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Oppenheimer 2023

Incredible cast. Absolutely phenomenal casting.

I must not the intended audience of this movie… or maybe everyone else is just saying they like this to sound smart?

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When we left the theater some people laughed, some hugged their SO, others walked silently. We saw great filmmaking of an event we thought we knew but left with information we could not handle.

The storytelling was great, the directing too. The post bomb Act until the end of the hearing was slow.

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Shout by B2EMO
BlockedParent2023-07-21T09:44:32Z— updated 2023-07-30T04:35:23Z

This movie is legendary. someday it'll become a classic. I don't know why someone is complaing about why they didn't get to explore more of Oppenheimer's character, or what he was. I think that person needs to rewatch this movie. Scene are not snippets, It is complete and well integrated. Yes, they covered a lot ground. Could it have been a miniseries? of course! but saying that this movie fails to integrate different aspect, is completely false. Even character whom had small screen time, did perfect. I think everyone needs to hit theatre, so Hollywood makes more fucking movie like this. which delves deep in character and dark part of human chatacter. Not everything is Pink and happy. I think, you must watch it in theatre decide for yourself. I think I have spent all my penny well. Thank you Nolan.

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Too much hype for an average movie

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The trailer did nothing particularly to catch my interest. I was mostly seeing it because of the hype from others to see what it was about.

And watching the movie there still wasn’t anything particularly that caught my interest.

I never felt bored throughout it despite the length, and the acting + writing was good. But I never felt invested in the characters and story. I felt I could go out on a bathroom break at pretty much any point, come back, and not felt like I had missed anything essential.

I also felt like they couldn’t decide if they wanted to make a hero or a villain out of Oppenheimer. So they tried to do both. And through trying to do both, they failed to do either. This really became a point of uneasiness and disconnect in the final stanza of the movie.

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I was actually looking forward to watch this movie. Unfortunately I have to say I was rather disappointed when the movie came to an end.

One of the most impressive projects ever undertaken filled with scientifical challenges and performed under immense pressure.

That is what the movie should have been all about. Unfortunately it is not. Instead all the science, challenges and achievements are just glossed over and we are feed three long, boring, hours about political machinations and his sex life.

That is not what I was expecting and it is definitely not what I wanted to watch.

Trust Hollywood to turn science into a bloody soap-like drama.

Christopher Nolan is definitely not a person that should be tasked with making a science or history movie. His Dunkirk was underwhelming to say the least and Interstellar was both a poor movie and a joke when it came to science.

I guess I should have lowered my expectations when I saw they gave the movie to him.

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I fail to understand why this movie was made. People who are actually interested, can just read the history or watch an actual documentary. This movie was filled with unnecessary personal drama, most of which is either incorrect or exaggerated. Oppenheimer never felt guilty of anything he did. He did feel sympathy for the innocent lives lost, and he was concerned about nuclear arms race. But he had no regrets till the day he died.

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I was thoroughly impressed with how well-paced this was. I had been worried that it might feel overly long, but for the most part, it did not.

I had a few issues with the third act, but everything prior to (and including) the Trinity test was sublime.

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Shout by Nox
BlockedParent2023-11-19T17:54:03Z— updated 2023-11-20T20:23:43Z

The score had me think every 5 minute scene was building up to a life or death climax only to jump forward, or backward in time to focus on another pointless and exaggerated storyline. It hopped along from the US to Europe, back to the US, political parties, cheating spouses and having children with a hearing and bomb building sprinkled in between.

Instead of telling a coherent story it felt more like "hey... Look how many famous actors I can get in my movie."

Someone took my mom to see this in cinema. She hadn't been to see a movie in 40 years. I feel sorry she had to sit through this.

I don't know what he was speaking but it wasn't Dutch.

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Re: Barbenheimer

I think it’s a really rare thing when releases are SO eagerly anticipated and then so wholeheartedly deliver. I enjoyed both of these movies immensely for wildly different reasons; Barbie is a fantastically feminist, candy-colored camp fantasy that delivers laughs and thoughts on existentialism and humanity; and Oppenheimer is a dramatically dense, fast-paced character study that delivers dread and thoughts on…existentialism and humanity. Funny how the two meet there.

