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The Avengers 2012

So in other words, everyone up until September 25th who has the collected status of this movie here on Trakt has a crappy cam version....

Movies like this one should not be viewed from the recordings of a camcorder someone managed to hide in his jacket or bag or whatever. I have not seen it yet, but i refuse to let my experience of what i hear is an awesome kick-ass movie be ruined by a cam version with a shaky view, people who get up and stand before the camcorder and a sound that just doesn't do my ears or my expensive headphones any justice.

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I’m doing a mini rewatch before Endgame and I swear I started crying when Tony said "If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it". I just can’t believe how far this universe has come and how much the original 6 have grown and changed. I really really really love this world and these characters and I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So Tony, Steve, you all better stay fucking alive :sneezing_face:


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One Liner: If you like superhero and fantasy movies, then I am sure you are gonna love this movie.

The Avengers (2012) is listed in my all time favorite movie list. Its special effects, story line, continuity with other marvel comics movie amazed me. I am in love with this movie. After watching this movie I watched Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor movies again. Then I watched the movie again, enjoyed it and found whole new dimensions of this movie.

I can't stop me to wait eagerly for next marvel movies and The Avengers Sequel. Watch this movie. You won't regret it and time will fly away. Love this movie.

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***Movie is good. But overrated.***

Seriously guys. Its a great action movie, but this should not be in the top 250 list.

*The action was great.
*The story-line, though, was not consistent with the comic books, was decent.
*The special effects were great, as expected.
*The characters were believable.
*On and on, it was an acceptably average movie. Worth spending money.

Watching in 4K TV, but It certainly does not deserve to be in top 250 list and be rated above 8 because its just an average movie.
I am beginning to loose faith in IMDb rating system now.

My Score 7/10.

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@FatalMuzza The HeliCarrier has been a trademark of S.H.I.E.L.D. since its inception. This is an awesome movie.

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Ahh tis good movie so tis

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the bar was set high to end P1 tales of the tesseract

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The Revisit the MCU Project (2021) #6 of 23

I said this one was "Bloody Brilliant" the last time I reviewed it, and nothing much has changed.

This is what all superhero movies should be...

Endlessly exciting!
Action to die for!
People and Heroes you actually care for!
GREAT Story!

Everything is here...

So I guess it is...

Bloody Brilliant!!!!!!!!

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Without ironic-funny interruptions there would be simple sci-fi movie with tons of CGI destruction. But with those mentioned, it worked quite good :)

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Not all of the MCU Phase one movies were great but this movie is indeed the pinnacle. You get right into the action and it never really stops until the end. Yet, there is a story here not only effects. There is balance. I always felt the movies after this, the pendelum swung at times to much towards CGI. Highly entertaining but you need to watch the other films or you might not understand some things.

Puny god - priceless

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Marvel's The Avengers is a visual delight and I cannot wait to see it again, and again, and again.

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While the start is promising The Avengers get's boring pretty fast and about half an hour in one feels like watching (yet another!) iron man movie and is strongly tempted to stop right there (at least I was ;-)).

However, if you sit through it a little longer you get rewarded with a solid action flick in the second half of the film. It is, of course, a non-brainer and doesn't come anywhere near Marvel's own Wolverine / X-Men nor DC's (new) Batman films, but it's still fun popcorn cinema and worth a watch. Just do not expect too much or you will be disappointed for sure!

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"-Doctor Banner, now might be a good time for you to get angry.
-That's my secret, Captain. I'm aways angry."
That scene makes no sense but yet still the best scene in this movie!

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All of the characters except Captain America are complete pieces of shit. I was rooting for those random bad guys with absolutely no characterization by the end.

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i think they missed the mark with this, not that is was bad i still enjoyed it somewhat but this should've been a whole lot better than it was. hoping the sequel steps it up.

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Didn't like the way they tried to put in something funny, like the employee switching to playing a game when nobody is watching. Doesn't fit in this movie.
Despite that, one of the better movies of this year!

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I don't see why this movie is that good, I mean it's OKAY but... Don't know, 6/10 here...

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Very boring at the begging, almost fell asleep. If wasn't for Hulk, this movie would suck. 5 out of 10

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Little slow in the beginning, but the end is all worth it!


