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Ready Player One 2018


Shout by Chilkara
BlockedParent2018-03-29T06:12:59Z— updated 2018-04-02T18:15:14Z


I was totally engulfed in this film. Everything about it was well done. There was incredible character development, well-executed plot, and honestly an enjoyable world. There were multiple 'Inception' moments and SO many references to pop culture and the gaming world.

I thoroughly enjoyed the commentary on today's culture, and where we are going, taken to the extreme. It was neat to see the players who met online, meet in person and continue being friends, despite everyone being different in person. I really enjoyed that message as a gamer myself. Also funny to see commentary on corporate culture trying to take over any power available anywhere (in this case, a hobbyist gaming community.) Various good messages and insights on what the world has become/is becoming.


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What a fun movie! As someone who was born in the 80s, i can appreciate all the pop culture references in the movie. Great cast, with lots of laughs. I'll be watching this one again!

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The paradigm of material being cut from a book to fit into the run time of a movie doesn't really apply here because next to nothing from it happens in the film. It bares little resemblance to the book at all and is completely shallow for it. Conservatively I'd put it at 10% of the book translated to the screen in a recognisable form.

It should be "Inspired by" rather than "Based on" however I didn't find it that inspired at all. It's unbelievable to me that Cline himself handled the screenplay, at least in part. People that love the film will be thoroughly disappointed by the book, especially the PG-13 crowd the film brought in.

The Oasis itself was done an utter disservice by portraying it as basically just a game, it was so much more than that.


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I saw the movie in an AMC Dolby Theater and I loved it! I haven't read the book so I cannot comment on how accurate the movie is. It had few older songs, few references to movies and Pizza Hut delivered via drones. It definitely looked really good on the big screen. I cannot comment more without spoiling the movie.

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Save your money and buy the book instead.

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too bad i read the book, otherwise i would have really enjoyed everything... man thats fucking annoying!

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Good movie that had the potential to be great if it had followed the book. Instead it took The Hobbit movie route and was more of an "inspired by the book" movie. I thought the challenges in the book were better thought out and had a better ending. And since the main character were aged up a few years, it missed the "high school" start that existed in the book. If the movie existed in a vacuum (not based on a book), it would probably get an 8 from me, but looses some luster compared to the book.

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Shout by Jessi
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-04-13T00:40:57Z— updated 2018-05-09T21:03:43Z

This was beautiful to look at. But damn near everything was different. Too different. I don’t like what they did to Art3mis. Her personality was so vastly different from the book that if I didn’t know better I’d swear she was a different character.

I’m sure I would’ve loved this movie if I hadn’t read the book. I can say with 100% certainty that I’ll never watch it again.

But man it was beautiful.

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Intial reaction.

The Good:
- The Oasis itself and the world within, was spectacularly done by Spielberg.
- The CGI isn't laughable in any stages of the film. It's a thrill ride from beginning to end.
- Massive action scenes are handled beautifully. As per usual from Steven Spielberg.
- The pop culture references, for the most part, had me going a bit nuts.
- The overall story was okay though.
- But this movie takes risks, and the risks pay off (You know the one).

The Bad:
- The ending was far too predictable.
- The contrast between the real world and the virtual one was too strong, and needed to be toned down. Especially for the moral to work properly.
- The villian, though good in some respects. Lacks originality, and doesn't have a full motivation, that we saw.
- Though it does seem to have it's own style, the contrasting issue comes in again with the frontal look of the film. Making it feel dull in some places.

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Wasted my life not watching this in the cinemas.

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It is an amazing movie, I love it. You're not allowed to criticize it in any way.

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film of the year for me ...

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Brilliantly fun, well written and directed, LOTS of references some subtle others quite obvious to movies, games, characters, etc... kept smiling from start to finish. great movie.

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I had a high opinion on it when it was in development before it hit are screens and it lived up to that because it was a key of fun packed, action packed, easter egg packed of awesomeness. Steven Spielberg has levelled up again, never fails to amaze me on his talent to make a film that's worth watching for all ages, also has a wise choice on the cast that supported it the whole way and if you're a gamer or film buff or both you'll love it even more because it was a great play through, defiantly a missing trophy achievement to unlock for your collection and feel it could be reality in the real world one day..