Aside from the movies themselves, it has been YEARS since a movie theatre has felt so electric as when my husband and I saw Barbie on Thursday night. The outfits and “Hi, Barbie!” exclamations left and right fed directly into a delightfully enthusiastic audience - and then I didn’t hear a peep during my Oppenheimer screening this evening, which is a far cry from the typical Friday night audience.

This has been my favorite week at the movies in a very long time.

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I'm in the minority but I didn't enjoy it. The focus of the story at times was not of interest. The story itself around the bomb and court case was interesting enough that it didn't need all of the time jumps. I'm assuming these were added to motivate tension or quicker pace which it didn't. Some weird scenes in there like the two character sitting naked and discussing things. Seemed like a cheap ploy to get bewbs on screen. Overall the actors performed fantastically and the real story was interesting, but it ran too long adding in some meaningless scenes and story tangents which created a bit of boredom.

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A unique cinematic piece as the way the story of Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project was told was very interesting keeping the audience on the edge of their seats for the entire 3 hours making it properly long. The theatrics of the bomb making and interwinding it with a wild visual of Oppenheimer's brain, as his brilliance is incredible, is quite entertaining and interesting, but here wasn't as much of it as I would have hoped. The film emphasized a lot on the "trial" of Oppenheimer as he was accused of being a potential communist spy. This was fine but it made the storyline a bit hard to follow and a bit less exciting as the draw is the bomb making. Lastly, the emphasis on the pride of the US making history was an added bonus.

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Definitely interesting time period(s) to cover and I came away having learned a lot more about it then I thought I was going to... But it also felt very drawn out.
I appreciated the way the story was told, back and forth through time but even I got lost at some points. There was one section that was blaringly obtuse as well. Around the time they were pushing hard on the Chevalier stuff and flying between conversations about it.

Early on in the film I was dreading the 3 hour run time but after a while it does successfully draw you in. Lots of familiar faces and great performances. But it also feels a bit wanky and trying to stretch for the Oscar rather than just telling a story.
Enjoyable overall but glad I chose Barbie for the opening weekend and this the week after.

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The first act is over the top, almost unserious but it seriously picks up steam in the third act featuring the moment every moviegoer will wait for with bated breath (even though we all know it well). Arguably, however, the crux of the movie is in what comes after the deed is done. The political machinations of a warring, complicated world — and, as subtle as it may be, the hard fought battle for free speech and the free expression of ideas without fear of suppression, at least by the state machinery. We forget history too often, and Nolan’s version is entertaining while sufficiently historical.


Review based on fan screening.

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This is a masterclass in how to portray subjectivity. I was absolutely immersed in this character and could feel the amazement, horror, and divided feelings that he was going through. The directing was phenomenal and deserves much praise.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Oppenheimer’:

  1. Much of the film, particularly in the beginning, felt more like a montage than a movie. The scattered-ness of the scenes created a disconnect that made it difficult to absorb what exactly was going on.

  2. Why the black and white? What purpose did that serve? I’ll probably find out at some point, but it’d be nice to know in real time.

  3. I certainly didn’t expect Nolan to give us Oppenheimer for Dummies, but I really wish he would have. Performances were clearly impressive (I’m looking at you, Cillian), but they’re hard to fully appreciate when everyone is having rapid-fire conversations about fairly complex situations — and you’re too busy trying to keep up. This being my biggest qualm.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-07-26T21:57:10Z— updated 2023-11-12T01:13:34Z

Nolan is a masterful filmmaker and aspects of Oppenheimer deserve tremendous praise. However, sometimes Nolans creativity with timelines can hinder storytelling. Oppenheimer is a example of this. I also find it strange that Nolan devoted so much time to politics when the scientific and psychological aspects of the story are much more interesting.

