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Lucy 2014

I loved It. It was weird in its own way and it gets away with it. Also, I like the way this superhero is created and 'destroyed'. Incredibly interesting and refreshing IMO.

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I liked it.
It's a fun movie, it doesn't make any sense, but fun nonetheless.

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Great movie till Lucy reaches 60%.

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If you liked this movie, you know you need education.

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During the opening twenty minutes or so, I could feel the Saturday afternoon matinee attendees squirming in their seats over the collective strangeness of "Lucy". All of those interspersed shots of cheetahs pursuing gazelles with a drug deal wasn't exactly difficult to pick up on, but I could tell the people in the theater weren't expecting such an oddity. I'm not a movie snob, but I was having as good of a time seeing the reactions of the crowd as I was watching the movie.

"Lucy" was always entertaining despite the fact that the whole premise of using on 10, 20, 50 or 100% of your brain is ridiculous. Scarlett Johansson was terrific (my crush grows), Amr Waked was a great sidekick and the car chase kicked my ass.

This has many breathtaking visuals and some brutal violence but "Lucy" is strange in many wonderful ways. It's good to see that something a little different, something not a sequel or a comic book adaptation, did well at the box office.

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Extreme ScienceFiction. Starts with action (fiction) and ends with bizarre philosophy (pseudoscience). Scarlett Johanssson is a great action hero. Morgan Freeman brings narrative and humanity. The ending is meant to be a supreme intelle-gasm. The cerebral imaginings will captivate some but lose most. I give it a 7 (good attempt) out of 10. Special effects are epic though.

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The entire concept of this movie is completely ridiculous. How would reaching 100% of your brain's potential give you god-like powers and turn you into pure energy? It doesn't make any sense.
In my opinion Limitless explored this same theory in a much better way.

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Sure, Lucy is a pretty stupid movie, especially since it's a movie about intelligence, but that does not mean it's not entertaining. That it looks gorgeous and sounds amazing, help the enjoyment as well. If you let the analyzing part of your brain rest, and just enjoy the exciting, visual spectacle, I'm pretty sure most will enjoy Lucy as well.

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Entertaining movie, but man is it stupid

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"Lucy" was always entertaining despite the fact that the whole premise of using on 10, 20, 50 or 100% of your brain is ridiculous. Scarlett Johansson was terrific, Amr Waked was a fine sidekick.

This has good visuals and some brutal violence. "Lucy" is strange in many ways. It's always good to watch something a little different, something that's not a sequel or a comic book adaptation.

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I have never been more disappointed.
Plot-holes and illogical decisions bug the entire experience and plot itself is not that good to begin with.
2 words : wasted potential!!!

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I'd expected more, but it was entertaining enough to make up for the overuse of CGI and the mediocre ending. I liked the idea but it could probably have been done a lot better.

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If you're a fan of Luc Besson's other work then you'll enjoy this movie once you stop letting the "We only use 10% of our brains" myth stop bothering you.

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Most of the movie makes no sense and is far fetched but I think its still a fun movie to watch the last half wasn't as good but still a decent movie.

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Scarlett played the emotionless self well, and the movie itself is a bit of a tribute to "2001 A Space Odyssey" probably. ;)

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The 100% scene just made me really want to go rewatch Mob Psycho 100

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The ending could have been better

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Terrible documentary....oh wait, it was fiction, was fun, made me think about how society isn't capable of using such knowledge.

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I just love this movie. It is completely flawed from the get go based on the still present misconception that humans only use 10% of their brain despite evidence to the contrary for decades. Yet the art used to tell the story is truly wonderful. Maybe it is because Luc Besson has far more talent in artistic storytelling than so many other directors that the plot holes and other faults are not even really relevant. This is artistic science fiction (actually more sci-fi than science fiction) and is absolutely wonderful.

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Rewatch after 6 years...

After seeing this in the cinema - where I thought it was utterly crap - I have reevaluate it.

Besson is a really strange guy. He's like Philip K. Dick. Yet because he visually creates his ideas of science fiction, they are denigrated much more than they would be in written word. A result of the visual medium not being up to the task of creating his visions, no doubt.

Anyway... On rewatch, it is better than I recalled. It could have benefited from a grander scope. 20 more minutes runtime exploring some of the changes going on. And better CG.

Though thought provoking, and reaching further than Limitless, it doesn't stand up much to scrutiny and it is limp in its short 81 minutes of actual film.

Worth a watch on the small screen despite its flaws.


