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Dunkirk 2017

The movie is told by the excellence in editing, photography, score (by Hans Zimmer) and visual/practical effects.
From the moment which the viewer notices that it is a non-linear narrative told in 3 (or more) points of view, the film becomes visceral, thrilling and captivating. It gives the sense of failure and weight on those soldiers' shoulders during the many days that they suffered from German's soldiers (which only appeared 2 seconds in the whole movie) . You feel the human sacrifice, courage and fear that was on that beach, with all of the people waiting to their death or salvation. You experience and live the patriotism of the civilians which adventure themselves to the sea to rescue their own.
Dunkirk is a singular masterpiece that recreates one of the miraculous periods of World War II.

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Fantastic film, but I'm noticing a trend with Nolan's movies where you can't hear a word anyone is saying. This movie has very little dialog but so much of it is almost unintelligible. Characters are shouting lines in thick accents with loud background audio.

I also feel like the plot got muddled at some points - What's happening in this scene? Who got shot down? What side are they? Who is this person? Was it the same person as before? I don't know, almost all of the British soldiers look alike. I went with many friends who also said they had these two issues.

That being said: the cinematography is stunning. There's some truly tense scenes in this film. It's well written, the multiple storylines fit together well and it seems pretty historically accurate, as much as it can be at least. The non-dialogue audio is absolutely spot-on, you must watch this in a theater with great surround sound. Interesting choices were made regarding the constant background of music/sound and I think it works incredibly well to set the mood of each scene. Overall it's a solid film but not my favorite.

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To each their own, but this movie felt like beating a dead horse. The directing and the characters are nice, but the story itself felt a little bit too shallow. I can see where the positive reviewers are coming from, but to me personally it was an O.K. movie, but no more.

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Watched Dunkirk at a movie theater and was disappointed: without knowing anything about the movie besides that Christopher Nolan has produced it and that it was a WWII movie, I hoped to see something with a brilliant story like "The Dark Knight" or "Memento". That is not the case here, there is not match to be had here storywiese (however, it is accurate historically according to:
From a technical point of view, Dunkirk is a good if not even great flick: good acting, minimalistic but great / creepy soundtrack and bombastic sound effects. You have to be at a cinema to feel those bullets fly, the motors of the Spitfires howl or the torpedo hit in your guts! Wow!!! Additionally it manages to make you really fear for the life of the soldiers from the get go to and there is this certain claustrophobic feeling about it throughout the whole time.
While Dunkirk reminded me again of the cruelty of war and how happy and thankful all of us, who live in western Europe, should be that there is currently now open war raging here, I still found the movie lacking and wished for a much better plot.

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This film wasn’t for me....directing, editing, visiual effects were amazing but just wasn’t for me.....i was bored and wanted it to end

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Superb sound effects and cinematography, but lacks a real plot. You have to watch it just for the experience, not for the storyline.

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Nice pictures from time to time.
But storytelling and story itself were pretty mediocre...

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Eh. If you have zero knowledge on what Dunkirk actually is and etc, you'll spend the entire movie confused. I went with my younger cousins and since we never really studied anything related to this war, we had no idea what was going on. I had to google the synopsis of this movie midway just to get a sense of what was going on. I wish there was more dialogue, and maybe a little more clarification. You get lost midway not knowing who's who or who got shot down and etc... Cinematography and everything else was pretty good, but pretty poor storytelling since it doesn't really educate anyone on the matter.

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I am not sure Nolan did himself a favor by making the movie like this. He might have been thinking "I'll do what I want and if you don't get it I don't care" and I can appreciate that. Or he was more concerned with getting cool IMAX shots - unfortunately I only had a BluRay at HD resolution so I may have been focusing more on story. But the mixing of different timelines is very confusing. You never stay long enough in one place. I can't make a connection with the characters which is essential because how to feel for them and their situation ?
I have a pretty good understanding what happened at Dunkirk because I am very much interested in the WWII history and this never felt like it. I couldn't grasp the scale at all. It was more like some localalized skirmishes put together. On the plus side there is the visuals and the sound which are both great.
Taking everything into account, and that includes maybe totally missing the point, I can only say I am dissapointed.

