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Ford v Ferrari 2019

A well made film , great direction , good acting and the chemisty between christian bale and matt damon is awesome
Even if you're not a car sports fan you're gonna dig this one.
The race sequences were impressive .

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Ford v Ferrari is an expensive, finely tuned machine that races out of the starting block and kicks into high gear until the finish.

Matt Damon is in peak form and Christian Bale keeps up the pace in this fascinating tale of the 1966 Le Mans race. Trust me, the +2-hour run time flies by so fast you won't see it pass.

Yes, I could've done without the grease monkey poetry, but any film that can stoke my interest in car racing of all things has got to be well put together.

(And, as always, go in as blind as you can and see it on the biggest screen possible.)

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Good performances. I really like both Damon and Bale as Shelby and Miles. The racing scenes were not as intense as I would have liked. The family scenes with Ken Miles and his wife and son were good and anytime Shelby talked to Henry Ford it was gripping. This was fairly predictable but was one of those classic underdog sort of movies.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-11-15T22:27:38Z— updated 2022-02-13T21:28:48Z

This is one of those films that is just impossible to hate.
It’s such a well made crowdpleaser; from the acting, to the score, to the camerawork.
From the very first scene, you know you’re in the hands of a filmmaker who knows what he’s doing.
It’s long, but you don’t feel its length at all.
The predictability of the story is the only real issue.


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Damon and Bale both give great performances. The races were shot well but other than those it felt like a generic biopic. A little long but overall a solid movie that will be enjoyed by dads watching cable.

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Shout by moep0r
BlockedParent2020-03-11T18:59:53Z— updated 2020-04-07T20:45:46Z

I guess it's a good sign when a movie about a thing I thought I couldn't care less about has me on the edge of my seat for more than two hours. Also, how is it possible that Christian Bale can believably play a doofus like Ken Miles and also be a convincing Bruce Wayne? That man is simply a beast when it comes to acting. Great recommendation!

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Matt Damon has to be one of the most underrated Hollywood actors of his time, yet, time and again, he gives exceptional performances, whether they be as quirky characters, the butt of a joke or a straight up dramatic role. This film is no exception. The way he and Christian Bale play off against each other is remarkable to watch. You don’t have to be a car fan to like this movie but if you can imagine yourself sitting in the seat of these exceptional machines you will ride every curve and straightway of this movie. It is fun. It is well performed. It is well written. It is great personal drama. I give this movie an 8 (great) out of 10. [True Life Drama]

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Went in with high expectations and the movie still managed to surpass them. Absolutely perfect. I loved every single minute of it. Matt and Christian were amazing together. I absolutely lost it during their fight. LMAO. And I agree with everyone here, watch it on the biggest screen there is. It's an EXPERIENCE.

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"Christian Bale continues to prove that he is one of the best actors of this era."

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This movie is fantastic. Every scene is a joy to behold as the story of the two protagonists unfolds. Try to go in as blind as possible, and save the Wiki dive until the credits are rolling. It really shines when you have zero knowledge of the real world events. Some impeccable acting from both Bale and Damon; Bale really commits to accents and just morphs into the role of Ken Miles. As someone from the Midlands in the UK, he nails the dialect, unlike other media based around here (Peaky Blinders).

Tense, infuriating, heartwarming, yet so slick and enjoyable, Ford v Ferarri is stellar, even for a non-car nut like me.
Hope this is a contender for Best Picture, it's up there with one of the best I've seen this year, if not the best. Loved it.

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Carroll Shelby: "Wait for it... Wait for it... Now!!!"

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Good movie about the desire to win Le Mans by Ford. The racing sequences are awesome and Christian Bale and Matt Damon are great together. A great biopic to watch even if you are completely clued out about car racing.

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Holy shit its Jason Bourne and Batman!

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The film is titled Ford v Ferrari, and that is what the movie is about, on a superficial level. Really, what this comes down to - as with any great sports drama - is our lead character, in this case, Bale as Ken Miles.
Not being a car guy, I don't care about racing, but if you make a great movie, I'm in for the ride.
Set in the 1960s, the story effortlessly weaves in and out of the life of Miles, Shelby (Matt Damon), and of course, Ford, and Ferrari. We get the perfect amount of time with both Miles, and Shelby to invest in the plot, and just enough about Ford, and Ferrari to make sense of the feud/motivation for the car/race.
If you like drama, you're going to like this. If you like when cars go fast, you'll also like this.
I'd rate the movie even higher, but the ending went on a little longer than I felt it needed to. There were two points where the movie could have ended earlier, and I think either would have played better. Just cut to an epilog.