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This really isn't my kind of film usually, but I went to see it at the cinema, and I genuinely enjoyed it. I think any film that has excellent storytelling and great actors that make you care about the characters will always be a great combination. Of course, it's directed by Spielberg, so you can't go far wrong with that feller.

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A fun and unique watch but not good enough to watch again.

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The movie is not related to the book at all. I have read the book and I found it amazing, right after finishing the book I went to see the movie and I was totally disappointed on how the movie doesn't reflect the book. The plot in the book is awesome but for some reason a lot was changed, the "dramatization" or "they had to fit in" arguments doesn't apply as a reason to not follow the incredible story line in the book.

Anyways, for someone who didn't read the book it might be a cool movie........

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Too much heavy handed nostalgia. A memories quilt in film form. But not cleverly done. The book, too.

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Plotholes, plotholes, plotholes... everywhere. The more I think of it, the more it falls apart. Does not make sense AT ALL. Plotholes kept on distracting me from the actual movie. Incredibly stupid. 4/10

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Loved the soundtrack, the CGI and the easter eggs but the film itself was merely OK. A case of far too much hype unfortunately.

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fantastic!!!! the references to pop culture made me to remember of my childhood. movie of the year and nothing matters but my opinion

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This was a surprisingly enjoyable movie! I did not expect it to be so interesting and exciting and I can't say I regret watching it. The pop culture references took it over the top. Really well done. Bravo, Spielberg and co.!

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Great movie...and references was very good

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

Should've been called "I love the 70s, 80s, and 90s."

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Kickass Ready Player One.. Any 80’s kid loves a Fanboy Classic made Great.. 9.9 STARZ

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It has been good, the part in real and the part in virtual, although it would be necessary to see it 2 times to pay attention to the tributes that you jumped for happening out of focus

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I was very pleased with Ready Player One. I tried reading the book but was thrown off by a very unlikable Wade Watt's. The movie improves his character, and the story as a whole that is perfect for the big screen. For a movie that is mostly just CG it felt incredibly real and tangible. I would highly recommend seeing this movie in theaters; this is a movie made for the big screen.

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Ready Player One - Based on the Novel by Ernest Cline

Ready Player One has everything that is needed for an amazing movie - Romance, Drama, Loss, Comedy and Action - I really enjoyed this some things where like Woah like Aech (The big "dude" who makes cars and stuff) is actually a girl in the real world I mean she did say anyone in the oasis could be a middle aged girl who acts like a man - Watching them complete everything and how ioi trys to destroy everyone was just thrilling I did like Ogden (The Librarian dude) I thought it was just an AI But it was a real person - I do wonder how he was on their 24/7 - The ending was quite weird Halliday's Oasis character apparently isn't a robot but isn't a human... Halliday irl is dead but that person looked like an AI - it was like a cliff hanger kinda,
I will be personally pissed if Ready Player Two doesn't get made!

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You know how there are many movies and games with lots of Easter eggs in them? Well, this Easter egg had a lot of movies and games in it. There's more Easter eggs in this movie than seconds! Seriously, blink and you can be certain that you're going to miss something.

Gamers and movie buffs will fall in love with this, nostalgic people will get quite high on it, sci-fi nerds will enjoy this, and everyone else should just appreciate how fun and entertaining this movie is.

In an age of lackluster blockbusters, this is one blockbuster well done.

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fuuuuuuuck im glad i stopped playing with video games because this is what happens if you are addicted to these games. they gonna suck you in for real.

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I started watched the film with 0 expectations and it turned out to be a great movie I personally like the game idea and I thought seeing thought the animation was going to be annoying but I like it
great story, development , its funny and enjoyable movie

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This movie was soo good, I always saw it in my feed in netflix and on hbo max I watched it and it was great. what made it even better is how there was sooooo many references to other games/movies like halo, DC, back to the future, ect.

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This movie was a very pleasant surprise.

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Only wished this was in 3D

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So I put off watching this movie for a bit. I remember that I wanted to watch it as soon as it came out, but my friends weren't that excited. Life and work happened so I just didn't watch it. After seeing it at home and alone, I can definitely tell you that I regret not watching it as soon as it came out.

The story was set up incredibly well and it actually builds up very nicely. It portrays the reality we're currently aiming for and what that reality could mean. Obviously there won't be an egg hunt at the end of which you'll become immortal, but there will always be those that want to control everything.