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Give Cillian a fucking Oscar already. Its so good, so powerful. It explodes in your face, a movie meant to be seen on a big screen! The movie of the year

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This is and will be the most overrated move in history. I'm straight to the point, it boring AF.

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I'll echo another reviewer here - we need proper grown up films and I don't want to criticise one that is just that.

But for me, as a whole entity. Meh.

Murphy's acting was fine, not outstanding. Emily Blunt didn't hit the mark. RDJ was solid. The rest did well with what they had I suppose.

I didn't like the pacing and I wasn't a fan of how it sought to tell us it knew more than the viewer does.

Let me paraphrase that... Nolan works best when he nods at perhaps knowing more about characters than we do (does Bruce Wayne survive? Does the spinning top keep spinning?) and fails when he underestimates the viewer and preaches that he is superior (tenet, oppenheimer).

3 hours for all this. Not worth it.

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Shout by Sebastian Billmann
BlockedParent2023-07-26T21:50:41Z— updated 2023-07-28T09:24:30Z

Great political thriller that doesn't stop to bore you with details how the atomic bomb works.

If you watched Barbie (as in Barbenheimer) just before, you will likely immediately notice how much of a sausage party this movie is.
Considering that it is mostly a historical piece, it's justified imho.

I didn't like to see Florence Pugh reduced to do wired nude scenes at all.

Site note: I have to give the makers props for casting a German as Heisenberg. However, it felt a bit weird as Schweighöfer does not exactly have the image as an intellectual in Germany. The whole theater laughed when he came up.

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I personally found this movie sooooo boring. The concept is interesting and all but I just don’t see how can anyone keep up with the way the film was made. It kept cutting into different timelines throughout the entire movie which really confused me and it made the experience even more boring. If you’re into watching guys just talk and talk and talk nonstop for 3 hours with some background music in the back, then this is the movie for you.

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Nolan's ability to create such sharp tension and suspense in a film that is mostly dialogue-driven is impressive.

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This film could have so easily veered toward gratuitous violence, but it never once does. It lets the actors', mainly Cillian's, expressions convey all the horror. The final scene had me fighting back tears over the weight of it.

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very nice cinematography ; it really felt that you where there ; loved the ending (not the stories end but what he said to Einstein)
didn't always love the time jumps (4 timelines in one...)

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My first impression of Oppenheimer, after watching it yesterday, is identical to the review by Trakt user Jordy[1] here. This turned out to be one of the most over-hyped movies of 2023.

It's 3 hours long. So, the probability of me rewatching this to check if I missed something is slim to none. Personally, I think glorifying Oppenheimer as the "father" of the Nuclear Bomb is debatable. It's not like the guy actually designed and built the bomb all by himself. The Manhattan Project had other highly qualified people working on the bomb. Simply put, J. Robert Oppenheimer isn't Alan Turing, and this movie pales in comparison to The Imitation Game (which I've watched multiple times over the years). :wink:


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The movie is very lengthy. It covers a lot into 181 minutes and loses the ground many times. I watched the movie in theatre and saw people leaving before the movie ends. It is more like a documentary. I would recommend to see this movie in parts not in one go.

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It’s more about politics than building the big one

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Nolan continues to mess around with time, refusing to tell a story chronologically. I really enjoyed the emotions he captured from that era and the acting of Cillian Murphy was :fire:, especially how he spoke. His cadence seems so deliberately crafted to reflect that time and character.


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Yes, it's a good movie, it's well directed and the performances are great. But it's not the kind of Nolan movie I want to see and it can get boring if you don't know the subject or the real story.

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The scene where he had to give the speech after the Hiroshima bombings was a masterpiece. The whole movie ngl

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This well made film strikes most of the right notes but I would have appreciated more depth of Oppenheimer's character.

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This movie Ain't for everyone

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It's a movie that's carried away by its monstrously remarkable historical context, and as a film, Nolan's beautiful technical production. However, it fails to create a biopic that makes you connect with what's going on, and even manages to spoil the pace of the movie with a lot of filler. It's unbelievable that the guy could deliver such a lazy script for such an impactful and interesting subject as the use and danger of the nuclear bomb. A waste of potential.