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Three stories. Very fast switching between intense scenes.

I like Nolan. I really do. But i don't get the reason to make this movie. You have seen this A LOT.

Maybe this movie kicks in IMAX. But for me it was just disappointing.

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Well i'm in between thoughts about the movie. It was visually stunning, the sound affects were beyond superb i was at my edge of my seat with dolby atmos but for me i felt that something was missing. Very few dialogues, the story was a bit rush so i don't believe that it was Nolan best work, for me Interstellar is. I felt that it was out of Nola's scope and directional approach like something didn't fit on the whole movie. The acting was not good either

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+ Dunkirk depicts and reveals the scale of the event on all levels: Land, air, and sea
+ Glorious cinematography (by Hoyte Van Hoytema) and editing (by Lee Smith) adding significantly to the experience
+ Electrifying soundtrack by Hans Zimmer
+ Loud and fulfilling sound effects from the diving Stukas to the distant machine gun shots
+ Your heart will keep pounding due to the blend of senses emitted by the visuals and audio
+ Great cast and chemistry through actions (Dialog is limited)
+ Nolan throws the audience right in the middle of WAR.
+ The whole movie focusses on the event itself instead of on a couple of soldiers. Hence, the lack of strong character development which I thought was awesome and a wise choice by Nolan

- Music at times might feel too loud thus covering the dialog

Dunkirk must be experienced in IMAX!

Plot Complexity:

Best Movie Quote:
Men my age dictate this war. Why should we be allowed to send our children to fight it?

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I was very excited to see it, but it turns out it's just a very expensive HD stock footage, nothing more...

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Anyone rating this below a 7 is a philistine

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How do Nolan and his team create original and practical films, constantly, with so much raw emotion and uncomprehendable sense? Time and time again, I try to understand the meaning and genius behind not only the story but the process too, and time and time again, I'm left dumbfounded. The amount of pure talent we get to witness is unforgettable. Even if you're not a fan of his work, which I find crazy, the complexity is honestly admiring. It's always a blend of belly-aching cruelty and heart-aching humanity. Without a doubt, the greatest modern-day war film I've ever experienced.

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The movie is a Christopher Nolan masterpiece. No doubt. Regardless of which side's perspective the story was told.

I said perspective because, back in the day, I would have rooted for the so called "Allies". Now that I'm older and know that the history we were taught as children was nothing but an account fabricated by the victors, and also witnessed what the "Allies" have been doing since WW2, I increasingly find myself rooting for the Germans while watching any kind of World War 1 & 2 movie.

The good guys lost. The "Allies" defeated the wrong enemy!

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I’ve only just got around to watching this and nothing different to any other war film but I did find it great and a good watch and some decent action and acting.

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I had never liked a war so much. Do not misunderstand my words, this movie is a work of art. "Bravo!". The actors indicated for the role, Styles and Tom were fantastic. Thanks Nolan, you never disappoint

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movie with a correct development but that transmits absolutely nothing

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A technical tour de force, propelled by a beating soundtrack and intense drama. In many ways a great film, but an old-fashioned feel (like something from the 40's) muted the impact for me. Seeing it on the bigger screen may have also elevated my score.

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Hans Zimmer fucking KILLED IT

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After seeing so much outdoors during the cinemas sell's in my town, i was expecting something good, big.
Last night, Jan 11, 2018 decided to give it a try

Well... for me it's lacks in everything, non-existent narrative, weak dialogues, time of history widely dispersed

For me not even the sundays afternoon movies belong here.
Sad because normally world war movies are good, sometimes.

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Loved it. Christopher Nolan confirms himself as a great director once again. The movie is visually stunning, with great direction and photography.
Not only that, but it is able to tell 3-4 stories with a minimal amount of exposition and dialogue. All that is left is the agony and terror for the incoming threat. The viewer can feel connected to the main characters, even though so little of them is said. That, to me at least, is great cinema.
And let's not forget Hans Zimmer's soundtrack. As always, it is on point, adding anguish and panic when it needs to. Great sound design overall in this movie.