I can't say a lot without adding spoilers. This is definitely a movie you should watch if you're into dystopian stuff. Heck, it's a movie you should watch even if you're not and while you're at it, watch it a few more times

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3 words: Not that good. Nothing special. Nice soundtrack but if you take that have: Not good.
I didn't read the book but I have a feeling that the book was really interesting but this See it or not. Not going to change much for you, IMO. I would give it a 5.5/10 if possible. Rounded up just due to the music.

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At 1hr 14 minutes you can see Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un on a billboard

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Great ride, needed more Metal Gear Rex, Metal Gear Ray and Solid Snake

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This is what happens when everyone plays the same VR game!

This is the coolest movie of the year till now.

Awesome CGI, good story and hell of an action.

This is the best Game based movie i've ever watched

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Fun movie and takes you on a ride thru all sorts of pop culture and gaming references.

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A true CGI masterpiece! This was a really enjoyable movie that geeks will love for sure.

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Cool with future technology game and next world maybe is real.

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see fighting iron giant vs mechagodzilla has no price.... and see a delorean running as faster than 88 miles hahahaha awesome

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I was totally engulfed. the best I have seen so far this year. with nice soundtracks too.

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Its a big plate for who likes games and spilberg productions

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Shout by reborn12008
BlockedParent2018-04-15T16:26:09Z— updated 2022-04-27T13:56:28Z

Very enjoyable film, i can't help getting a feeling that this is a geeky film, since i went to see this movie with my sister(the social type) and to her its like this was a more modern variant space jam. Despite of that, its very well built and some references that most people would know. That "retro" soundtrack looked really cool with the subject of this film,more than appropriate i would say. Overall acting was good, although i noticed some moments that it felt like they were literally reading their lines.
Great movie for the family, its something that shouldnt be missed.

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I realy enjoyed the movie, as i enjoyed the book. They are different, but for me, it's the right kind of difference. I will rewatch it, so thst i can test my knowledge of the 80's.

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As a gamer, I enjoyed this a lot. Some great references to games/movies throughout.

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Man, this movie is terrific!!! As someone who plays VR regularly, I approve this movie and all the concepts of the OASIS.

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Absolute Bad ASS! So Spielberg-esque with film adaptation elements (alternating from the book) that were perfect! Anybody under 35, this is what Gen-X grew up with - the 1980's were littered with movie gems like this one. I am going to watch this again with my son!

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A very fun popcorn flick. It's almost a pop culture overload, I want to see this again to try and find what I missed. The story is pretty decent. It's simple, feels like a video game and has a few cliches but that's fine. The music is fun and upbeat and fits right in with the movie's tone. The acting is good, I thought Mark Rylance was the best. The effects were great. There is a lot going on at one time so it's hard to focus on one thing but it looks great. The whole The Shinning scene was really something cool. If you haven't seen that then you might be confused but as a fan of the movie I thought is was a really awesome scene.

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Uncontrollably magnficent. A tremendous artistic cyber-fantasy.

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Absolutely loved the book! Can't wait for the movie to come out!!! <3

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As someone who read the book some years ago this film was a letdown. All of the key challenges were different and they made less sense. Being a gaming nerd myself I was able to figure out the clues along with the book but the movie they were so abstract it took huge assumptions and leaps in logic to figure out what they were.
The way they used the 1up token especially annoyed me. In the book it was very clear what it was, and that it would be useful but not how or when. In the movie it was a total mulligan and felt pulled out of the ass just for convenience.

The way they conducted IOI's activities as a whole was wrong and the whole movoe I just kept thinking "so where are the f***ing cops in all this?". Yet again, in the book it made sense, but in this film it was just ignored for convenience. They turned an intelligent antagonist into a bumbling shallow one.

It was pretty to watch, and the references were enjoyable. But as someone who originally read (and enjoyed) the book, this is one film I'm fine with not seeing again.

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Lived the 80s, loved the 80s, know the story's references, but only got half way through the book because the nostalgia was actually nauseating. It was like the author was force-feeding it down your throat, and I couldn't really imagine people worshipping the 80s as described. Movie was less like that, but still too much. Watching CG attempting to just be CG, as opposed to CG attempting to be real, was actually refreshing. Decent idea, story and was creative - would have liked to see more VR interaction with the 80s (like the interaction with a particular 80s movie, in the movie) - but seemed to fall short on its potential.