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There it is. My 3rd viewing of arguably one of the most mesmerizing technical achievements in cinema ever. I'm gonna up my rating from a 9 to 10 because it totally deserves every bit of praise it gets. I have read many reviews pointing out the flaws of the movie, while I don't really deny most of them you can't but get pissed at the comments saying how boring the movie is because no movie has ever had me glued to the screen for three straight hours like Oppenheimer has.

I don't have anything new to add that haven't already been said before so I'm gonna cut this review short by appreciating Nolan for this masterpiece and the totally deserving Oscars for the actors, directors and the crew.

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I didn't like this very much. Too disjointed. Mixing scenes from different times where they have their own specific feelings and emotions doesn't work. Overall no sense of wonder, bad use of effects and many other things.

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No, sorry, not the movie to become a classic. Way tooooo complicated, with 4? 5? different timelines, each one full of information that the viewer had to understand, put in order and remember. It was very beautiful to watch, but it looked more than a montage exercise and less like a drama movie. But Cillian Murphy was amazing, incredible, totally worths every award he is a candidate. Also the cast is top, even those who came for a scene or two.

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it’s complicated to properly rate this movie but i just find myself taken out of the movie watching experience by the poorly written female characters and the question of what the purpose of making this film was?
The visuals were great and the score was incredible, no notes, and obviously the acting was top tier (but with a cast like that you’re taking no chances) but something about the victimization of Oppenheimer angle taken at the end just rubs me wrong:woman_shrugging_tone1:

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Overall a good film, but you have to pay close attention to really understand it and sometimes the story seems a bit confusing and is only really explained at the end. This made it difficult for me to understand it right from the beginning and to be able to follow it consistently

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Another amazing movie to add to Christopher Nolan's excellent movie portfolio, 3 hours flew by like it was nothing! Exceptionally paced, beautifully acted (by everyone involved but especially Cillian Murphy) the editing, and the soundtrack how fantastic! What can i say? it's as to be expected by now from his previous track record that this is another movie well worth your time. Elevated by the amazing tech behind IMAX.

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so it was good . not great. some real good acting that really kept the storyline going. so much male ego and feelings for my liking. I liked how the movie truly covered all of his accomplishments and finished the story with a conclusion that I never new existed.

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Managed to keep my attention for most of the 3 hours running time. I did get distracted by the stellar cast lining up to be in this film.

Both the leads were amazing in their own way, but I would give the award to Robert Downey Jr. He was mostly unrecognisable in the role.

The sound mix deserves a special mention for helping a biopic film feel like a blockbuster.

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There’s no doubt that the idea of an atomic bomb feels vile and immoral, but there is also no denying that its existence (and thus, the stalemate of mutual destruction the world finds itself in now) has brought peace to our time like nothing else could have. One might call it a necessary evil or say “the ends justify the means.” Of course, that will only apply as long as these bombs don’t fall into the wrong hands; hands that could ensue a chain reaction resulting in the end of the world…

All in all, this was a beautiful and compelling movie with stellar acting. This movie has certainly shown me that Oppenheimer was not only a true genius, but also a good person with the best intentions and perfectly human emotions and feelings

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I don't see what the big stink is about this movie. its OK

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the big bang theory's worst episode

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The movie lets you believe the atomic bomb is the worst invention, but in the past months, they bombed Palestine with more bombs in kiloton (KT) power than the A-bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki together. Again, with the cooperation of the same two parties that invented and used the A-bomb. So the worst thing in this world is not the bombs themselves but the parties that control the power with their undemocratic World Government.

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This was an ok movie. For some I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I also think it could have been much shorter.

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Honestly, if this doesn't sweep the Oscars then I guess I know nothing about movies

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On the technical aspects of shooting 70mm IMAX - why bother if the shots are out of focus? If you believe so highly in resolution being important for film making please use Digital Intermediates so we actually get to see that resolution by the time it hits our eyes. Finishing a film photochemically destroys resolution. We have better tech now days - use it!

