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Jurassic World 2015

same old stuff. 5/10 tops

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BlockedParent2016-08-22T17:07:35Z— updated 2016-09-11T07:46:49Z

Yeah, well... I do not know what to say about Jurassic World. I heard some good things about it from different sources and decided to give it a try, even though the previous installment of the series weren't that great. But after two hours I cannot recommend it wholeheartedly. It's not a bad movie but it's also not a good one... There are no fresh ideas, no outstanding actors, a mediocre plot and this leaves us with a off-the-rack action blockbuster that does not really shine in any aspect.

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Shout by Ninja Poon
BlockedParent2017-04-05T06:51:02Z— updated 2018-02-13T15:41:07Z

Good up till Starlord rides bikes with Velocidoodles.. fetch boy! Get em! Speak!!! ppphhhffrrrrttt

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What I really liked here is that the discussion wasn't about the harm of "playing god", like the previous films. It's more a critical approach about the consequences of combining biogenetics with capitalism. The use of biogenetics it's presented first as an entertainment, thereafter as a future lethal weapon. I think it's a very good critical vision on the developments of the american bellic power.

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The only thing missing is speaking dinosaurs

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A bit disappointing, but let's face it; no sequal is ever going to come close the the original movie from 1993, which was excellent.

There nothing really wrong with this except for the ending which is kind of a deus ex machina. We don't hear or see the T-Rex for the entire movie and then the writers simply put it in to save the day, together with the Megalodon which appears at the beginning of the movie.
The entire Velociraptors working with the T-Rex just so they can kill off the "evil" dinosaur doesn't really work that well either and is just incredibly lazy and illogical writing.

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Last 15 minutes were fun. Rest was mostly crap. Too cliched. Terrible acting. Terrible choice of actors. Raptors were fun though.

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Shout by Cory Copeland
BlockedParent2022-06-13T23:54:50Z— updated 2022-06-15T18:59:45Z

While not quite back to the level of the original, this was one hell of a way to kick off the new trilogy. The tone was much different (albeit no Spielberg), but it captured an identity that felt new yet didn’t copy the original. The cast is stellar, and despite being the first new movie in almost 15 years, I think they really hit it out of the park as a sequel / new entry point.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Like a tantric quickie, this is long on action but nothing resembling depth.

Actually, this reboot is better than I remembered. There's little downtime and decent acting and what else can you ask of a movie about dinosaurs eating people?

[Note: I saw this as part of a Jurassic World marathon, leading up to a pre-screening of Jurassic World Dominion.]

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I don't exactly know why but I dislike Bryce Dallas Howard soooo much, not on a Natalie "female James Franco" Portman level though.

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Shout by Katnerys
BlockedParent2019-08-09T16:18:46Z— updated 2019-08-10T18:53:00Z

We have here a useless modern version of Jurassic Park lacking the wonder and innovation that made that movie legendary.
Everything is predictable, nothing is exciting, this is not as intense as the first trilogy and I couldn't connect with the characters. Indeed, I didn't feel any symphathy toward them because they are either unbearable like Claire and the children or bland like Owen. The only character I Iiked was Zara (even if we barely saw her) only because I love Katie McGrath since I watched Merlin, but they got rid of her in a visually impressive and violent death scene (one of the best scenes).
Concerning the dinosaurs, the special effects are really good and I loved seeing the Mosasaurus however I hated the Indominus Rex because what appealed to me in this franchise was to see and discover in a movie dinosaurs that really lived on Earth and not to see a pure creation. Therefore, the impact is not the same, I wasn't thinking "Wow, this is impressive ! I can't believe that such creatures really existed before, this is crazy !" because the Indominus is a fake dinosaur.

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Even though it's not usually my kind of film, I do enjoy watching the Jurassic Park films. My brother used to watch them all the time when I was little, and so I had no choice but to enjoy them.
I'd seen this film at the cinema, and watched it again the other night, in build up to the new one that's going to be released. I really enjoyed it both times. The effects are brilliant, and there's enough storytelling and decent characters to keep watching.
The woman who owned the park was really, really annoying though. She was as thick as two short planks. I think this was intentional though, but she really got on my wick. I was disappointed at the end, because she survived. Glad the war-mongerer was killed though. I have as much sympathy for him as I do for Hitler. GoodBYEE!!

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...Needed some Goldblum. other than that rather generic :P

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Maybe I expected too much from this, but I found it rather dull. It was too family friendly in my opinion. They needed to make it more horror like with blood & gore scenes. The CGI on the dinosaurs looked really impressive, but other than that this movie needed more dark and heart stopping moments.

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The movie has a Disney vibe, at least for me. The only thing missing is speaking dinosaurs, but the sparkly eyes, pompous fairy-tale like music and drama are there. Personally, I expected more from it, some parts were just rushed over and it finished too abruptly. I guess kids will appreciate this much more than I did.