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steal the limitless concept and make it garbage...

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Great scifi. Very interesting plot with great visuals and a very slick ending. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Ooooooooo lucyyyy..sooooooooooooooo hottt...want to touch thee hineeeyyyyy

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I can't get enough of this movie! The questions raised and all the knowledge being the most important thing is amazing. She saying that "we never really die" and explaining about how the humanity created numbers and letters to kind of "adapt" everything to our size was pretty great. Scarlet's performance, the soundtrack and the visual effects are just a show aside for me. I'm sad that most of people actually didn't like the movie.

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This movie was fantastic. I feel like it's getting hated on by people only because other people started hating on it. It was a very enjoyable movie, as long as you take into account that it's science fiction.

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Waste of Time. The story was predictable and had gaps.

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Shout by Michal
BlockedParent2014-08-15T21:00:43Z— updated 2024-02-28T21:16:46Z

This is my kind of movie, and IMHO better to follow by European grown on such philosophers like Kant, Nietzsche, Einstein or Hawkings. Religious people would probably dislike this movie due to the obvious reasons. However, ones interested in modern philosophy would find the film intriguing, worth of second view for thinking again how Luc Besson presented some subjects. Don't forget that this is still a science fiction, and '10% of brain capacity' is just a vehicle to present some more complex concepts.

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Lucy does come across a little cheesy in parts (the creation of Adam reference / and a lot of scientific inaccuracies) but all in all it has a b-grade throwback sci-fi vibe where anything goes in a world of infinite possibilities. It's quite a ride, one I enjoyed a lot and if you suspend your disbelief you will too!

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I loved It. It was weird in its own way and it gets away with it. Also, I like the way this superhero is created and 'destroyed'. Incredibly interesting and refreshing IMO.

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Shout by Dowtry

I saw it in the movie theater yesterday and I constantly had the feeling that I've seen it before. To me it felt like the writer took parts of several movies/genres and combined them. Add some special effects (lots of them) and the result is Lucy.

  • Some flying cars
  • Shooting in a building with statues being destroyed
  • Angry Asian gangsters
  • Some flimsy "science" background story
  • Random scenes from BBC's Nature documentary

The whole thing together just didn't do it..

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'Science' lesson crossed with an action movie. I could empathise with Lucy. I took an out of date Lemsip last week and I experienced many of the side effects she goes through in the film. I tend to use 87% of my brain anyway so it was nothing new. Fear me mortals!

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Scarlett Johansson Le Amo!!!

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Shout by Deleted

A huge bag full of shit. I want my 85 minutes of wasted lifef back!!!

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Horrible movie. Just absolutely terrible.

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Shitty film, awful premise and poorly executed.

I found it mentally exhausting counting the things wrong with this film.

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Enjoyable movie! Had no expectations going in, which is the best move for something like this. I like Besson's work (as a director) and this isn't a bad addition to the filmography.

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I'm in trouble at rate this movie, because the topic fascinates me but as a movie, it certainly far from perfect. I wonder if the goal of picture a human mind can use the ability far above the average people - as protagonist - can be done as an enjoyable blockbuster. So in spite of all its faults I gave it a higher ratings. :)

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Great movie, but with a "wtf" end...

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Top movie to be honest

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Dumb fun. ScarJo is great. But I feel like it ended kinda abruptly.
Turn off your brain for this one because the plot holes and inconsistencies are fucking hilarious. This could have been a genuinely good movie if it was executed better.

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I can appreciate fiction not being rooted in reality, but this is the definition of a trashy popcorn flick.

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The last line, “now you know what to do…”
Wait, what am I supposed to do? Drugs?

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An interesting idea but it could have been better it felt like a mess in some points. 6.3/10

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Ridiculous, this movie didn’t make any sense. Maybe it’s only marketed for people with over 20% brain function but to a average dim wit the dots just don’t connect. Maybe if I ever get my hands on some synthetic CPH4 I will watch this again and marvel at its brilliance before I fade away into the great universe.

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Shout by Corrupt
BlockedParent2023-01-23T17:44:26Z— updated 2023-01-25T01:38:23Z

A movie that is so thought provoking it might prod your brain until it overloads like a NASA PC. Anyway, I love these types of movies, they bring something new to the table and Scarlett Johansen is brilliant in this well written sci-fi thriller. Well worth the 100% watch, just don't go out of your way to give any old suitcase to any fellow out there; or do, who knows what might follow.. If you enjoyed Ex Machina you'd probably like this.