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While the viewer could be excused for not knowing the event surroundings the evacuation of Dunkirk, Nolan took the approach of denying anything else than his idealized version of those events, with obvious inaccuracies that makes the film cringe-worthy at time, almost as bad as U-571. The rest of the time, the little action and almost non existent dialogues do very little to fill what could otherwise be a perfect setup for a contemplative film (see the Thin Red Line from Terrence Malick for an example). This is a big let down and I would rather watch another couple of Clint Eastwood or Mel Gibson war movie than this, which, although isn't intrinsically bad, isn't very good either.

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really excited for this :D

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In one word: AMAZING

Watched this last night on IMAX. Really unique. The dogfights in the air were incredible. And that sound... i almost shaked off my seat :)

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Terrible movie with very little depth or any sense of the true scale of this disaster (and subsequent rescue effort).

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I'm afraid I don't understand Nolan's movies more and more. To me this movie is more like a documentary than movie. This is not a war movie like the others, there isn't much war. Instead it's a story of a few men trying to get home. You can see them desperately trying to get home over and over but that's all. I was still waiting for something to happen but nothing special happened. The movie is still the same. I saw high rating so I went to the cinema. I can't still understand why this movie has so high rating, what is so special about it. I was expecting something like Saving private Ryan but this movie is completely something else. If you are like me and expect something like Ryan, Hacksaw Ridge or similar style then you shouldn't go for this movie otherwise you will be disappointed.

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Shout by Deleted

Dunkirk is by far the best war movie I have seen. The way Nolan tells the story is very engaging and thrilling. There are very few dialogues in this but it doesn't need to. Nolan presented the movie in ways that I could never imagined. The term "all killer, no filler" perfectly summarizes the entire movie. There are very few dialogues in thjs, but it doesn't even need to. Personally, I like movies that makes me think. Movies that makes me connect the dots instead of presenting the pieces of the puzzle and it's final product.

Dunkirk is probably up there with the Dark Knight as Nolan's masterpieces. This movie will hook you from the first frame to the last. And Christopher Nolan continues to prove that he is one of the greatest filmmaker this generation has ever seen. He's one master storyteller.

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please dont rate movies before you watch them! this is an actual 10/10. Beautiful, Excellent, Cristopher Nolan's Masterpiece, emotional, full of great action, thrilling, PERFECT

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I saw so much hype for this movie, is good but, most of the time is so boring.

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This was an intense movie.
I liked the way the show the time line between the scenes.
There were so many situations. A lot of heros where made on that time.

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felt like a dramatized documentary

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It's beautifully shot, and has an important story and message to share, but I don't know... it was kinda dull to me. Not in a while have I been soo bored by such a loud movie, with such intense action. Maybe I'm just growing tired of Nolan's schtick, or maybe I just have to give it another viewing, now that my expectations are in check.

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Tom Hardy is fuckin stud

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That few minute one shot scene in Atonement is 100% better and more interesting than this entire movie. The whole time it felt like it was building to something, but after a very long and slow pacing I was hoping for a rewarding moment for sticking with it till the end, but I was disappointed. It was over and you're left without a single memorable thing about it.

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Shout by Rui Oliveira
BlockedParent2017-08-09T09:11:40Z— updated 2018-07-30T16:29:11Z

Christopher Nolan teams again, after "Interstellar", with Hans Zimmer (composer), Hoyte van Hoytema (cinematographer) and Lee Smith (editor), to make "Dunkirk", the most crafted war movie of this century.
The movie flows without needing drama, twists or even a big protagonist. Instead, we are presented with the courage and boldness of every soldier involved in this evacuation. It's a simple and linear storyline, fact-based, told in less than two hours wich creates a gut-wrenching suspense during the whole movie.
"Dunkirk" is stunning in every technical aspect and a unique IMAX experience.
Nolan is easly becoming one of the best directors of the 21st century.

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Dunkirk. Alternative title: the 107 minutes Hans Zimmer Mixtape.