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Was expecting a great movie and it certainly delivered. It has all your classic Jurassic Park stories and some nice nods back to the past but it certainly stands on its two hind legs ;)
Dont go in expecting the same magic as Jurassic Park and you will enjoy the action and the funny moments fully.

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This is a bad movie (3). Predictable plot (bad script). Non-existent dialog (also bad script). Half-assed acting (bad acting and directing).
Only thing that it has up his sleeve is its 150 million dollar budget that paid for good CGI and lightning. It is another Hollywood factory blockbuster. Mostly flash without any bang.

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Claire running around in her high heels and out running a T-REX is the most ridiculous thing I ever saw in a movie. Almost killed all illusion of disbelief...

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Tense, visually dazzling, nicely scripted and directed, outstandingly acted (with Chris Pratt standing out with a high note), and, above all, with a good number of highly effective elements to appeal to nostalgia, "Jurassic World" may never surpass the original film but it is a very compelling entry on its own and it definitely outshines its previous sequels.

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Good actors and good CGI, but that's about it. The characters aren't great and the storyline is mostly shit.

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How this is sitting at 75% when Lost World is at 72% I don't know, my expectations were low for this as I didn't like the look of the trailers, but it was so much better than I thought. Very meta and self aware, nothing groundbreaking but a fun adventure that is a true sequel to the original.

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All in all, it was alright but the urge to buy a Mercedes has never been higher.

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This movie had many, many eye roll moments. It's not good. And yet....I keep wanting to watch it. So I guess that makes it some sort of good. I do have a laundry list of things that annoy me, but it's almost in a "fun bad movie" sort of way, like I almost like it better for it. Also, I was 9 when the first one came out so I was either destined to despise this and claim it took my childhood...or love it. So I guess I love it? One thing is for certain...Bryce Dallas Howard = total babe.

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Having extremely high expectations for this film, I still walked out of the theater satisfied. Just not as satisfied as I had expected. I won't spoil anything, worry not.

The acting in this film was fine. Not spectacular for most but Chris Pratt was fantastic as usual.

The story was decent, though there were some areas that seemed underdeveloped. Personally I'd have preferred the movie go a whole different direction. It just seemed a bit forced. Certain characters weren't realistic enough or human enough and it detracted from the story.

The effects were spectacular. Cooler than I had even expected. I really enjoyed them.

Overall worth seeing but don't expect to be absolutely blown away.

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Shout by Deleted

Best one since the first film really enjoyed it with amazing fx

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The amount of nostalgia I received from watching this made me teary eyed at points. The first 2/3 of the movie was great, but it really kicked into full gear once it became night time!

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I remember really liking this when it came out. Maybe it was all the hype and nostalgia but now rewatching before Fallen Kingdom I'm a not as high as I thought I was. It's a decent movie and is good for some dumb dino fun but that's about it. I love some Chris Pratt but this isn't his best role. I kinda hated the kids. Bryce Dallas Howard was ok and Judy Greer is completely wasted in this movie. The CGI look good for the most part. The score is very nostalgic heavy from the original.

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Yep, they went and made the same mistake ALL over again, in a good way ;)
It's basically Jurassic Park with a healthy dose of modern reality and futurism thrown into it. I love it!!!

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What a great and thrilling ride! Visual effects were amazing and I liked the humor elements. Would not minded a little more scary stuff but it very much delivered action wise!!!

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Loved the pace of this movie. The action wasn't drawn out. Everything was nicely in place, I think. Good to see different character perspectives and there were nice hints to sense of character as not a lot of time was made for full development, for example Zack and Grey however I did find the characters to an extent stereotypical. The effects were actually exciting which is lost on me with a lot of films these days. Plus, the music strings it all together. Nice choice of actors e.g. Jake M Johnson.

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What can I say about Jurassic World? It is genuinely amazing and as good as the original Jurassic Park!
I am taken by back by how good it was in fact and it is definitely a regression movie for anyone that remembers the first time they saw the T Rex when they were 12!

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Those darn kids irritated the crap out of me... Shouldve just revolved around Chris Pratt's charater imo

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People queue to get in, I liked it better than I thought, is not 1, but entertains and there dinosaurs

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This Movie is simply A MASTERPIECE like Chris Pratt was the PERFECT choice for Owen Grady BTW List of dinosaurs that i remembered seing in the movie: T Rex-Raptor-Ankylosaurus-Triceratops-Gallimimus and Indominus

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I don't like this movie, but I love dinosaurs. Therefore, I kind of like this movie. Anything Dino related, and my eyes and ears were hooked, then the humans came on, and I suddenly turned into Helen Keller. As iconic as it tries to be, it just feels pathetic. I'm trying to be nice, but just like this movie, I'm indecisive about what I think of it. Is it a kids' movie? I'd say so, but that woman in the ocean scene, as well as other scenes, made me feel nothing but wasted potential. Just imagine if this was a horror/thriller. Jurassic World exites me, but Jurassic Park terrifies me.

