I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!

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Shout by Luigi Ravaglia
BlockedParent2017-04-26T21:42:18Z— updated 2018-01-04T15:16:46Z

To call this another Marvel winner would be an understatement.

Volume 2 is the best cinematic experience I've had in a long time. The action is great, the various cameos hilarious, the effects awe-inspiring and the laughs frequent and well-placed (one of the few gripes I had with Doctor Strange). And in the midst of all this, what really drives the story and keeps the audience interested is the character development. The heroes with which we fell in love in Volume 1 become deeper and multilayered, and the new additions add fantastic new dynamics.

While still falling victim to some minor storytelling tropes, GotG2 is the epitome of the spectacle movie.

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Watching this feels like watching two different movies. The first movie is one in which jokes are forced and music feels shoehorned in. It feels like the writers and director are beating you over the head trying to make the point of "look, look, remember us? remember how you liked music and jokes the last time?" For me the first half of this movie is a poor imitation of the first Guardians of the Galaxy. 6/10.

All of this changes around an hour into the movie however. Once they actually started moving forward with the plot, this movie becomes something special. The second half of this movie is perhaps the best thing that Marvel Studios has put to screen. It is so heartfelt and moving, the comedy lands PERFECTLY every time, and the movie makers allow us as an audience to remember what we loved about these characters the first time around organically. The second half of this movie is almost flawless.

Special mention to Dave Bautista's Drax... by far and away the character that stole the show. HILARIOUS!

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One of my top movies of the year. Combining heart with action, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 delivers a story that the whole family can enjoy.

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Why did I cry at the end?? WHY?? I wasn't expecting to cry watching Guardians of the Galaxy, that was weird.

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One of the worst theater experiences I've had and not because of thr audience just because how bad the movie is. This movie is terrible with almost action scenes just thrown in there pointless to the story jokes that make you shake your head every 30 secs and writing that ruined everything so good about the charcaters in the 1st movie and drax and rocket are annoying af

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I don't want to like this because it's so much like every other Marvel movie. It's so predictable. You know that all of the main characters are going to come through the final act together and safe. Every other line delivered is a quip or a joke. There's lots of dangerous neon blue lights shooting into the sky. Nearly all Marvel movies have some kind of bad blue laser, light or stone.

But I can't dislike this because Kurt Russell is great (as usual) and the movie's planet and space scenes look terrific.

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Good movie with great colours,costumes,directing but i didn't like that much dialogues and the whole plot.7.3/10

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If Marvel wanted to make a cartoon they should have done so. This movie makes a mockery out of superhero movies. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. There are much better superhero movies than this crap.

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My personal favorite of this perfect trilogy, but then again my favorite Guardians movie changes quite a bit, haha. 10/10 :star:

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(The chain) was played twice was the best part of the film

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Easily the most well directed and well shot Marvel movie.
The art design for this movie is truly excellent as well, combining 60’s psychedelia with 80’s cheese.
I really like the character arcs (though Rocket’s arc feels a bit like a repeat of the first film) and the emotional beats it hits, Yondu being the clear standout.
James Gunn nails the soundtrack again, though his comedy isn’t really my style, there are some really cringy moments in the first hour specifically.
The plot and the villain are kinda serviceable, they don’t really stand out in any way.
I could’ve done without the ravagers subplot for example, it grinds the film to a halt every time it cuts back to that stuff.
Some of the overacting is also kinda bad. Karen Gillan hadn’t quite found her footing as Nebula yet, while Sean Gunn and Chris Sullivan are a bit too silly.
Ultimately, this thing is saved by the visuals, soundtrack, action, main cast and its emotional heart, because it’s nowhere near as tight as the first one.


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I cried. Did you cry? No? You're cold hearted!

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"Action-packed plot, dazzling visuals, and irreverent humor add up to a sequel that's almost as fun -- if not quite as thrillingly fresh -- as its predecessor."

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oh my god... another banger from marvel

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You get exactly what you'd expect from this if you've seen the first Guardians of the Galaxy.

For me, it's not something I really enjoy. The movie does something I like to call "Valuing Comedy over Context" which is just like the first one. Meaning regardless of how serious a scene is supposed to be, they like to slap comedy in there whether it fits or not.

It was a fun movie, and if you enjoyed the first I'm sure you'll enjoy this one as it's more of the same.