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This movie is fucking amazing! It gets straight to the point immediately. The story is not over complicated with unnecessary garbage and its a modern history based film under 2 hours. As well as having a great soundtrack from Hans Zimmer. Christopher Nolan did a great job with this film telling on of the most heroic and war altering story's in history and made you care about the characters with little dialog and without throwing typical Hollywood crap in and weighing down the film. With a great cast. This was such a massive morale boost for the U.K. in WWII. The war would have gone much, much different if the U.K. citizens didnt risk their lives to save those soldiers.

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The cinematography is gorgeous, but where is the story. This feels more like a dream within a dream.

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Dunkirk is another exceptional WWII movie that stands alongside cinematic classics like Saving Private Ryan and Fury. The film's excellent cinematography is truly breathtaking and transports the viewer to the heart of the intense battle. Tom Hardy delivers a great performance, capturing the bravery and determination of the pilots fighting in the skies above Dunkirk. Overall, Dunkirk is a must-see movie for anyone who loves war movies or appreciates excellent filmmaking.

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A great movie showing the struggles of war during sn especially tough time. Nolan's style works so well with this type of movie. 

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Great movie! Not my thing

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AAW sound mixing/editing. M7S8

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It was exteremely boring and I didn't like it. I skipped some parts because of the boringness. Bad movie. 5/10

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Not sure why I hadn't gotten around to watching this before now, having seen everything else Nolan has done, but I'm so glad I didn't totally forget about it. There's a tiny bit of Nolan getting gimmicky with time structures, but beyond that, this is a brutal, tense (like genuinely tense), and tight war film. It's also likely Nolan's most human film, where I found myself caring for the characters instead of them being cogs in whatever plot machination he was exploring. It's also a brilliantly beautiful film with striking visuals and a score that will elevate your heart rate completely on its own. This should be an absolute must see. Period.

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7.5/10 - What an absolutely horrible, horrifying, and messy evacuation :o We shall never again create such horrible wars.

Some scenes felt off (not making much sense to me - physically, decision wise, or both) but other than that it really showed the horrors of war without the need of much dialogue. Especially the deaths of George and Farrier hurt incredibly (I really hope these aren't real). So many heroes in this one, especially Mr. Dawson, Tommy, Collins, Farrier, and Commander Bolton.

The RAF pilots where my personal heros (especially because I really like aeroplanes).

Edit: I'm glad to know now that the characters and storyline are fictional (but obviously based on real events).

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Very good.

'Dunkirk', as you'd expect given the director, is extremely well made. I particularly enjoyed how the film is shot, the sound editing and the score. It's a watchable story about an event from World War II.

I wouldn't, personally, say there's a standout cast performer. I don't mean that negatively, it's just more a film about a group of people rather than individuals - which I assume was the intention. There are still good performances, from the likes of Tom Glynn-Carney and Jack Lowden. It also features star names, including Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy and Mark Rylance.

The music and how the sequences are crafted is what elevates this film up, while the pacing is almost spot on - they could easily have made this 2hr 15mins+, like most war films seem to do, but keeping it at around 1hr 47mins was a smart choice. I do still feel like it could've been greater, yet I still got entertainment from it.

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Such a beautiful film. It gets me every time. Kenneth Branagh's performance is amazing, with just few lines he makes me cry: his eyes, his face, his expression. The music and sound editing is brilliant, because in a film with almost no words the sounds and music notes fill every scene. Christopher Nolan is just a genious and this film proves it. I just did not like the last seconds, it ends abruptly.

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This is a fun, action packed, and exciting take on the horror that was Dunkirk. Instead of being plot driven this film takes a much more visual route with limited dialogue but jaw dropping cinematography. There are a few things I would be able to nitpick here and there that I had problems with but overall this is worth the watch.

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From Christopher Nolan comes the World War II epic Dunkirk. It doesn’t really have a plot as such, but instead attempts to recreate a visceral experience as it following an anonymous soldier on the beach waiting for rescue, a pilot patrolling the sky, and a civilian boat captain making way for Dunkirk in response to the government’s call for aid. There isn’t very much dialog, and what little there is is rather incidental and only reveals fragments of the Dunkirk battle/evacuation. However, Nolan conveys so much through his use of the camera and the images, that little is needed. The desperation and enormity of the situation comes through, and is quite powerful. Despite its lack of narrative, Dunkirk is a compelling war film.