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Although I don't like biographical films, I loved this film. Nolan should definitely get an Oscar this year And certainly the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor is decided for Robert Downey jr.

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Truly amazing that Nolan was able to create a biopic that somehow had a twist in it, but given the material, it also makes complete sense. While I will say the pacing of the movie in some parts was a little odd, there's no denying the visuals, soundtrack, and story are all spectacular. The end credits scene was also really good.

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This is a powerful, interesting movie and piece of History. I did peruse the internet a bit to see how much of the movie is actually true and I'm glad to report that it appears it is very accurate where it matters.
It turns out I only barely had a rudimentary knowledge of the Oppenheimer story making the movie much more interesting and educational.
Cillian and Downey Jr are excellent in their portrayals. Definitely a movie worth watching.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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"You don't get to commit sin, and then ask all of us to feel sorry for you when there are consequences."

For a movie about making a bomb, the explosion is only a small fraction of what the whole story entails, and I love that. RDJ kills it, Cillian Murphy kills it (not sure if his character is that likable), and the music elevates the build up and the consequences so much. At one point I had to look at my watch to see if my heart rate was elevated in the theater.

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Another fucking great movie from Nolan. I bit long, yes; but even that you don't have the usual explosions or superheroes or mythical creatures fighting on screen as the usual movie of this length has, it doesn't get boring. It just tells a story. Great acting from all cast (and what a cast, my god. I even recognized at least one secondary or even background actor in each scene), amazing photography and storytelling, a score that by now is expected in a Nolan movie. Not much more to say, he did it again. In my personal choice, is not the kind of Nolan movie i would watch repetively like Inception, Interstellar or Memento, but definetely a must watch in general; and of the best (if not THE best) of 2023. It's a 8.5 for me, but i'll round up to 9 because i love Nolan.

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I fell asleep twice zzzz

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Not your typical mr Nolan movie, but still an extremely well done and an amazing movie. Amazing cast, so many great actors in one movie. The sound was as you can expect, phenomenal. I really enjoyed it!

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Firstly, I am not a huge history buff, nor do I like historical dramas. However, I am a lover of Christopher Nolan and I HAD TO see this film. Simply put, it is very good. All bits of cinematography are the top tier we have come to expect for all Nolan projects. Is it my favorite thing of his? Not really. But I wouldn't be shocked if many people say that it is. The story moved at a very brisk pace and still ended up at 3 hours. Well cast. Well-acted. Well written. If you have ever seen "The Imitation Game", this feels quite a bit like that, but on steroids. Looking forward to my rewatch.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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In terms of modern Nolan this is top-tier - his best film since Inception. Acting is fantastic all round and the extraordinary sound design makes this a must-see for the big screen.
Everything that makes Nolan overrated still remains on full display and you could actually argue that he doubles down on these aspects here, especially with the refusal for both quiet and normal-person dialogue, but it works as all of this makes the movie itself feel like a three-hour bomb that explodes at the credits and leaves you overwhelmed in all the senses.

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If I could give 1000 more stars, I would. A true masterpiece. Expecting an Oscar for this movie.

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This movie seriously left me speechless! I mean, I was just sitting there at the cinema, watching everyone else leave, and I couldn't move from my seat for a good few minutes. My mind was just processing everything I saw. Nolan deserves some serious kudos, but damn, the whole production team behind this masterpiece needs way more love, especially the special effects department. :sob: And let's not even start on the mind-blowing sound design. Ugh, no words! Oh, and can we talk about the spot-on casting? Nolan, you're driving me crazy (in a good way).