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It is said that most of sequels are worst... fortunatelly there are exeptions from this! BTW: And remember, we are all Groot! :)

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Thor 3 and Guardians 2 the same year. Count me in especially since Natalie Portman isn't in Thor 3 lol.

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World Premiere Review - 4/19/17

Still a lot of fun, but suffers from sequelitis. Bottom line, you'll have a ton of fun with this, especially if you're familiar with the backstory and characters. The most common problem is slow pace. Scenes go on for too long. Second, the tone is all over the place to where its slightly confusing. I can't imagine what it must feel like watching this if you're not familiar with the material. Music is used perfectly as the first one did. It's enjoyable and fun and that's all I expect from movies like this.

Stray observation: Stallone can barely get his lines off without having a stroke...he can't possibly keep getting casted because he's the best person available...

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A fun and enjoyable adventure, and it's a pleasure to spend further time with these characters. However, the theme of family was contrived, and its time Marvel learned that 'less is more' when it comes to climactic boss fights. Still, I am looking forward to Vol.3.

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Totaly useless.

Random Action with music and jokes, even good ones don't make a good movie by them self ! A good plot do !

Here, there is only a film make to fill a plot hole in the first. "Why can he grap an infinity stone ?"

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I'm the only bloke on the planet who didn't like the first Guardians of the Galaxy, and here's another unpopular opinion: I like this one more than the first, despite the third act going on far too long.

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Shout by SinanOnline

This one was really gorgeous. The first Marvel Movie I shed a few tears (or a few more) – the second half and especially the ending was beautiful. The character development was superb and the humor on point. And I loved the in-credit scenes. All in all one of the best Marvel so far.

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this is the best Marvel movie for me!!!

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think
+0 misc

6 out of 10

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Haha yess, I have famously huge turds!

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it was so boring and meaningless

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OMG!! Baby Groot was so adorable and funny.
So maybe in Vol. 3 Gamora and Peter will be finally a couple??
Drax is freaking funny and so inappropriate. LOL
I really like this movie.

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Shout by Mounir

very fun enjoyable movie, GROOT is soooo cute i'm a guy so i shouldn't say this but i always state facts so... very sad about Yondu!

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A root canal treatment would be more entertaining... it started of nice, but I got totally lost after 30 minutes in. It's just a pathetic attempt to milk the cash cow any further. The one liners are not even funny anymore and the whole thing looks like someone was tripping on acid. Let alone the none existing an unemphatic plot. Event the excellent soundtrack wasn't able to do anything for me anymore.

Oh, and for all the haters of my comment.. I did like the first one. But that's it, no more Marvel for me, they just overdone it with this one.

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Manages to impress much like the first, but weighted down a little by the need to shoehorn in some pathos that make an otherwise great movie a little awkward at around 2/3rds in.

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I'm so in love with GOTG this movie is so amazing too! A must see for true fans can't wait to see it again and Drax rocks!

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I liked this more than the first. Plot line was even better and they still maintained the light heartedness. New characters were good. This went above my expectations and I am now finished 2/8 movies. Finished this one at 2:48PM.

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Shout by Deleted

I’m still not sure how to take this.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the most visually stunning film in the MCU, almost every shot could be used as a laptop wallpaper. This also has quite possibly the strongest theming as its story about fatherhood and toxic relationships can bring a tear to your eye if you let it. So it is such a shame that this film is full of jokes that just do not land and weird side plots that feel like set-ups for movies that Marvel would probably never let James Gunn make. I kinda love this movie but this is as high as I can put it on this list.

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This is like, the only MCU movie that made me cry so much. Groot is so cute and captivating. It's funny, some jokes overextend, but the relationship building is over the top. It's a movie about family. Yondu, RIP. Amazing movie. James Gun amazing movie maker.

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This movie surprised me. It was so unlike the first movie, which is not a bad thing! This movie was, after the first hour or so, an emotional rollercoaster which I loved a lot. The music's placement was a lot better than in the first movie and the storyline was kicking.
Every single character was a lot more interesting; they had actual personalities, not just a 'concept' of a character. In other words, the characters had inner conflicts we see in real people too.
And let's not even begin about the amazing SFx, because- woah.
I liked this movie a lot, 9/10 would watch again.