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message: 9/10
story: 10/10
climax: 10/10
plot: 10/10
characters: 7.5/10
acting: 7/10
entertainment value: 7/10
total: 8.75/10

i really don’t enjoy war movies but this was amazing, christopher nolan really snapped.

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After many great reviews I decided I would go and watch this on the big screen for the atmosphere and in that at lease I have to say it was great. But and it is a big but, for a story I left feeling let down. This is no saving private Ryan or stunning epic as the critics would suggest. I am no history buff and I am from the other side of the world but even I know the story of Dunkirk and this just didn't live up the epic nature of the true story. The characters don't do the story justice, the timelines are blurred and the epic nature is missing. There are some great visual scenes and a few uplifting moments but it just didn't feel tied together. My rating is probably a bit harsh but I just don't rate this a one of the great efforts of story telling. If you didn't know anything of the actual events at Dunkirk this would leave you having missed the epic nature of what was achieved with 700 private boats over 8 days back in 1940.

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A fairly unspectacular war movie. Beautifully shot with a nice soundtrack by Hans Zimmer but the movie itself is a bit of a nothing. There are some very tense parts to the movie and it shows the guilt of losing and the fear whole retreating very well, but that's basically the entire movie. There's the story about the nice brave family with a boat, and I suppose one pilot being really good is the other story were following, with a repeated theme of don't go below deck on boats. It was fine. A lot of different moving parts that never really added up to anything greater.

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Great war epic.
I appreciate the non-linear triple-line narrative structure despite the fact that it can be rather confusing to understand the timeline.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-07-28T14:41:48Z— updated 2022-07-18T21:48:28Z

It’s very solid, undeniably one of the most well shot war films ever made.
However, it lacks a bit of emotional resonance.
Most of these characters (especially the ones in the air and at the pier) aren’t that interesting, so it’s not a movie that fully engages you as a viewer. I don’t necessarily need a schmaltzy backstory, but they could’ve given Fionn Whitehead more of a personality at the very least.
Also, I thought the scenes in the air, while they sound incredible, got a bit stale after while.
It’s just Jack Lowden and Tom Hardy shooting at a bunch of planes, and there’s not much more to it.
Still, this movie deserves a lot of respect for its presentation, story structure, directing, acting, editing, sound design, score, etc.


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Dunkirk is truly a stunning piece of cinema. Deft direction from Christopher nolan, excellent acting from all involved, and beautiful cinematography. This is a film that keeps you on the edge of your seat for the entire 107 minute runtime, and the suspense is further elevated by a fantastic score from Hans Zimmer. This may well be one of the best films of the 21st century, and it is certainly Nolan's best to date.

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This type of movie doesn't hold up as well at home. It still is great and incredibly well made but I need the Imax experience to fully appreciate this.

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If you watch Dunkirk expecting a solid plot, you’ll be disappointed, so throw that pre-conceived notion out of the window right now.

This film is about experience; you’re watching it for the cinematography, sound engineering and the score.. and it’s where Nolan delivers.

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I enjoyed that movie a lot. While the poster promises a movie with a lot of impressing shots, the movie is actually kept quite simple: No superfluous cgi but a lot of exciting scenes. Well done.

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noioso e incapace di suscitare vere emozioni

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Shout by Deleted

Impressive movie. It could have flaws with the characters (not knowing them a lot) and the story in general but most of the lines are well done and MAN the movie really grips you and you really want the british soldiers to escape.

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Shout by Deleted

This film was so f****g boring...

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An ambitious an ultimately successful retelling of one of the most amazing events in World War 2. I don't know if it could be told much better than it was as it captured the desperation and heroism of the event.

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It would be ok, but there was too much hype around. It did not meet the challenge. And that time shift was so Nolan's...