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As superficial as you’d expect from a Luc Besson but enjoyable nonetheless.

Scarlett Johanson’s beauty certainly helps the visuals.

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Do yourself a favor and never watch this. It's really, really bad.

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this movie doesn't even make sense please don't waste your time watching this.

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Wtf did I just watch? Please don’t watch this

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It's hard to find so many plot holes in a single movie

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Non-spoiler review - as long as you've seen the trailer
Oh boy. Let's go through this. First, there is a bit that seriously comes off as racist writing.
Second, Johannsen's performance comes off as so one-note that for a good portion of the film, it's dull. Somewhat 'emotionless' protagonists have been played compellingly before, it can be done - off the top of my head, Prometheus and Hitman.
Thirdly, there are some seriously goofy sequences where the 'cool factor' is not very convincing.
Fourth, the science of the plot is poor to the point that I would guess that a significant percentage of viewers will be able to dispute it.
Fifth, Lucy's super-intelligence is occasionally abandoned for very obvious plot progression, which is annoying to watch.

Sixth, there are some cool visuals, I'll give it that. However, the meaning behind the final sequence is not very well communicated, leaving it feeling underdeveloped.
Seventh, it wasn't boring. It did keep my attention, but I recommend going into this totally as a popcorn film.

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A beautiful movie, but it starts off with a plot hole large enough to drive a truck through. Whether or not the substance was intended to be sold on the street as a recreational drug, it wasn't presently against any laws to do so nor was it a controlled substance, so there was no need for the subterfuge involved in moving it around the globe. They could have simply packed it in their on board luggage and walked it through customs. It wasn't even something drug-dogs would have alerted to. The entire rest of the movie follows from this first highly illogical thing.

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I can't believe I wanted to see this. I remember someone recommended it, maybe it was a joke. It is conpletely absurd, poorly written and extremely bad performed. Scarlett Johansson looks terrible in all her attempts to be this superhuman. Morgan Freeman is awful too. It is just a very bad action film.

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I watched this before Limitless and I couldn't watch Limitless because felt so slow with no thrill.

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A Pretty stupid movie this is.

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You've got to give it to Besson - he seems to have loads of money and access to the best in his trade, and yet he churns out fantasies from a 14-year old teenager mind with lots of action, skin-deep transgressions, and powerful females (Nikita anyone?). Oh, and crappy drum boxes (that's Eric Serra for you).

I admire his trademanshift - this is solid, well-done escapist cinema. I was thoroughly entertained (which can also been said for Le 5ieme Élément, but not Le Grand Bleu), and the script has a promising start but fizzles out quickly. Ok fx (Valerian was better in that respect) .

Its just that as a french person, I am frustrated. Here's a guy with talent and some vision, and a true French voice, and yet he sticks to mindless movies. He could do much more, but maybe he doesn't want to. And you know, that's ok.

So rant over. A solid, entertaining, popcorn movie. Escapism. That's nice.

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Superb movie. With one of the most sexy actress on the market. The story is really scientifically plausible and is a delight for scientific minds like me.

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This movie is 100% perfect!!

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Enjoyable Matrix style action, but it's too short. Think if it had an extra 40-60 mins, or even a 2nd part, it could have been a fantastic epic experience.

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I'm so torn. I really enjoyed it, but I know that it's really not good.

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This movie Is so bad

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Shout by Deleted

I was really confused. This movie was nothing like the previews.

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really happy this one can't make it. i'm afraid..............

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Shout by Deleted

Great Movie! Intense & Extremely Interesting!

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I did enjoy the movie though some of the special effects were too much for me – as well as parts of the story. Though interesting it kind of was too exaggerated at times…

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There is a limit to the amount of stupidity you can show you know?

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This movie could have been SO much better! It just feels like wasted potential for an amazing movie which seems to be on par with most movies these days.

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This is an excellent movie for the initiated. I could relate tremendously with the psychological profile of Lucy. Her strive for knowledge was detaching her away from humanity. The questionable actions she made throughout the movie explained the accelerated extent of her detachment from humanity as well... the random cut scenes in her mind were a bit annoying but exactly how some people use their imagination in critical moments.

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I was so on board with this movie until the last 20 minutes. Everything just screeched to an annoying, confusing halt once she got in that room. Leading up to that though I thought it was pretty good.

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Shout by Deleted

The best way to describe this film is that it is a reductio ad absurdum on the same theme as 'Limitless'. Not great, but entertaining.