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Oscar winning performance from Murphy imo. Phenomenal sound design throughout. Was fortunate enough to see this in Imax 70mm and it was worth the hype. So much tension from
many different angles were portrayed expertly. A sparkling achievement. If any minor qualms it'd be with the length. Maybe 10-15 min less would be adequate, but alas, that's more to do w the difference in quality between cramped imax seats and the ubiquitous luxurious full recliners now available most everywhere else. 8.6

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I really liked this film. My problem with it however was the length. I think when you make a movie this long it does have a very high opportunity of becoming quite boring. I did think the storytelling, acting, and cinematography were all stellar but I drifted off nearer the back end of the movie as I feel like we were repeating ourselves. It was nice to see loads of famous faces in the acting world here, (Rami Malek, Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy to name but a few) I would definitely recommend this film but make sure you have snacks and if possible I would watch it in two parts (I didn't have the opportunity as I saw it in the cinema).

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The movie is not like a Nolan movie. But it's a really good movie on its own. The dialogues and shots are terrific. A lot of action was expected as a promotional mistake, but not as much as expected. Even if it is not watched on Imax. But you should definitely go to the movies and see it. Also, I can't help but say that it's a bit long. It could have been even shorter.

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I saw this at the cinema. Stunning audiovisual experience, superb acting, creative story telling. The split timelines can be a bit disorienting, but just go with it, it will come together in the end.

It’s worth it for the trinity scene alone.

Watch it on a big screen, big audio.

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I'm just in shock of this movie.. will take me couple of days to comprehend the experience I went through and form an opinion.

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sadly, there is no peace when theres human, is never only about the bomb, i think with or without this invention, countries will still create/use alternatives to "deterrence" others

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A wonderful film diving into the life of Oppenheimer and the events leading up to the Trinity test and the effects afterwards. The sound and scenes were beautifully done. The choice in actors was spot on, Cillian Murphy finally shining in a leading role was perfect choice. I hope he gets nominated for this performance.

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Christopher Nolan and Cillian Murphy deliver career-defining work in this intense masterpiece. Robert Downey Jr.'s performance, reminiscent of his iconic role in Iron Man (2008), is exceptional, and Emily Blunt shines brilliantly. This film undoubtedly deserves a perfect 10/10 rating and a place among the greatest of all time.

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A heartbreaking portrait of a genius in grief.

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“What does the J stand for?”

Somehow, the director turned 3 hours of heavy going - with mostly people talking - into an engaging and thought provoking epic.

The actors, director, cinematographer and sound engineer all deserve awards.

While not exactly my “cup of tea” and for me not as entertaining as his previous work, there is no doubting Nolan’s talent and sheer love with unwavering dedication to a project.

This was fascinating to watch and the smallest detail is not overlooked. I urge anyone with a love of movies and cinema to see this on the largest screen you can.


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I loved it physics and Cillian Murphy combined with Christopher Nolan as director is just chefs kisses

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I fell asleep in the first 1 hour, but things get interesting when they started to test the bomb.

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Good movie but didn't need to be 3 hrs long....too much intrigue

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A complete masterpiece (and I got to see both of my boys trailers beforehand) hurrah for cinema :sparkles:

It would’ve been a 10 but Casey Affleck was in it which was the only let down

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When art meets science.
Another masterpiece from Nolan. Felt like watching a movie from the golden age Hollywood. :heart:
Little nerd in me is very happy.

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Why do they keep telling stories back and forth? I mean the first hour was a mess and I was about to leave the cinema. Thanks god I didn’t because starting the first hour ahead it is an excellent movie. If you’re watching at home you will probably want to skip the first 45 minutes or so. It’s pure thrash. And the messy scenes repeats at the end in the correct timeline order so there’s no point suffering that horrible first part.

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Oppenheimer literally opened up in this bombastic biopic.
Thank you, Nolan for almost destroying our ears.

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This movie is definitely worth watching, I just didn't expect it to be that way, I expected some alternate reality from Nolan and not just a plain historical movie. Maybe I got it wrong from the trailer, I don't know!!

But anyways, everything was good about that movie, the acting, music, directing, photography, but I think 3 hours for such a movie is too long and I felt bored in some parts, especially it is just a history telling.

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