPOILER >>>> !!!!!!! As expected in the future, it could not be otherwise... the "aliens" will save us from ourselves...;) As a call changed the course of some fatal events... WOW a 10.

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Great movie but the dig at Australia over the aboriginals was very wrong to bring dare they bring that into a scifi movie, nothing to do with the disrespectful to the Australian people....

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Shout by Deleted

de l'humanité pas de violence enfin un bon film

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I was expecting an action thriller movie based on the trailer with a twist thrown in, but instead I got a drama thriller. When they said aliens I expected all out war and action not a slow suspense movie. It wasn't a bad movie just not what I was hoping for going into this science fiction thriller. A bit too slow at times but a very good script with good actors.

This movie requires thinking and I wanted more of turn off your brain kind of action. I'm simple I will admit that and I know what I felt like. Again this was a very good movie but not for everyone.

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A spectacular movie. The acting, directing, and sound was all top notch.

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Shout by Chilkara
BlockedParent2016-12-02T22:59:19Z— updated 2016-12-05T14:54:12Z

As much as I truly enjoyed this movie upon the first viewing, I think I need to watch it again and again to comprehend all that goes on, like Interstellar.

The soundtrack stuck out the most to me. The end scene's piece 'On the Nature of Daylight', was so beautiful and even outdid the visuals at conveying the emotion of the scene and what it is to be human. I also liked the touch of Cello throughout the movie, as it gives the sound of humanity.

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Many people are thrilled of this movie so I was curious why. I went to the cinema, watched it and honestly I don't know what they are thrilled of :) For me it's just another sci-fi movie with nice legacy but we've already seen this in many different forms. The end is a little bit confusing because of time paradox but you just have to take it as it is. Don't think about it much or your head might explode :) If you like sci-fi go for it but do not expect any action in this movie, it's not about that. It's about legacy to mankind.

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One of the most baffling sci-fi movies I have seen in years. The complete opposite of Independence Day, this was a thought provoking though puzzling film with stellar performances from Adams and Renner. Don't go into this expecting the alien destruction of the White House (sorry Trump haters). For the patient viewer this is deep, rewarding science fiction.

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This was complete rubbish. I go to see all styles of movie's, comedy, horror, action, thriller, suspense. This wasn't any of them. If you go to see this, take a pillow. You'll get the best 2 hours sleep of your life.

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Shout by Deleted

This is not a perfect movie. There are times where it seems a little lost in its own story, especially anything to do with time. Time travel is tricky AF, and this movie has issues with it as well.

All told, I really enjoyed it. I love the idea that time doesn't only run forward (thanks, physics), I love the idea that the way we view the world is influenced by our language (thanks, linguistics), and I love thoughtful sci-fi. It didn't blow my mind because I figured out the "twist" pretty early on, but it was well done enough that having that knowledge didn't ruin the movie for me.

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I loved this. Taking an appropriately bleak view of how our current governments would approach this type of encounter. But shining a light on a more enlightened scientific and thoughtful approach. Also, Amy Adams is terrific as always.

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I gave credits to this movie only because Denis Villeneuve. Although, the movie is kinda boring and at some times I was close to sleep.

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The plot of this movie is novel to me and I really enjoyed it.

The concept of learning to communicate with aliens, especially non-verbally, is a great premise.

However, I think this movie has subpar execution and does not at all live up to what it could be.

The movie feels like it's cut short and areas which could have been further explained (the movie kind of jumped from introductions to the formation of words, and then again to whole phrases) are simply not.

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Perfect original sci-fi. Incredible cinematography and unique storytelling and plot/narrative. Watched this for the second time recently and just like the first time I love this film. I really appreciated the focus on communication and language is. And what a beautiful film to look and experience. Very much a must see. Possible Denis Villeneuve's best film.

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I can tell half of the reviewers here didn't understand the film, cus Jesus Christ that was spectacular.
Definitely not a snoozer. Lots of crazy cool writing and ideas going on.
If you're just looking for action this isn't it.
But if this isn't one of the best Scifi concepts and stories idk what is.