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Shout by Josh Hill
BlockedParent2018-01-12T04:31:37Z— updated 2018-01-14T01:35:49Z

Beautiful, pristine setting and well-represented emotional environment of absolute chaos for each of the characters. Look out for subtle decisions and pieces of dialogue that open the door to a psychological complexity that makes me happy. Zimmer's soundtrack brings the suspense without the Inception-style vibrating bass (finally).

Not a lot of plot or character development, so don't go looking for it. Keep on track with the time splicing. Ask where the decisons of the characters were bound by historical accounts.

Another very strong 8/10 from Nolan.

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Superb war movie, great directing and acting

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Christopher Nolan is a great favorite director who rarely makes a disappointment, not this time either.

First did not think so much about this war movie but because it was his movie, I rented it on Itunes and I do not regret it.

This is a minor masterpiece that just flew forward. I do not usually like movies based on reality, seen too many half well of that kind of movie.

Nice to get rid of most big stars that are always in these movies and most of them were actors I have not seen before.

But I like Tom Hardy even though he is hidden by his aircraft equipment for the most part.

The best part is, however, is the music of my great favorite composers, Hans Zimmer, his huge soundtrack lies and pumps almost the whole movie and I think it's a big part in making this a big movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Thrilling war movie that has amazing directing and soundtrack and kept me at the edge of my seat for almost 2 hours. Based on a true story, it does a great job with its timelines and the cinematography and visuals are also quite stunning. Overall I found it to be really great and you should definitely watch it.

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A cinematic experience. Unlike most movies, this one makes you feel something.

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Pretty good, but not fantastic

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Directed for oscar,great cinematography excellent photography.8.4/10

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I wanted to see Dunkirk because of Christopher Nolan’s great work but was hesitant to watch another WWII movie. But this stands out as not just a film about fighting a war but a film about what it’s like to survive war. Well done.

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Cinematographic marvel, seen it on IMAX. The only downside is the beach never feels as crowded as I've seen it in the documentaries. But this adds to minimalism I think..

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it's a experience of immersion. You feel like you're in the battle yourself. Master Nolan had proved one more time he is the best in story telling, no matter is the subject is real history or fiction
I recommend to watch it in IMAX. It's intense, because you feel is 3 hours long and it's only 1 hour and a half.
No gore, not a lot of dialogue, just an intense motion picture

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Damn been on edge of my seat whole movie with heart pounding so hard in some of the scenes. Powerfull movie.

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Dunkirk maybe isn't as exciting as other events during WW2 but still very interesting and it's well told here.

Absolutely love the stamp Nolan put on it. It doesn't really seem like a Hollywood film, unlike many war movies. You normally have to look at foreign film for something different in this genre but he achieved it here.

Can't wait to re-watch it when the Blu-ray comes out!

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overall not bad of a movie, just little things that bother me like a bomb landing on bodies and they are still intact. just not realistic

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Solid war film despite the PG-13 rating. Dunkirk is still a pulse pounding thrilling war film that never lets you up for air. Nolan shows that a War film can be well made even without being incredibly violent.

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One of the more impact full movies I've seen

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One more Masterpiece from Nolan !! #Amazing

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Nolan is still interesting, conveys the fear on the beach, the urge to leave, the noise of attacks

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This move could not have been any better. Only thing is that it's too short.

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I was so looking forward to this movie. I only discovered this story of the civilian response to the peril at Dunkirk in the last decade, and was deeply moved by the heroism, courage and compassion of ordinary people called to confront extraordinary circumstances. I first became aware of this movie as a trailer in a theatre, and just remembering the events brought me to tears (and I've never been a weepy person). This movie looks at the response - from the air, from the sea and from the beach and the storytelling is engaging and beautiful. It seems like phenomenal actors queued up to have roles of any size, and the casting was excellent. I saw it in an IMAX theatre, and I recommend you see it on the largest screen available to you and in 3D. I give it a 9 (superb) out of 10.

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A truly breathtaking experience in 70MM IMAX, and an absolutely gorgeous film as well. Kudos to Nolan once again.

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Good movie. Beware gets VERY loud, over 109 Db during some explosions. Enjoy!

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Going to the cinema today, but already gave it a 10/10.
Edit: It was superb.

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