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Really really really terrible.

Acting: cheesy as hell.

Jokes: forced and consistently fell flat.

Story: boring, confusing, poorly paced.

Decent graphics/makeup etc I guess.

Trying so hard to be like the original it seems stale. Too much going on, with an overwhelming amount of glaring plotholes.

The first one wasn't perfect, but this one is really awful compared to it.

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It's like they took everything that made the first movie be spectacular and tried to do again, except not as spectacular. So the whole time it's like been there, done that. Literally nothing special to see here.

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Amazing movie. Aside form the fantastic chemistry and great character development, the pretty decent plot the music is what takes this movie from good to fantastic. Its also an emotional ride with a lot of well written and scripted jokes to poignant moments of emotional bonding and sadness.

Highly recommended. One of the top marvel movies to date.

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Funny. Not liking so much humour though. It's more like e Disney movie. I prefer more tension, drama, serousness, that's why I am enjoying DC's movies more. This is way too much comedy and visuals. I will probably forget it in a month. On the other hand lttle Groot is so sweet, he won me when I first watched him.

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Entertaining but not without it's flaws

The first Guardians movie was a recipe that turned out better than anyone expected. Guardians 2 is what happens when you take that recipe and go extra with it. It's the Doritos locos taco of movies.

Guardians 2 isn't a bad movie, it's definitely entertaining but it's obvious this one was forced out after the unexpected success of the first film. It's pretty much the same formula in larger quantities. The soundtrack stood out in the first film so they oversaturate the the sequel with music. There was a lot of comic relief in the first film so they push the comedy to the point of silliness and dick jokes in the second film. It followed the game plan so much the big climax was all too predictable.

Visually it was great, had some good laughs but it basically recycles ideas and it doesn't add anything new or fresh to story.

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Shout by Deleted

The best Marvel movie so far, by far.

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Shout by Deleted

Perfect cameo of stan lee so far!

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Shout by Deleted

This is a pretty epic and awesome movie, even better than the original.

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Shout by Arius

I didn't expect it to get so heavy but man..i almost cried. Great experience and great follow up.

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So funny My sides hurt. A Great movie that you don't have to have seen the first Guardians of the Galaxy to enjoy.

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This was pretty simple a fantastic movie, you got a very intriguing story that is well served, marvelous visuals and comedy done right. The whole "scotch tape" scene bring me down on my knees. Totally ninja movie and baby Groot should have its own spin-off and i totally agree that Drax's lines shine on the movie

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It's AMAZING!! Totally worth the wait and the hype. The most important thing is that the movie is so much fun!! Feels like an adventure, has its deep moments and also some hilarious ones. The visuals are breathtaking, and they nailed once again on the soundtrack. The only thing I didn't quite like was the final showdown, but it doesn't ruin the experience.

I found the final battle between Starlord and Ego too cheesy. I loved that Ego ended up being the villain(even more because it wasn't spoiled to me), and that we finally understood Peter's lineage, but I'm glad Ego is gone and we won't see peter create rocks out of his "heart" again.

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They've done it again! What a marvellous movie. The character development is brilliant. I love how the more we go on the more we find out about these guys. The soundtrack is immense, making fantastic use of some of the greatest songs ever composed in 'The Chain' and 'Brandy'. Effects are on point and more action than the first. I'd say it's as good if not better than the first. A solid 9/10!

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2017-05-05T21:48:17Z— updated 2019-03-20T18:37:45Z

I had so much fun watching this movie! Great opening with Baby Groot grooving to the beat of those rad tunes while chaos ensues. Great cast (Chris Pratt is looking fine...), great cast additions (Kurt Russell - young and not so young - Sly, Tommy Flanagin; Stan Lee (twice - of course you sit though ALL the credits); laugh out loud wit; great action (best, of course, on the big screen). On rewatch, I'm bumping the rating up to 10 (what would make it better?) out of 10. {SpaceHeroes Action Adventure]

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Continuing with the same comedic themes and action as the first. The opening credit scene is awesome. Lots of laughs and action. Many great cameos and easter eggs. The young Ego looks amazing.