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I think Morgan needed cash. Waste of time. Essentially a drug overdose (not a spoiler, this happens fast) and then mind reading and nonsense superpowers because of that. B movie with Morgan Freeman. Bad B movie. Switched it of after 20 minutes. Or 25 or 15 or whatever. Didn't care. Mind reading was the tipping point...

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed this enormously, Scarlett is good in the lead role its fast paced and modern SCI FI yes a little far fetched but entertaining none the less.
Thumbs up

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A real weak movie, absolutely forgetable.

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Just watched Lucy...

And I don't know how to feel...

On one hand the entire premise of the movie was completely wrong.. like the whole notion that we only use a fraction of our brain's capacity and that really kept me from enjoying the movie knowing the entire foundation of the movie is just an old misconception because I just kept thinking "that's not even close to real" and either laughing or getting angry at how unrealistic it is.

On the other hand, If I try my best to ignore fact and just accept what the movie is trying to show I mostly really like it. The conflicts kept me interested through the entire movie. And trying to keep this spoiler free and not saying too much, the final resolution kept me thinking about and processing what just happened at least all the way through the credits, which is a good thing in my book.

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Shout by Deleted

Another master piece of Besson well done

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This film is a fantasy sci-fi with great visuals and while not "realistic" or perfectly executed has a thought provoking concept.

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Shout by Deleted

This Movie is awesome, a little bit weird but still awesome and most of the people loved it. I don't like science fiction at all but I love this movie and I recommend it :)

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What does this movie try to say? Cool action, cool visual effects, cool actors. But what is the story?

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Shout by Deleted

it was really good, great movie, great actress, and a really interesting storyline

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Shout by Deleted

My God, one of the best movies I have ever seen.

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Shout by Deleted

My God, one of the best movies I have ever seen.

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Shout by Deleted

La ignorancia provoca el caos, no el conocimiento.

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Gotta say, this movie was cheeseballs. With a few exceptions, it lacks Besson's flair for action. And logically makes no sense. Still fun though.

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I soooo wanted to like this one, but it came up way short of the expectations. A poorly developing story so full of obvious holes it gives the Norwegian back roads a run for their money...

I'm sorry, but this is the first project that Luc Besson has been involved in that I can't recommend...

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Shout by Deleted

Poor ending

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I was disappointed by the movie, I expected a whole lot more of it.
Still, it was entertaining, but it was mostly CGI, 3D special effects, more special effects and... well... oh right, there is Scarlett.
that's it.
still. it was some brainless entertainment, good for an hour or so on the couch with my gf

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Shout by Deleted

Trop cool

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Bel film , scorre veloce che è un piacere . L idea di base è molto interessante, però poteva essere sviluppata molto Meglio

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Hmmmm... Certainly not the best Sci-fi movie in the world. Just

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Hmmmm... Certainly not the best Sci-fi movie in the world. Just

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Shout by Deleted

Como película de ciencia ficción, falla, y bastante. Luc Besson, como el resto de los seres humanos no tiene control sobre el argumento en el que se basa Lucy: Una mujer desarrolla inteligencia a niveles cósmicos ya que empieza a utilizar el 90% restante de su cerebro. Así que se puso a inventar: por causa de una droga sintética y milagrosa. Desde en un principio descartaría esta idea porque claro, esa hipótesis es absurda en la vida real. Pero en una película se acepta lo que sea, e incluso es algo interesante, así que se deja eso a un lado. Ahora, el problema reside en que la trama es de las más improbables para esta idea, con mafia taiwanesa incluida. Y aquí es donde entra la acción (a lo que se tuvo que recurrir) que de alguna manera es lo único que mantiene la película a flote y por lo menos a mi me mantuvo atento. Así que de esas dos cosas mal mezcladas (acción y sci-fi) Besson por lo menos logró entregar un entretenimiento decente. Pero que no pasa de ahí, ya que todo lo demás que quiso decir sobre la humanidad y el conocimiento fue muy superficial.

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Shout by Deleted

I went into this expecting Scarlett Johansson and wasn't disappointed. Sure it's not the best movie ever, and the story itself isn't innovative, but it's a cool movie to watch.

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The worst of Luc Besson in one movie...

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Shout by Deleted

If you hate abrupt endings, particularly those that leave you begging for more, this is definitely not one for you. A lot more could have been done, also, the build up seemed wildly unnecessary.

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Totally far out.

I didn't like this film. It's not what I was expecting at all.

Good effects but otherwise rubbish frankly.

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