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Kill Bill: Vol. 2 2004

A Mesmerizing masterpiece. I've seen this film and part one several times, and again just now. I don't compare this to part one, being that it's the continuation of one long movie. This film transcends the martial arts / Kung Fu genre in ways never done before and with an unforgettable uniqueness. When I think of what I consider to be Tarantino's best films/screenplays--The Kill Bill saga is in my top three. I can't write a review because too many have already been written; however, This is a must see extravaganza of violence, martial arts, incredible characters with rich development, and of course the fantastic dialogue which Tarantino seems to be unequaled in creating. Uma Thurman was a freaking beast and should've gotten an Oscar for best actress. We know that would never happen even though it would've been great if the world were a bit cooler and open minded. I love this film.

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Another excellent Tarantino film. It keeps you on hold until the end. Amazing work in all aspects film.

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She kills Bill.

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i actually counted 6 steps

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Not as good as Vol.1.

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It’s cool but not as fresh and impactful as the first volume. Still, so far, my favourite Tarantino movies!

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Significantly more balanced between its stylish idiosyncrasies and emotional undercurrents than Vol. 1, injecting the Bride with a fierce matriarchal stimulus, but its wonky structure still confines it from reaching narrative transcendence.

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Good finale, different from vol.1 both have good and bad points. Still a film you should see at least once

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A masterful movie that is quite unlike anything else Tarantino has made, all while being a Tarantino style movie.

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Everything is cause for admiration here, Tarantino gave us a masterpiece without doubt and is positioned as a perfectionist and retailer of huge professionalism.

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I mean a shotgun to the face and buried alive and she just kinda walks it off.

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Kill Bill is pure and unadulterated fun projected on screen in spectacular fashion. Tarantino pays tribute every step of the way to his favorite genres and directors, which act like nuggets of celebration to the accomplished viewer. The revenge is satisfying, the humor is abundant, the characters are brilliant, and the storytelling is masterful.

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Shout by Lauren

I want to thank Quentin Tarantino for teaching me what to do if I ever get buried alive in a wooden casket

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Arguably worse than vol. 1, depending on what day I'm having. I like how it focused more on the story, but the scenes dragged for way too long. There wasn't a whole lot of action and the ending was kind of anticlimactic. The fighting scenes that were in the film were still done incredibly well and I was interested for the whole time. I enjoy how we got to learn more about the Bride and her origins. As always, great writing and cinematography.

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Shout by Elmart

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill Vol. 2 represents an interesting evolution in narrative and stylistic approach, departing from its predecessor Kill Bill Vol. 1 in several ways. Vol. 2 delves deeper into character development and emotional resonance, depicting The Bride's (Uma Thurman) never-ending quest for revenge through deep philosophical introspection. Tarantino has created a masterful mosaic of genres, seamlessly interweaving elements of Western, samurai cinema and martial arts. The film's intellectual prowess lies in its subtle exploration of moral ambiguity, emphasizing the blurred lines between hero and villain as well as the cyclical nature of violence. The dialog is sharp, full of references to pop culture, literature and cinema, elevating the viewing experience. However, the film suffers from a relatively slower pace compared to its action-packed predecessor, hindering its momentum at times. While the characterization adds depth to the story, some secondary characters feel underdeveloped and detract from the overall impact. Despite these minor shortcomings, Kill Bill Vol 2 stands as an intellectually stimulating piece of cinema that serves as a fitting conclusion to The Bride's epic journey of revenge. my rating is 8

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-07-02T15:50:07Z— updated 2024-04-13T23:00:53Z

Theme- 9/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 8/10
Total - 44/5 = 8.8

Revenge is a dish best served cold and in two parts I guess. Come on now I need my 'Whole Bloody Affair' cut already. I'm not quite sure what it is about both halves of Kill Bill, but I love them. What I will try to articulate though is that while I love 'Vol. 2', there are moments that make '2' feel lesser than '1'. That's likely due to cutting a movie in half and having to present them separately when that was not the original intention. That being said, it holds its own. Quentin has a great ability of knowing to create tension and the whole movie is littered with it but none greater than the final confrontation with Bill. Don't think that's a spoiler, check the title... I believe we all know what's gonna happen.

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I have never been a huge Tarantino fan, but the Kill Bill's remain some of my favorites due to their style. Despite being a "sequel", this is much more of a continuation of the original film that serves as a must watch piece after the first.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Kill Bill: Vol. 2’:

  1. I consider both of these volumes one extraordinary film. Neither part is better than the other. They’re both wonderfully different in their own spectacular ways.

  2. That trailer fight with Elle never ceases to be brutal and disgusting and amazing. I always cringe at the thought of Beatrix in there with her bare feet. And it all culminates perfectly. Daryl Hannah was iconic as Elle in these two volumes.