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This movie is awesome!!! Totally based on virtual/Meta/Gaming world. Enjoyed the whole movie. Personal rating 10/10

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Pretty good movie.

Probably not worth re-watching ever.

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Amazing direction from Steven Spielberg and scenes straight out of video games!

Despite some plot holes, Ready Player One is a sci-fi action movie that anybody who's ever been a gamer will enjoy!

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After the trailer was released I got myself the book but after reading it I did not think it was so great. Yes, the references are cool but take that out and you are left with a rather generic story. And there is another catch. Those references work best on people who grew up in the 80s. And since the story itself is geared towards a young audience, today, I am not sure if they can grasp all of them.
In any way, the book still is much better than the movie. The movie is entertaining and basically a CGI fest. The story in the book has more layers and is more interesting. The whole background is missing and the story is changed in huge parts to adapt it to a movie script. There doesn't seem to be anything really at stake here - you know who will win in the end.

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If you are like me and read the book, you'll be mostly disappointed. Except for some parts of its ending and the main story arc, this story is completely different from the book. It's enjoyable nonetheless and many will like it; I just had all these images from the book already in my head...
There were also alot of plot holes. Everything felt kinda out of place and patched together. I'd recommend to wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray release or if it's available on Amazon or Netflix.

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Top 5 flick of all time!

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Shout by Mike
BlockedParent2019-03-11T04:31:59Z— updated 2019-08-20T21:57:28Z

Best movie of 2018! Love the whole concept of online real feel graphics, with out of the box thinking like this there is no limit. Awesome techy look, it's what a sci-fi future could look like too. Top 5 movie of all time for me and my love of SCI-FI. Time to watch it again. ENJOY!

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Great movie, I love the references!

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Being an old fart I got most of if not all the references made in the book.
Almost none of them made it into the film, in fact the film can at best be described as derived from or inspired by the book.
I don't really remember Halliday as being portrayed as a retarded person in the book which he is in this film, I believe you can actually be fairly competent with computers without lacking basic social skills.
And the whole dynamic between Watts and Cooke is weird as hell when you realize that a girl who's actually model grade material is supposed to be average looking deformed by a horrible birthmark.
How shallow do you have to be for that to make sense?
The book version of the Oasis is not a game, it is much more than that.
I can't believe Cline signed his name on this script, on its own I guess it's fairly entertaining all though somewhat juvenile but as a book adaptation it's absolutely horrible.

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Awesome, a ton of references to games, animations and anime that fans will love. Nice story, good acting and soundtrack, totally worth it. Can't wait for the home version to enjoy it again and again.

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Absolutely love the book. Cannot wait.

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So so so bad, it's a film with a reading age for fourteen year olds chock full of references for fourty year olds. I was embarrassed to be in the cinema for it.

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yes he was good the movie
but tomorrow i will go into my VR world with my new Oculus Quest 2 256GB what this will give ... am very curious about vr and the quality. can someone give me a little tip how it will be in the otherside of VR Oculus Quest 2 256GB ??? someone who also has it of course ...

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the characters are very predictable and basic and the story does not give much of itself

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Shout by Ian

this was well produced but makes absolutely zero fucking sense, ever.

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Sadly, the film goes at some points (that would make the story way more interesting) the short way into action instead of the original Storyline. Characters act differently as they are known due to the book (read here Morrows and Daito) and to end the film with a Happy ending was a f*d up decision because the open end in the Book makes way more sense for the viewer and reader.

Everyone who likes these Film, please read the book!

As a personal Note towards Ernest Cline: It is a shame when our heroes doesn't understand our Stories, our passion and change them due to lame studio decisions. "Human passions have mysterious ways, in children as well as grown-ups. Those affected by them can’t explain them, and those who haven’t known them have no understanding of them at all." - Michael Ende, The Neverending Story

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I absolutely loved it. I realize it's manipulatively cashing in on nostalgia, but even that aside (which admittedly made me giddy a few times) it's just a solid adventure film, with a pretty good, timely message.