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tag yourself i'm the tourist making sure he grabs his two margaritas as the dinosaur is attacking

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I mean, it was fine. If you compare it to any other standard movie it's easily watchable and more entertaining than average. It didn't let the Jurassic Park franchise down at all either, but I also don't think it really added much to it either. I felt like I was basically watching the first one all over again, all the same elements were in this one from the kids in the park, the guy and girl who save them who also feud a bit before falling for one another, the standoff at the end with the dinos. I mean hell all we needed was someone getting eaten off a toilet. I think in truth this is just simply one of those stories that's gone on too long so "What else can they do?" Well, apparently they'll try since there's another movie after this one already made and another coming out soon.

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"Nothing in Jurassic World is natural, we have always filled gaps in the genome with the DNA of other animals. And if the genetic code was pure, many of them would look quite different. But you didn't ask for reality, you asked for more teeth."

Even on a second time viewing seeing Sir Andy Dwyer drive a motorcycle in between Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo is still such an amazing sight. Well worth the rewatch!

Anyway, Jurassic World is the start of the new bunch of "Jurassic" movies and again it starts off in a park. But this the park is open for public! I love seeing the park crowded and alive. I still love the sight of the Mosasaurus, the way Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) runs on heels, Chris Pratt being an action star and them modifying dinosaurs. Seeing BD Wong back as Henry Wu is such a great thing.

It might not be the be all, be all. But I still enjoy it and it is still the best sequel to the original and when I eventually ever return to it, I do believe I will still enjoy it.

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Just the same old lazy filmmaking Pure shite!!!!

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great show. i used to love watching the old jurassic park movies when i was younger and i remember when jurassic world was being released. it was so exciting seeing the dinosaurs redesigned in such stunning special effects and cgi. chris pratt also played the dino specialist super jock character perfectly. kinda a little shallow. definitely all about the action scenes and blood. 100% right up my alley.

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Shout by DarciMF

The movie was going well, but when I heard that the teenager had a match in his pocket and was dry after coming out of the water, I had to turn off the TV.

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Achieves what it set out to. IMAX 3D for proper experience

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Full of thrills, Jurassic World is a fun adventure film with some interesting social commentary. The story follows two children who are sent to visit there aunt who runs the Jurassic World theme park on Isla Nubla, but while touring the dinosaur exhibits a newly created cross-bread dinosaur breaks loose and starts rampaging through the island, stranding the children out in the wild. Bryce Dallas Howard, Chris Pratt, and Vincent D’Onofrio lead the cast, but the real stars of the film are the dinosaurs; particularly the Indominus rex. And the special effects do an incredible job at making them look realistic and frightening. Additionally, the script is well-written, as it both honors Michael Crichton’s original vision and poses some provocative questions about entertainment and corporate responsibility. A smart sci-fi thriller, Jurassic World rescues this franchise from extinction.

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I hadn't seen the movie for a while and I forgot just how good it was.. Not the same as the originals but no remake of a title ever is but this certainly is worth a watch.

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Shout by MoSu

Yess! Some good 2 hours of quality entertainment. I liked the horror path it was kind of taking where the mutant dino started killing everyone and everything in its path. I hoped it would end with the whole park destroyed and him having killed most dino's, but that wouldn't make for an interesting sequel. So the ending was fine too. Although not preferred. Loved the dino action and the fear the dino caused of him escaping its cage. Only the kids should've just hidden somewhere, instead of driving off into a park full of dinos.

I wanted to give this movie an 8/10, but the story was a little cliche and all. So a 7+ seems more reasonable.

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It was kinda boring , the first three Jurassic movies are much better than this.

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I only watched this movie to be up2date for seeing Jurassic World 2 and I know why I hadn't watched it before. It's predictable and as usual there's so many stupid things the characters do (especially the kids). Acting is fine and it's always nice to see Chris Pratt adding some comedy to his character but in general I was quite disappointed (or it was rather what I expected).

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It's "Jurassic Park" (1) with CGI and another bad story. You can only like it if you didn't watch Jurassic Park of if you enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted

So bad it's so good but this betrays entirely the original franchise's spirit. Jurassic Park's films aren't trash.

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Shout by Deleted

Watching this movie brought back the same excited feeling I had when I was a kid watching the original Jurassic Park!

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loved it from the start!

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I really enjoy this one every time it's on. I don't see how it's overly kid friendly like some say. The movie is much better than part 3.