  3. I absolutely adore Uma Thurman. So dang talented. And this is her best film by far.

Bonus Thought: Fingers crossed for a Volume 3.

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This movie is exactly the continuation of the first part. In this volume, we see the past of the main character of the film and the hardships he endured.
In this movie, he faces many problems.
I don't have a special explanation about this movie, you are just watching an action masterpiece.

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Great cast in a great movie. Not as good as the first volume but close enough to get the same rating. The fight in the trailer is an amazing fight scene. has a good ending for me too, although it gets a little talky in the end per QT's style.

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In "Vol. 2," Elle and Budd give brilliant performances that captivate the audience. Pai Mei has been killed, Budd has been bitten by a poisonous snake, and Elle is in a frenzy after her eyeballs are gouged out by her mentor and Beatrix. It is the most spectacular scene. It is not as messy as the previous film, but it is a cohesive, high-quality revenge drama. The process of Beatrix Kiddo's reemergence after her burial is truly hilarious, although it gets a little boring from the scene where she meets Bill. It's hard to argue with "Vol. 1," but "Vol. 2" is my personal favorite.

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Story: 9
Script: 9
Performances: 10
Misc.: 9
Influence: 9
Overall: 9

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-09-01T10:44:57Z— updated 2022-07-03T10:14:46Z

This is more of a traditional Tarantino film compared to volume 1.
It’s more dialogue driven and slow paced (in my opinion to a fault, it really drags at points).
Daryl Hannah and David Carradine are great.
The acting, action, visuals and music choices are once again very well done.


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Whatever I said about volume one is valid here. Relatively low-key and talky compared to volume one, but it works better as a standalone film. Everyone remembers the epic swordfight of volume one but at the same tends to forget that almost nothing memorable happens during the whole first half.

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Shout by stphn.k
BlockedParent2021-03-28T07:51:48Z— updated 2023-03-28T19:21:21Z

I think it's great except the end scenes with David Carradine just drag on a little too much compared to the pace of the rest the movie.

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Great ending to a very sad story

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Tarantino’s bloody tale of revenge continues in Kill Bill: Volume 2. After taking out two of her former assassin colleagues the Bride tracks down the remaining members of the Deadly Vipers on her quest to kill Bill. Volume 2 is a very different animal than Volume 1 and primarily focuses on character building and backstory. Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, and David Carradine take center stage, and give some truly impressive performances; especially Carradine, who steals every scene he’s in and outshines Uma Thurman. And once again the dialog is outstanding, and is full of witty repartee that enriches the characters. Kill Bill: Volumes 2 doesn’t quite deliver on the promise of Volume 1, but it’s still an entertaining and well-crafted action film.

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Kill Bill Vol 2 is different from Kill Bill Vol 1. It’s more of a slow hit action movie. The writing is great, the plot just continues on the first movie with more flashbacks. It’s nice to get more background on the characters and their story. The training scene with Chao Lai is iconic and it’s good to see how the church massacre went down. The acting is good we get to see more of The Bride and lot more of Bill and the other gang members. The action is still great not as much action as the first and no where as near blood in this one. The fight scene with One Eyed Elle is great though with the black mamba as well the burial scene. The cinematography as in all Tarantino movies is great a lot more of his trademark shots in this movie. The big problem is compared to the first this one is a lot more boring. The ending is really good it leaves you satisfied. Overall while Vol 1 being better Vol 2 is still a good sequel and a great and iconic action movie.

(8 out of 10)

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A much slower, more suspensefully contemplative take on the same material as its first chapter. Rather than being on a non-stop offensive, this time we see the Bride in a more reactive role as her kills don't always go so swimmingly. Along the way, we catch a glimpse at her training in a stereotypically isolated Japanese temple, beside an impishly charismatic bearded master, the show-stealing Pai Mei.

When it comes time for the inevitable showdown with Bill himself, Tarantino plays his trump card and leaves a driven audience (and vengeful bride) confused about the apparent simplicity of their quest of the last four-plus hours. It's not as instantly captivating as the first package, and a few segments fall curiously flat, but it's enjoyable in surprising new ways and provides the closure we were all so desperate for. It's a perfectly appropriate finale, if not the one I may have been expecting.

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better than the original. don't @ me

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This feels different than volume 1 but I think that one is a little bit better. Still this has some great action and is a good sequel.

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a bit slow and boring at times, especially compared to the first one. but beautifully done as a sequel and to continue the story which was complicated to wrap your head around it. masterpiece.

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Now take weight and limit the story.

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Great conclusion to this two part story but i can't help but feel underwhelmed by Kill Bill.

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A great ending for a great story. I like how this 2nd part is completely different from the first one, but it still has the same elements. It just fits perfectly.

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Quite enjoyed this Tarantino flick.

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For the rest, I still like and I still think one of the the best of Tarantino

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I liked Volume I better

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Finishing it off, a late night re-watch of an old favorite.

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