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I’m not a car/racing guy in the slightest, but this is a really entertaining movie. Bale and Damon are amazing (as always) and it’s just beautifully shot. The 2,5 hour runtime flies by.

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One of the better movies I have watched. If anyone watches to watch it get ahold of me I will send them the file.

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What a great cinematic masterpiece of special affects and filming to bring you the incredible story about how to corrupt deal that never happened for Ford to buy Ferrari fueled Ford to win 4 straight at Le Mans. The casting and plot development is spot on. The lead up and character development and introductions is phenomenal, especially the introduction of Carrol Shelby to begin the film. The filming of the racing along with the storyline makes this the car version of Top Gunn Maverick.

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This movie makes me want to drive a car that goes brrr.

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If it wasn't for Christian Bale being in it, this movie probably wouldn't have caught my interest. So thank you, Christian, for not letting me miss out on a great story and a great movie.

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Not a racing/car fan at all, however from the opening scene I could see this film was going to have me strapped into my sofa until the finishing line. I just didn’t expect it to get so emotional by the end but it was just so good.

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Ford v Ferrari (2019) 7.8/10 (Impressive)

I've been meaning to watch this film for a while now. For whatever reason, it’s taken me nearly two years to get around to it, but I'm glad I finally did. As soon as I saw that James Mangold was directing and that gorgeous opening scene, I knew this film had potential. Thankfully, I was correct in my assumptions; the film is beautifully directed, has a captivating story, and has outstanding performances from its stellar cast. The film's brilliance lies in Bale's portrayal of Ken Miles behind the wheel, as well as the chemistry he has with Damon's Shelby. It has a few flaws, the most glaring of which is a story that may be sluggish at times and is, regrettably, rather predictable. Nothing here is groundbreaking, but the story is compelling and the delivery is superb, and that is often all that's needed. In short, it's a heart-warming film that is definitely worth watching.

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Downton Abbey for Top Gear fans, only more twee.

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I do not care about cars or racing.

But, damn, this was a great movie with terrific performances from both Christian Bale and Matt Damon.

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It's a long film - almost longer than the Le Mans race - but its worth sticking with. It lapped my expectations and then some, with some great action, an all-round great cast, and thrilling direction. A great movie.

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I raced a Ford GT in a 1969 Roadrunner once...we pulled out of Starbucks on a clear Saturday...we burnt all the way past the Burger King, neck and 440 sounding like a beast out of hell, his motor high winding...both out of our rides...not for a trophy or money or even bragging rights... just for that feeling... you won't know what I mean unless you been there

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Shout by
BlockedParent2020-03-09T17:30:00Z— updated 2020-03-11T16:16:24Z

I did not expect to enjoy this film as much as I did. I assumed that this would be a film where that would be some kind of competition and the good guys would come out ahead of the bad guys. I was wrong, sort of. The bad guys weren't who I expected them to be. There was a human touch to this movie that I did not expect and it was really interesting to see how it all played out. Don't get me wrong - while Matt Damon is excellent the best part of this film is Christian Bale's performance and it isn't even close.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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I haven't laughed so hard in years. Superior cast phenomenal performances by all. This is an incredible story appropriate for all ages. Couldn't wait to see and have already watched it three times. Thoroughly enjoyed

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Christian Bale + Matt Damon = Epic Duo + Motorsports Film = Perfection.

This film is perfect with perfect performance. Maybe not the film of the year, but the story (and history indeed), casting, photography and performamce is perfect in every possible equation.

OMG... and The Punisher as Lee Iacocca !

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Realy enjoyed the movie, Christian bale was great as always, totally recommended

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Great movie. It pissed me off seven ways but still a great movie telling a great story about some historic people; and one asshole.

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Great movie. This movie shows just how impactful Shelby was to the Ford Company and to the history of racing.

We've all grown up fascinated with fast cars. We couldn't help but to love the Foreign cars like Ferrari and Lamborghini. And them big boats like the Chevelle. Ford v Ferrari does an amazing job at giving us an inside look of what goes on behind the scenes of racing and race car building.

I highly recommend this movie, especially to any car nut!

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The story it tells is compelling and hard to hate, but the script and editing leave a lot to be desired. The film teeters on edge of confusing a general audience from lack of context and explanation, so the story it tells gets a bit muddled. Despite the problems, the film delivers on the racing scenes, and the story even when told awkwardly is one that will always be worth telling. Matt Damon and Christian Bale do a terrific job, even if it took a while for their acting to convince me. I don't regret watching it, I would recommend it, but it could have been better.