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So I read the reviews of batman superman and they are bad reviews, generally whining about silly issues, like footprints in the snow and other silly details no one cares about. Then I come over to this movie which had actual earthlings that should behave in normal reptile fashion, but they don't. I don't want to go through all the horrible points of this movie, just know I seriously hated it. The acting was bad, the writing was worse, and the physics was purely embarrassing to believe. Bottom line is, I'll never watch this again. As for batman/superman, I've watched it 7 times, including twice at the theater.

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I was expecting more from this movie. Some scenes are pretty cool, but movies are not made from some cool scenes, when the plot seems to repeat in pattern. Rated to "meh" because I felt meh, when I loved the 1st Jurassic park.

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Shout by Deleted

i'm calling that : a remake of the first movie. a very very very bad remake. same rules, same screenplay : children, love story people to save in a park and a very very bad dinosaurus, bigger than the T-rex (and too many special effects... too many...). no soul, no emotion in this copy. a "pop corn movie" done just for money... so so disappointed...

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Complete rubbish. I'm gonna do right away and reduce may rating to a 4. And I thought No Good Deed was bad!

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What a SPECTACULAR movie! I loved it from the beginning all the way to the end! The nods to original movies were pretty great as well!

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When I first heard about the movie I wasn´t thrilled that much. Just what we need - another sequel/remake/reboot.

So what about this ? Well, since the technology to make this movies is readily available (you just have to pour enough money into it) I will not take this into considaration. Just this, bigger isn´t always better and it doesn´t have the magic of the original. The rest of the movie is in my view a carbon copy of Jurassic Park. They even copied whole scenes - I guess they call it homage.

It has entertainment value, more so for the younger generation who didn´t know the first I´d say. And that´s OK. After all nobody forces you to watch If you don´t like it. I think for me to watch the next one they really have to come up with something new. I don´t want to watch the same movie over and over again just with better CGI.

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A fun movie. There's some who say Jurassic World is just the first all over again. I am not sure what movie they saw though. Since there's some dinosaurs that weren't in the first and ideas that weren't seen in the original movies.

For instance; I like that Morton (Vincent D'Onfrio) wants to use trained raptors as weapons of war. I also like the fact that there's even trained raptors in this film to begin with.

Jurassic World is easily the best of the sequels. Which isn't that hard to accomplish when the second had a raptor killed by gymnastics. While the 3rd just felt rushed with not enough of a story.

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Not that bad. I mean, was fun, despite the bad script, very predictable story and the hot redhead running with high heels with a T-Rex on her back which she incredibly outrun, was fun. Any way, good special effects no doubt, I have to give it that, but still, not as good as the first one (the original).

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The Park is Open, this movie was amazing all around.....just brilliant

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The ending was pretty cool.

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More teeth, fewer ideas?
It seems to always be the same, the magic of the first less!

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I love this movie so much.

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Shout by Deleted

I watched it in the theatre as well a this and to my point of view it was the best one of the franchise yet.

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What a fun movie this was. Great action sequences and several nods to Jurassic Park throughout the movie makes this an absolute must-see if you're a fan of the franchise. Chris Pratt is excellent in this movie as well.

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I couldn't shake off the feeling that the movie is it trying a little bit too hard. It confirms every stereotype of a "family blockbuster", which simply makes it too predictable.

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Disappointing. The visuals were nice and there were some good moments, but overall it doesn't live up to its name.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie. They make comparisons throughout, same plot, protagonists and obviously theme. Tech is better but that is a given. Still enjoyable and creepy for the same reasons the original was,
Godzilla Bad, Mothra Good. You Know?

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Indeed this was more a family film with PG rating than anything else. Not bad necessarily. The CGI was very good

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Shout by Deleted

average movie.
unnecessary sequel.
made go back in time; not to the original movie but to the mega drive game :D

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dammmm... those heals lasted all movie... and on all surfaces...

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Well done special effects pack back to the franchise ;>

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Jurassic World = Jurassic Park

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I felt nostalgic :) full of wink about Jurassic Park ! A movie did by a real fan of Jurassic Park !

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Shout by Deleted

it's a great movie. it looks really real. the dinasours too.

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Shout by ttaggart

Really enjoyed it. Took a youngster to the movie, and the "Handy bitey" scene was a bit much for a younger kid. However, it really was a pretty good movie. I did think it looked like everyone had a bad spray tan though.

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very good movie I like this hope for more :)

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Shout by Deleted

It is amazing, entertaining and spectacular.

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Shout by Damien

Jurassic World had some really good moments, although it didn't give me the same thrills as the original one. Having said that I still think it was a worthy sequel.

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Shout by Damien

My kids are going to love this one! Heck, so will I :)

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