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I don't think people really understand the importance of this film. I know that many will write this off as a film about video games. If that were true then E.T. was about aliens. Both films were about the human condition, of course. Besides that this film really blazed a trail into new areas of movie making. I didn't expect much from this (I thought it was a fun movies with lots of 80's references) and I was really blown away.

check me out at

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This was a fun movie with a solid cast and some beautifully designed cinematics. There were a lot of references to various bits of pop culture but unfortunately they were never made a big deal of. However, the ability to have them and not distract from the main story was actually, perhaps, a good thing. It was fun, well made and worth watching!

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Clever. Funny. Adventurous. Just a great movie for everyone (maybe a little terrifying for young children). The writing is brilliant. Movie, SciFi, Literary, Pop and Gaming references from every era. Old people will think the kids won't get the references. Young people will think it is only for their generation. But they will both be wrong. There are so many Easter Eggs in this that it would take an encyclopedic endeavour to point them all out (and I'm sure the true nerds will give it a try). Great and complex CGI. Good performances. I give this movie a 9 (superb) out of 10 and encourage people to see it on the big screen in 3D with popcorn. [SciFi Adventure]

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Shout by Astrojam

The only media reference they left out that would have made the movie perfect for me would be VJ EMMIE ON THE MICROPHONE! “THE MOVIE’S ON!”

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Solid and fun. If I had to guess the 80s director that directed it, though, I would have guessed Zemeckis and not Spielberg. Why? Manic and fast paced. Loud and funny. Great action and just a good time, but very, very little heart. That is why this was not a 10, but a solid 9 for certain. 9/10

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Shout by Brendan White

Ready Player One is as exciting as a blockbuster can be offering thrills around every corner with a beautifully-created virtual world at the centre of it. The ensemble cast is great and the film is mostly filled with little references rather than the direct references that the book takes. The film can seem a little rushed at the start in setting the world and the final act can feel a little prolonged but that all doesn’t matter when the story gets tied up perfectly in Spielberg-fashion.

Steven Spielberg took what I thought would be an unfilmable book and created a magical world, full to the brim of pop culture references that everyone can enjoy. Who really doubted Spielberg though?

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A pop culture fun fest that makes you proud to call yourself a Spielberg fan!

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I really hope they'll make it as good as the book. It's almost everything I like about SciFi

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Steven Spielberg just knows how to make a reasonably entertaining movie. "Ready Player One" is perhaps a tad too long, but overall it's lighthearted fun that is particularly appealing due to its numerous pop culture references. I don't know how well the movie will age any further, though. Some of the more modern references already feel outdated, and the video game cutscene look isn't exactly timeless.

Furthermore, I wasn't entirely convinced by the real world in the movie either, at least I'm not quite sure what led to the entire world functioning almost exclusively via a VR game. I also question the absolute necessity of a romance, given its lack of convincing development, which ultimately constitutes one of the movie's biggest weaknesses. Overall, however, "Ready Player One" is still entertaining enough that I don't regret watching it.

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It was pretty and fun, and feel good but a lot of the writing felt pretty contrived and many of the moving parts and payoffs don't really come together if you think about some of the characters drives at certain times throughout the movie.

Feel like it could have done so much more, but it just leaves off as a film that was enjoyable to watch one time and switch off to.

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Enjoyable and fun watch with alot of wasted potential imo. I feel like this would have made a better show, even if only one of those single season shows. I feel like there was alot of world building and character development that could have been done, but in movie form the pacing of everything just felt very rushed and this interesting world they created didn't get very fleshed out properly.

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This movie had so much potential. There were fun moments and i remember enjoying it the first time. But this is a long tiring watch that often falls a little flat. I enjoy it somewhat, but it was longer than needed and not super great.

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If only Speilberg did this in parts. Part one, part two, and so on. So much went into this, and it's easy to tell. The soundtrack is awesome, unlike the score. The acting is brilliant, especially from Olivia Cooke. The vfx, sfx, cgi, motion capture, and just everything presented was beautiful. The design was just amazing, and seeing so many different eastereggs, it really is a movie nerds type of movie. The story was great but terribly done. I would allow the one-off, non sense scenes, but a good chunk of this made absolutely no sense, and if it did, then it was the epitome of stupid. Like I said, if this was done in parts, it would have been a lot better. I loved the jokes and the hidden messages, but I hated the creepiness. I don't know if it's Speilberg, but some of the ideas, whether it be visually or story wise, made me feel really uncomfortable. Anyway, long story long, it's both a masterpiece and a brain-dead fever dream. Also, I want a ready player two.

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