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I enjoyed this one a lot. The score and visuals were great. The movie had me emotional a few times throughout. The story/theme isn’t anything new, but it’s something that sometimes we all need to be reminded of. To try and not spoil, the movie reminds us that the juice is worth the squeeze, no matter how painful it is/will be.

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One of the best movies of all time. I'm so glad that I'm alive to witness this masterpiece.
The senses are what I look out for the most in movies, I want to feel as if I'm there, and Arrival does just that. From sight to sound, smell to taste, I could perfectly invision myself in this story. The score is erethreal, the acting is heavenly, the visuals are angelic, the dialogue is genius, the sfx are unworldly, the story is breathtaking, and the emotion is heart wrenchingly beautiful. This was the movie that made me realise how much of a wizard Denis Villeneuve really is. He managed to blend the meaning of life, love, death, and a lot more into a grippingly, satisfying, slow burn thriller. If this hasn't made you want to watch it, then I don't know what will.

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This is not Kubrick's "The Odyssey" or Spielberg's "Close Encounters." The film tries to be a serious commentary, but it only ends up being a long-winded one.

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Shout by drakonan

No story at all. Why do the main characters even get together? The entire movie is terrible except the language looks interesting. That is literally the only thing that kept me confused enough to be semi interested until I'm here writing about there being nothing to even write about. There is no movie here. Don't watch.

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After watching Dune I've heard of this movie and I was interested to know more about Denis Villeneuve (not that I loved Dune part 1, I was just curious about the stunning-created world).

Arrival was a big surprise! Loved the atmosphere here, the story is not slow-paced like Dune and I was entertained the whole part. The sound and images are just stunning! Kept my interest the whole time. Didn't expect to like this one that much.

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woah - really went into the movie knowing nothing - very cool concept well done - music woah

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This is one of the better and more nuisanced alien invasion movies that takes the audience along for the nonlinear plot. Amy Adams put in a really good performance as the main U.S. linguist trying to translate the alien language. The ending was truly touching. The film was shot beautifully. My only complaint, much like with Villeneuve's films, Enemy and Dune, the pacing is excruciatingly slow, and I hate the director's glacial camera work. I understand why he tends to shoot in this way, but it's hypnotic and snooze-inducing and maybe creates the opposite effect from what he's going for, which presumably is suspense or anticipation. Otherwise, this was a good watch.

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Anti climatic but not bad

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Fantastic watch, I really shouldn't have put this film off for so long. Loved it. Amy Adams' performance really shines through!

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Saw this randomly… a different take on alien movies. Really liked !

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Run of the mill sci-fi story with good visuals acting was good

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This was so good especially the ending and the whole concept of time
but tbh they should not have been able to translate all those alien words like “donate” “give” “death” like literally when did they do an acting scenario of that to be able to figure it out

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Shout by OscarKelk
BlockedParent2023-01-10T03:14:35Z— updated 2023-04-30T01:46:45Z

I chose to watch this film as I read and enjoyed the short story on which it is based (Story of your life by Ted Chiang). I would have preferred the movie to follow the story more faithfully. Certain elements don't feel rightly put.

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A very abstract movie about love and aliens and time. While the ending is not going to satisfy everyone, I thought it to be very thought-provoking and interesting.

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This film was incredible. I do think the pacing was probably a bit slow though, despite the fact that it did an excellent job of building up the tension. While heady, this film somehow manages to convey feeling, meaning and emotion, in most cases without uttering a single word.

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Shout by 020202

Denis Villeneuve i love you, second rewatch of this movie hits even more than the first one, the directing and coloring of this movie was perfect, and that sound design? beautiful.

the whole concept of Louise being able to perceive small flashbacks, but in a sense, from the future, was really well delivered, and Hans Zimmer's music is as heart wrenching as ever, melancholic, and at the same time so beautiful

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Language is a powerful tool.

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competent movie with a scenario that has his limits but all other aspect are great

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