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Have no words extremelly good movie great story i felt the motivation and great directing too.Chemistry

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Find the BIGGEST screen you can. It’s SUPERB!

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Good direction and interpretation, you feel the thrill of the race

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Can't wait for this one!

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Shout by Greg Enslen
BlockedParent2020-01-10T17:27:12Z— updated 2023-02-04T00:36:10Z

Beautiful, well-made, harrowing. My second racing movie in as many days ("The Art of Racing in the Rain") delves into Ford's attempts to compete on the international racing circuit by "buying" in and hiring only the best. Of course, in standard corporate fashion, they can't just let the people do their jobs, but must constantly "manage" and meddle to "protect their investment." The film does a great job of depicting the trials and tribulations leading up to the 1966 racing season, and Matt Damon and Christian Bale are in top form here, making a strong film out what could be, with other actors, a standard racing picture. Bale's acting is enhanced by his rail-thin physique. It's truly amazing that he lost over 70 pounds to do this picture, coming off of "Vice," where he gained considerable weight to play Dick Cheney. When asked how he lost the weight, he said he "just stopped eating." You have to admire his commitment. 8 out of 10.

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This is a movie for everyone, as you don't have to to be a fan of motorsports to enjoy it. You will, however, never stop watching it again if you are a fan. MASTERPIECE!

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Shout by Chris

“You’re gonna build a car to beat Ferrari with....a Ford”
- Ken Miles

And yet another off beat surprise from James Mangold. He has quietly put together a number of strong story driven films that are amazing. Can’t wait for the next one.
:race_car: :clock1230::checkered_flag:

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its james Mangold....whats more to say?

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Amazing movie that I wouldn't be surprised to see nominated for best picture.

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I've seen this movie twice. Within a week. Still enjoyed it with all the same chills as the first time. When the Ferrari engine blows out, it's the best.

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I watched a 150-minutes long movie about the Le Mans race in the middle of the night. I don't even have a driver's license. That's how good it is.

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Probably the greatest racing movie of all time. I have to start with the production quality because oh my, is it perfect. The cars, outfits, locations, racetracks, and even the tools all look perfectly spot on. The cinematography and camerawork enhance and show off the design just as much as it needs to. The acting, casting, script, and information feel accurate enough and balanced enough for drama. My palms were sweating with adrenalin from the races, I almost accelerated into a heart attack when the score drove in. The cars weren't the only things fueled up. I was, with raw emotions.

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Good movie well, well acted. Would not expect anything less from this cast. I enjoyed Nike and this one was just as good.

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Movie started great and just got better and better. Didn't thought that would happen.

I still would not drive a Ford, but I would watch the movie again.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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Very slow beginning, a bit confusing too, but in the end it started to entertain me. Too long for the content tho.

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A pretty solid biopic that tells a story I didn’t know I wanted to know more about! Bale and Damon are great, and I’m sure that if I was more interested in the subject matter I would enjoy this movie even more!

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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An impressive and heartfelt study of friendship and triumph

Le Mans '66 could never be accused of breaking any new ground or trying anything especially original – it hits all the beats, it hits them well, but it never strays from the formula. Much as Michael Mann's Ali (2001) was a boxing movie on the surface only, being far more interested in politics and institutional racism, Mangold's film isn't really about motor cars – it's about friendship, male pride, personal integrity, sticking it to the Man, art v commerce, individuals v corporations; it is, in essence, a thematically broad and aesthetically anonymous pre-auteur theory audience-pleaser made with the technology and aesthetic sensibilities of modernity. And whilst the individual parts may be unsatisfactorily safe and familiar, the whole is unexpectedly accomplished and immensely enjoyable.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Shout by AJ

Solid movie, but far from being the masterpiece that most comments suggest it is.

The racing scenes are disappointing, they sacrificed the realism for the sake of building up the tension and the drama, but achieved neither, they are quite predictable.

Other than that, the movie is extremely well made (the cars, the photography, the visual effects, the music...), the story is enjoyable and interesting, and you can't get bad acting from Matt Damon or Christian Bale... or Cait Balfe, even if she only has a few minutes of screen time.

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Well that didn’t finish last, definitely a big first with a lot of fun and entertainment also warming and great performance from both leading cast, Damon & bale make a sound team. What a great story that it’s based on!

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"We're lighter, we're faster, and if that don't work, we're nastier."