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Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-02-05T03:53:05Z— updated 2022-11-01T03:07:00Z

ok after watching every other marvel movie fully at attention for the first time (yes... including endgame, all of captain america's movies, iron man's, spider-mans, infinity war, etc.) this isn't that good of a movie, not really. it's there as a type of introduction, i'd say. it's still really good- an 8/9 is what i'd rate it as but some things in the movie were either too drawn out or too quick. i feel like the fight was really short in actuality? there was too much time given to the buildup and introduction of the story that the fight got less runtime than it should have.

that scene where tony goes into the portal with the nuke was VERY exciting though, even knowing that he had done that. that scene was well made. I knew he would get out fine, but i was still anxious and drawn into the movie. i love it when movies do that to me even when i know what's going to happen.

edit oct 31 2022: end credits are bomb!!

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Expected DVD release: September 25th 2012

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The Avengers is a true masterpiece that brings together all the beloved Marvel characters into one epic movie. It's a great movie that perfectly balances action, humor, and drama, making it an entertaining and enjoyable watch. The film's action sequences are expertly choreographed, and each character's unique abilities are showcased in all their glory. Overall, a fantastic movie that delivers on every front, and it's a must-watch for fans of superhero movies or anyone looking for an exciting and engaging action movie.

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(This review was written when this film was first released.)

Honestly I couldn't ask for a better Avengers film! Everyone in the cast fit together nicely with each other and Mark Ruffalo did a great job as the new Hulk replacement. The action was top-notch and the story line mixed in with some comedy parts was perfect for the film. I saw this film in 3D at the midnight release in America and heard from some of the people overseas that the 3D wasn't that great, but I would have to disagree. I thought the 3D conversion was done very well compared to other films I've seen in 3D. The Avengers is by far my favorite superhero film off all time, in fact I'll even go as far as my personal favorite movie period. My only problem with this film is that Marvel now has set the bar pretty high and I hope future Marvel films don't suffer from it. As fresh as this film is I really can't comment on some of the good stuff without spoiling the film, but this film definitely lives up to the hype; it is a must see!

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If i were to create a video of all the best scenes in the movie it would just be the whole movie

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I remember the first time i watched this was in like 2013 bc i was going to a superhero party and i wanted to be black widow and it totally started the marvel obsession. I love this movie so much, will keep coming back to it.

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The beggining of the legend

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Shout by Smatthew

I re-watched this recently, and made the connection .. all the original Avengers survived Thanos Snap. (yes i knew this, but, seeing them all in the original film really brings that idea home). Iron Man, Capt America, Hulk, Black Window, Hawk-eye and Thor

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This movie was just fun, period. It was also one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. The only complaint I had was that some of the superheros really didn't fit in the scrum that took place at the end of the film. Is the guy that shoots arrows really going to be a force against aliens? I think not. But it didn't matter - it was good fun.

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It's crazy to think how much hype was behind this. I think back and realize how surreal it was to see all these superheros on the screen at the same time. It was a treat to see on the big screen. Now watching it before Infinity War it still holds up very well. There is a ton of action and a lot of good fights between all our heroes. Joss Whedon does a great job of making it light and fun. It is a longer movie but moves at a pretty good pace. The middle drags a little but it is not bad. The effects are still great much better than some of the earlier MCU. Overall one of the best movies in the MCU and definitely one of the best superhero movies made.

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SURPRISINGLY, I thought that there wasn't enough action in it. It was all a huge blockbuster style movie with really well done CGI, the whole feel of it was intense and awesome but I found that the movie was slow when there was a lot of talk. I can't even remember because I watched it ages ago, but when I was watching it I felt really excited because of the huge ass world that marvel has constructed with all it's characters, but I think that because its huge, that's one of the only reasons I loved it. This movie is obviously the product of an already great franchise, but the script if I can remember isn't that ground-breaking. It's the CGI and the already established characters in the comics that give this movie the greatness that it has.

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I'm not sure what to say here. It's "The Avengers!" The culmination of the last several years of Marvel movies, bringing the Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captian America franchises together in one awesome movie. And it's a really fun ride. Great visuals, a good script, etc. A summer popcorn movie. Don't expect high art, but it's definitely worth the time, especially if you've seen the other Marvel movies. Then again, if you see this movie, you probably already know what you're getting into already.

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Amazing !