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I've enjoyed the humor from goofy easy jokes to "not the right time to have this conversation" the movie carries in a relaxed but entertaining rhythm. The plots explore some family issues among the characters wich add some good drama to it. The VFX are just awesome, camera angles and money shots just fill your eyeballs and make you vomit rainbows. This was a very complete experience. Too bad blockbusters like this will never be seen as good masterpieces of drama of humor. But... You'll be entertained for sure.

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Yep, it's as good as the trailers.

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Fantastic picture! Spot on comedy! Super effects! Fab cast! Great storyline! Fun action! Top beginning, and after credits! Groot is the cutest root ever! Drax put me in giggle fits! Easter eggs were super! This puts the first movie in shame! Brill sound track! I liked that it can put you in tears, and then make you laugh out loud in-between, and after... It's great to be alive!

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-04-30T01:31:04Z— updated 2017-05-01T23:43:45Z

A bit goofy and uneven at times but very funny. The Rocket and Yondu scenes are probably the best. Drax and Mantis were were great too. Just needs some better writing and more of the characters the first one teased us with. I especially want Cosmo and Howard the Duck helping the Guardians.
Some of the new songs are pretty much "easy listening" rock. So the soundtrack is a little disappointing. Fox on a Run is probably the best. While I do get why there's not too much focus on new characters. To build more on relationships of the first films characters.
However it felt like Alice: Through the LooKing Glass which pretty much was made to work out the issues between father and sons and sisters who didn't get along. Except, yes this movie is much better than that one.

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What a great film. Plus they added a meme/inside joke in the Spanish (from Spain) version, I really loved it. Funny and emotional.

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The crew of the Milano get into more wild and crazy adventures in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. After a job gone wrong the Guardians end up on the run from the Sovereign and are rescued by a celestial being named Ego who claims to be Peter Quill’s real father and takes him to his home world so the two can reconnect, however Gamora suspect that Ego isn’t telling them the whole truth; meanwhile Rocket and Groot fend off an attack by the Ravagers. Kurt Russell joins the cast and delivers a really good performance. And there are a dozen of fun cameos and Easter eggs that fans are sure to enjoy. Additionally, director James Gunn keeps the tone lighthearted, just like the first film, and the action is incredibly exciting. The soundtrack is also especially well-done and does a good job at complimenting the scenes. It doesn’t quite reach the highs of the original, but Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a solid sequel that’s extremely entertaining.

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I’ll watch any movie with this soundtrack :woman_shrugging_tone1:

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Just like the first. But Better. And Bigger. Number 3 is going to be even bigger.

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This is about the best Marvel movie (chronologically in the universe) so far. It has the typical Marvel goofiness and predictability (in some areas), but all the characters and plots (of which there are many) are likeable and good, and the acting is mostly faultless. Baby Groot continues to be delightful throughout, and even Stallone (who I generally don't like in most films since Rambo) was quite good, although he didn't have too much to do here. It was nice to see Kurt Russell again (I first saw him in "The Thing" and "Screamers") and my daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Like my first girlfriend: it's very unbalanced and got me emotional at the end.

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When Rocket steals those batteries, he’s literally me

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Great film all around, with action, comedy and a nice heartfelt plot, one of my favourite marvel movie superheroes

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enjoyable and funny but not as good and novel as the first movie.

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This movie is everything that you would want it to be. It has the nostalgic fun of a movie like the Top Gun sequal and the dark humor of Deadpool.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Shout by Deleted

Not as enjoyable as its predecessor, but baby Groot makes it worth it.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-2008
The incredible Hulk (2008) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-incredible-hulk-2008
Iron Man 2 (2010) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-2-2010
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Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-the-first-avenger-2011
The Avengers (2012) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-avengers-2012
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-3-2013
Thor: The Dark World (2013) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-the-dark-world-2013
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-the-winter-soldier-2014
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-2014
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-age-of-ultron-2015
Ant-Man (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-2015
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-civil-war-2016
Doctor Strange (2016) https://trakt.tv/movies/doctor-strange-2016
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-2017
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-homecoming-2017
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-ragnarok-2017
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-infinity-war-2018
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-and-the-wasp-2018
Captain Marvel (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-marvel-2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-endgame-2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-far-from-home-2019
Phase Four
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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-2021
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/doctor-strange-in-the-multiverse-of-madness-2022
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-love-and-thunder-2022
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/black-panther-wakanda-forever-2022
The Marvels (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-marvels-2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-2023
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-and-the-wasp-quantumania-2023
Fantastic Four https://trakt.tv/movies/fantastic-four

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My average rating 9.4 out of 10.