I loved this movie. I was already excited when Bale and Damon joined the cast but to have Mangold tell this story was a cherry on top. I am not much of a car person but this had me invested and I did not look up what happened in history so I could be surprised by the story. The sound design for the cars are great and there are definitely some intense moments.

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the film was just beautiful and beautiful, especially the story too good for words, but this is simply true stories.
Amazing top.

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Based on a fascinating true story, Ford v Ferrari is a compelling period drama from director James Mangold. When Enzo Ferrari insults Henry Ford II, Ford hires American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles to develop a race car to defeat Ferrari and win the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Starring Matt Damon, Christian Bale, Jon Bernthal, Josh Lucas, and Caitriona Balfe, the film has a good cast that delivers some strong performances. And the script is especially well-written, making it easy to follow the car and racing jargon. Also, the racing scenes are incredibly exciting and kinetic. Ford v Ferrari is a captivating film about determination and the strength of the human spirit.

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Shout by Deleted

As Charli XCX once said: "Vroom vroom. Beep beep [...]"

Thank God for Christian Bale's amazing performance, otherwise it would be nearly impossible to put up with Matt Damon for 2h30.

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1.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

6.5 / 10

("Go Like Hell" FanEdit viewing)
(drunk viewing)

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

8 / 10

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Loved it! Great film work and actors were spot on.

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It a very nice movie, wonderfully made. Big ups to Matt Damon and Christian Bale, both acted well, and the bonding was great.
I also love the father - son relationship between Christian Bale and Noah Jupe, the little kid acted so well.

2hrs was not enough for the movie,it's great. 7.5rating for me.

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good movie. Sometimes a little bit too hollywood-ish.

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I was trembling after the win at Daytona. I was angry after Le Mans. I went through a lot of emotions watching this movie, and I loved it.
And then there's Christian Bale. This was a Matt Damon movie, you know, till Bale comes on-screen. He swoops in like the thief he is, and steals the screen from Damon!
If you love your car, love how this machine becomes one with you, understands even the little bits of adjustments you make, and obeys, this movie is for you. If you just let your car run free, let it be the master, you will love this movie. Hell, if you don't love cars, I dare say you will love this movie.

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I enjoyed this movie. It's always interesting to see history come to life.

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Good performances. I really like both Damon and Bale as Shelby and Miles. The racing scenes were not as intense as I would have liked. The family scenes with Ken Miles and his wife and son were good and anytime Shelby talked to Henry Ford it was gripping. This was fairly predictable but was one of those classic underdog sort of movies.

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From the ads and previews I was just expecting this to be another typical car-nut movie that had zero interest for anyone else. I only watched it due to the nominations it had received.

My main take-away - the acting. It was brilliant from all the main actors and actresses. And a special shoutout must go to Christian Bale, who was absolutely superb. Stole the movie from the rest of them.

The story line itself was a little thin and pre-determined, it was on the table from the outset. That's the main reason this movie only scores a 6. But the writing & acting lets you keep your interest up and empathy flowing the whole way through.

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This is truly a well made movie. With a title like Ford v. Ferrari, people will tend to think that this is a guy movie but this is a human story. A story about passion and drive. A story about people who are lucky enough to do what the love to the point of no return. The Le Mons, like the Tour de France and the Ididerod is not just about a crazy, dangerous sport but so much more and this movie does and excellent job portraying that. Christian Bale is phenomenal in this. Well worth seeing it.

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Ken wears sunglasses MIB RayBan in 1966 ?
Big mistake...

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Shout by Joa
BlockedParent2020-01-23T21:01:11Z— updated 2022-12-09T12:30:07Z

Outstanding and gorgeous cinematography. The events at the end were quite anti climatic.

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An enjoyable racing film, also has a great 1960's setting. Racing scenes are also well shot, makes you feel you are in car. But it's Matt Damon and Christian Bales performances that really makes the movie, having Butch and Sundance like chemistry. Josh Lucas is also good.

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They should have named it Ford Racers v Ford Executives.
Expected performance in an expectedly okay biopic, nothing too surprising, but that's something we need at times. Times like these when everyone else seems to make biopic way too fancy and jumped over the moon.

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Hats off. Very well done. Expected a cheesy cars movie, but turned out to be quite on the feels. Chapeau!

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Really enjoyed this one with the exception of the British accents that I felt were a bit over the top and grating.

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It was "NICE". That's the word I'd use, cause its a little overrated, i mean it went 129 on the ImDB Top 250 for heaven's sake, though Bale's acting as always was great and Matt Damon was also good.

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