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Finally had the oportunity of watching the so called "Best Movie Of The Year" "the Avengers" and a very good movie but I wouldn't call it the best of the year. Always been a DC fan myself, never had the love for many Marvel characters except for the X-Men which I consider the best Marvel characters in the whole universe, but that's just me. Now, "the Avengers" is a very good film, great battle scenes and very good SFX..But for me the spotlight goes to Tom Hiddleston "Loki"..who in my opinion was sensational as the main villain here. At the end "The Avengers" is a very good and entertaining film, the best superheroes film ever made?? (Still waiting for Justice League lol) Yes, so far yes. Best movie of the year..not in my opinion but makes the list. Still definately worth checking out no doubt.

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One word: OMFG!

I almost can't believe what I just watched. It's that good!

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Shout by Deleted

This was a very good movie. It did start off a lil slow but that was mainly due to introducing characters I did not care about. I just wanted to see some Iron Man and Thor action! A lot of funny moments too. Can't wait to pick this up on DVD :D

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I didn't expect much but thankfully this movie was a real blast! I recently read Whedons Astonishing X-Men and loved it. This quality is also in this movie! All those little jokes, especially the Hulk, were fantastic.

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Shout by TANG

People go to the cinema to see such films. Pure entertainment! Action, music, scenes, moments, thrills and characters you like more or less.

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Film 145 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

Over the last 12 years (it's crazy that it's been that long) my view on The Avengers has fluctuated between a high 4 and a 4.5. But no matter where I land on that scale, my enjoyment of this culmination of Phase 1 never wavers. Bringing together a star studded line-up, Joss Whedon (remember him) brings all these characters together with a confident hand of someone who knows storytelling and how to juggle multiple larger than life characters.

It's a pipedream to see these legendary characters all come together on the screen, and done with such focus and care. The Avengers is a bold film that sets a new benchmark in blockbuster films, proving that planning and character building can pay off long term.

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All of our heroes assemble for the first time on screen. Tons of action and Hulk is generally terrifying, turning a few of the scenes of this movie into a horror film. The Marvel humor/quirks are in full force, but damn the movie was a bit more bloody/violent than I remember. Overall, not a bad way to spend 2 hours.

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Hiddleston is the best performance here because he fully embraces the hilarity of this cape-wearing cartoon.
They were bad at the time but Tom Cruise and Mission Impossible have made these films even worse.

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A perfect teamwork movie. At this point marvel was guaranteed thier billions. Chefs kiss, im not rating it higher because the other ones are better.

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The action and certain emotional developments are good, but I don't like how inconsistent the pacing is. Too slow in some ways, too fast in others, and the requirement for half the characters' investment is on movies you may or may not watched if you don't know the MCU timeline. But even then, half the characters aren't exactly at their most likable yet AND Loki/Chiaturi in particular are way too underdeveloped even WITH the context of Thor 1.

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why do people still live in new york in the mcu? i would have moved out by the fifth alien invasion. why is it still populated?

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-06-03T09:44:14Z— updated 2023-06-05T06:19:22Z

It has some great characters and memorable moments, for instance the scene between Banner and Loki still gets me to this day. However, this is overall a lot of lightweight fluff that hasn’t aged all that well. The plots’s very bland and simple (even for Marvel movie standards), the cinematography, lighting and costumes (especially Cap) kinda makes it look like a cheap tv show, the set pieces start very rocky but get a lot better as the film goes along, the comedy ranges from sharp to very forced and you really feel the fun energy being sucked out of the film whenever Downey or Hiddleston aren’t in a scene. It mildly holds my interest throughout, but it’s way too basic and safe for my taste, so I’m not super excited about it.


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"If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it"

Can't believe it has been a decade already. People say Iron Man is the one that started it all, but this movie truly started it all. No one really knew if that many big heroes would work in a film and after rewatching so many times, it really does feel like it all came together so well.

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This movie is HISTORY. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss this Hulk tho :(

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008)
The incredible Hulk (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
The Marvels (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Fantastic Four

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So much creativity, dialogue, story telling... all sacrificed for box office glory. Unbelievably boring.

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Marvel movies are so terrible compared to DC

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was the Endgame of the early 2010s, but better.

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Was executed perfect and showed that the MCU was here to stay

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still fun to watch, the dialouges and action make it a terribly well-balanced act!
phenomenal film considering its already 8 years old at this point in time!!

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So as soon as Banner meets Widow. We’re supposed to think they are destined for each other ? Yeah, they don’t have that kind of chemistry.

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Pretty cool flick. I think The Hulk stole the show but then again Iron Man was no slouch at all.

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Rewatched it for the 3rd time, and there were moments that wasn't as amazing when I first saw it.

