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Minority Report 2002

(-) Score sounds like it should be for a family adventure film and doesn't fit some of the time.
(-) A lot of the characters are like cartoon characters and not believable, which may of been okay if they were going for a cyberpunk theme but it doesn't seem like it...
(-) Awkward "comic relief" moments
(+) Future technology porn
(+) Scenery is amazing
(+) Camera angles. Camera angles man.
(+) Pretty cool concept
(+) Colin Farrell's hair :)

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Minority Report was so goddamn cool. Absolutely incredible, perfect first hour and forty-seven minutes, followed by a still pretty good but not amazing last act. The concept itself, the themes it explored, the visual style, the camera movements, the opening sequence, the music, the in-universe technology, the twists and turns. It's just a great movie, one of the best sci-fi films I've ever seen.

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No quite the masterpiece some would have you believe but worth a watch.

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A great concept that’s held back by its production choices.
It works as an unpredictable action thriller with a great hook, and there are some pretty good action sequences in there.
The characters are decent (though you’re only really invested in Tom Cruise) and it’s pretty well paced and tense.
But at the same time, it’s one of the worst looking films of this caliber. The bleached look is completely overdone, it looks like absolute shit. It’s not even a case of it having like an interesting dirty look (like some scenes in Lord of the Rings), it’s just ugly.
Moreover, the score doesn’t fit the tone of the film whatsoever.
The script relies too much on exposition (often repeating what has already been shown through dialogue) and the logic is very thin in places.
It’s funny to see how some of the technological predictions of this film have already become a reality, whereas others feel very much like predictions that were made in the year 2002.


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Still a great film, fantastic work from Spielberg and definitely one of his best and super performance from Cruise.

Love the level of action and the effects and like the smart storyline and it’s ending was a great finish that was definitely well made.

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So what really happened to his Sean??

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It was a good movie but it doesn't really make sense that he is been looking for the pre-crime unity, and even though he can use his eye for enter into the facilities. With that technology I guess it would've easy just block his pass. A good movie though

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This is such an embarrassingly awkward time in Hollywood during the aughts when the product placement was jammed in your face without any sense of shame. Still a good movie because of the source material.

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Liked it more than i expected.Tense was everywhere since the first minute and i haven't seen such an upredictable movie in a while.Great plot blow mind and well made script and beautifully directed. 8.5/10

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Shout by M :lemon:
BlockedParent2018-09-23T01:04:03Z— updated 2020-11-29T22:40:33Z

I was high when i watched this movie. So fuckin high. Must watch..

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This is great sci-fi. Cool gadgets and an interesting concept make this a worth a watch. Tom Cruise is doing his thing and Spielberg is great. The ending is a little weak but that doesn't take away from the cool story.

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There were too many errors in the movies that prevented it from being a great or even remotely credible movie. Still, it never gets boring and Tom Cruise is a gifted actor.

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I think what fails this movie is the post-processing they've done on the video. They might have thought it give this an edgy futuristic look, but what those filters end up doing is make the movie look so unnatural and grainy. This is one of the very few movies I gave up watching in 4K. Somehow 4K makes it look even worse IMHO.

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Minority Report is a sci-fi film that seamlessly combines action and interesting themes. Its portrayal of advanced technology and its potential misuse by government agencies sparks fascinating discussions. This film not only entertains but also challenges you to contemplate the ethical implications of technology in the hands of those in power. A great watch for sci-fi enthusiasts and those who enjoy films that make you think.

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Pretty damn brilliant film. Top direction.

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I thought it was a pretty good, albeit somewhat lateral adaptation right up until the 1 hour 47 minute mark. At that point I wished they had just stuck to the original PKD story.

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Amazing movie!!! It had everything . Action , Drama & Emotion. Tom Cruise's best acting so far.
I give it a 9/10 ( because I had guessed who the villain was at the beginning of the movie)

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"I'm sorry for whatever I'm going to do and I swear I didn't do any of that stuff I did."

Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell are great and the premise is fun. I need to know what really happened to Sean though. So many twists and turns that I ended up not realizing what happened to him. Also I hope society never comes to this.

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That right there is a father's rage that sent chills down my spine.

With a character like this, Tom Cruise and the writers could have easily done the stoic, grey t-shirt, "I lOvE MY FamIly" action hero. But instead, they did something better, which is giving him humility and raw emotion.

Cruise didn't need to go this hard, but he did and I love him for it.

There's some great camerawork to complement the scenes. Also, Max von Sydow and Samantha Morton were both brilliant.

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So sci-fi!! WOW OMG

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Unique, creative and thrilling film, with a great setting and an engaging, thought-proviking story.

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The movie was splendid.. the storytelling and the camera work were amazing.. the futuristic sci-fi environment, acting and the presence of humor in some scenes make this a very enjoyable flick.. Spielberg really is an amazing director..

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This is such a thriller!

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I love Tom Cruise and this movie is great because of the subject and him. He is a gifted actor for sure!

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I know some people probably saw the last 30-40 minutes coming from miles away, but I never expected it. Great movie!

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Shout by Deleted

A very good action and sci-fi futuristic flick; the direction is great and Tom Cruise definitely knows what he's doing. However, there are times when it gets predictable (the Agatha storyline I guessed from the get go), the soundtrack occasionally sounds comedic where it shouldn't and I was disappointed with the weak ending.

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Futuristic, cool and fast-pacing action flick with the typical weak ending of a Steven Spielberg movie: way too soon one can guess that Lamar was the one killing Anne Lively.

But otherwise it's a great action flick that does NOT feature special effects that look silly only a few years the movie's release.

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Image 4.5/5, sound 4.75/5. Great film futuristic, something good does not justify something very wrong

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