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Shout by Deleted

Movie is funny, soundtrack is very good. Give it a watch if you love 70s/80s music.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:55:43Z— updated 2023-05-03T12:24:44Z

This movie's title has been adapted as "Guardians of the Galaxy: Remix" in Japan, and it kind of makes sense. Although the space opera feel has been replaced with a more constrained setting and typical structure, all the trademark elements from the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" are back at full capacity. Still, there is nothing essentially new to make it as groundbreaking as its predecessor. Instead of going forward in the plot, we are just granted more insights into the characters' personalities and their relationships, with a couple of new additions to the cast.

The jokes, although repetitive, still bring laughter, and both the entertainment level and emotional impact are generally higher. Rocket and Yondu really get to shine here as the true protagonists of the film, with even quite a few unexpectedly touching moments.

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Shout by Deleted

While the first movie had a very subtle undertone of adult jokes, this movie openly makes more of them for comedic purposes, and even though it feels cringy, it did make me laugh.

The GOG series hits different from all the other MCU movies as it has more of a lighter tone, and it is fun to watch.

The songs slap as always, and visually it was super stunning; I forgot how beautiful this movie looked.

They did introduce a character we have yet to see, and I hope we get to see them in the future.

I recommend watching it for baby Groot.

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Shout by H

I really tried to like this but it was like watching paint dry for me. I didn’t like the first one particularly but this one was worse. To put it plainly I was just bored. If doing a Marvel marathon; save your time. It has very little impact storywise so if you choose to skip it you won’t miss a lot

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Another enjoyable entry, 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' is very good fun.

I actually didn't find the story in this as interesting as in the first film, but the humour - which is still up to the mark in 'Guardians of the Galaxy' - is much greater here; it got more laughs from me, that's for sure. The ending to this is also entertaining.

Chris Pratt and Co. are just as enjoyable as before, with Dave Bautista particularly standing out to me here; if only due to his amusing moments. I like the addition of Pom Klementieff, I can see a spot for her in the crew. Kurt Russell and Elizabeth Debicki make for contrasting newcomers, Russell is just about good but I felt Debicki and her lot were underused/unintriguing.

Not the most compelling plot, which I found more predictable than what the MCU usually produces, but the strong action end and noteworthy humour elevates it to become a pleasant film to watch; if a drop from the original.

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Not the magnum opus of movies but a damn good movie and a damn good time

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I always found this film underwhelming as the first film is so unique, but this film kinda rehashes and relies on the elements that it established in the first film. But it is not a bad film by any means and the new characters which are introduced in this film are fantastic with this films actually having a really good villain, which I won't give away as it is predictable but it is a solid twist. The best addition to this film is Kurt Russell (Ego), he is just brilliant in this film and every scene he is in he steals.

Also, the soundtrack is amazing with this film having one of the best opening sequences with Mr Blue Sky. I also warn you that this film has a very emotional ending and also some of the best end credit scenes.

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I think the soundtrack for this movie is one of the best, incredible.

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Awesome a all out good movie.

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Shout by Kitthren

This was so fucking long but Groot was so adorable. :sob:

Funniest part: Mantis exposing Quill's secret and Drax cackling at it.

Most badass part: Yondu's whistle scene!!!

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A boring attempt at capturing what the first film had plenty of... Story and character development.

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I found the first installment in this seires incredibly appealing for its charismatic but down-to-earth characters.

As much as I enjoyed the grander story that Volume 2 delivered, I felt that its scope often interfered with the characters, taking away some of that quality I originally valued.

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This movie is really awesome and a real experience to watch! Incredible effects, perfect timed fun with nice characters in a nice story!

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Shout by Deleted

Well worth watching... Good film and FX.

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Good movie! But i still like the first one a bit better.

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This one was even better than the previous one. Like the previous, amazing music, good laughs and a decent plot. Ending had me in tears.
O and of course, Baby Groot, that's just love right there.

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Very cool and especially fun movie. The end fight scene was a bit long for my taste but beside that Volume 2 was an awesome movie. The interactions between the Guardians are hillarious!

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Shout by Deleted

Can Kurt Russell be my dad?

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