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"A movie that yells at you and geeks out in equal measures."

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One of the greatest movie I've ever seen :ok_hand_tone2:

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Full of action and brilliant actors..Nice marvel movie 8.1/10

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Shout by awkashmi
BlockedParent2019-05-11T02:24:39Z— updated 2019-05-26T23:56:40Z

It was really fun seeing all the superheros unite. Once again, Loki killed it as a villain, which made the movie even better . It was fun seeing how the avengers were disunited at first which made the movie very interesting. finished this one at 10:24PM

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[MCU Rewatch Review]

Epic from the beginning to the end. A nerd delight. The plot is not that amazing (or there's too much action to follow) to say it's perfect. But who cares? It's The Avengers. Very good.

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Shout by nanda
BlockedParent2019-04-28T21:59:33Z— updated 2022-04-16T13:37:56Z

I'm rewatching all the MCU movies before Endgame and as far as I can say this is the weakest Avengers film. I mean, in my opinion Loki isn't a great villain after all. Tom Hiddleston is a great actor but I'm not a fan of this film's plot.
The visual effects are amazing like always.
I'm not a fan of Tony Stark but we can see the growth of his character through the other films, not only him, of course.

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the first of its kind, and the rest is history

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[Pre-Endgame MCU Rewatch] This is Joss Whedon at his best. Everything works in this film. The initial 'gathering' of heroes, the animosity and discord between the various characters (in part amplified by Loki), the chemistry between Stark and Banner, Coulson fanboying all over Cap, and the eventual bonding together for a common cause. I feel like everyone is bringing their A-game here, Ruffalo stepping in for Norton and doing an excellent job.

The story and pacing is good and even the action scenes are not confusing (a la Transformers) and really spotlight every single hero and their unique abilities. Their interaction and teamwork is great. The only nitpick I could have is Cap's costume still looks a bit outdated even with the upgrade, just reminds me of that really bad '90s movie.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie isn’t given enough credit anyone.

The Avengers was a huge gamble back in 2012 and although it may now feel quaint given the achievement that was last year’s Infinity War Joss Whedon was able change the landscape of blockbuster cinema and make this whole thing possible. Almost every plot point in this film has since become cliché, Whedon and Feige laid out a blueprint for success that no one else has been able to copy since. The Joss Whedon humour and snarky dialogue helped to pave the way that these characters would interact in the future and his unique approach to utilizing an ensemble cast makes this film worth revisiting over and over again.

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Just as all the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) movies it's one of the greatest movies of all time.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this. The dynamics between the newly assembled Avengers was entertaining and the action was pretty good. Not sure I ever really felt any sense of peril, but I doubt I ever would. The super heroes are bound to win, of course.

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I don't know how this could be any better. The whole team coming together, each a standout contributor, and add to that Joss Whedon. Great characterizations, performances, tone, CGI, action, humour, interpersonal interaction. Just the top of the line in its genre. I give this film a 10 (at its best) out of 10. [Marvel Action Adventure]

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We end phase 1 with the best film of the six! Action, humour, drama, Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) and Tom Hiddleston: that's all a human being needs, right? Except maybe Edward Norton. Because he has now been replaced by Mark Ruffalo, and personally I find him a little less suitable for the role of Banner. But I won't go into it any further, you just have to watch it and enjoy. And wait until the after-credits for a first glimpse of Thanos.

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In my opinion it is the first film that successfully brings together so many superheroes. Iron-Man was the first step and the avengers were the result of all those Marvel superhero movies.

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Shout by Deleted

I am a Marvel Fan

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Shout by Deleted

The Movie Isabel amazing. The Cast is The best of The movie

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Entertaining with good action scenes

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Shout by Deleted


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a huge Marvel fan and this movie and franchise is EPIC, it put 21th century in history!.

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Bloody Brilliant!!!!!!!

I don't know what else to say...

Just...Bloody Brilliant!!!!

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Too much for me to enjoy

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Shout by Deleted

hope this wil be gud

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buy it: worth re-watching a few times

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Shout by Deleted

how can i show it

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yeeeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaa!!! Is a damn fine film!

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Instant classic

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Shout by Deleted


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The Avengers rules!

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Whilst the films based on the individual heroes in this film have all been pretty solid if unremarkable, bringing these characters together has produced the first great one. The action sequences are well done, but its the interplay between the characters that makes this film stand out and all of them get their moment to shine. Michael Bay, take note!! Funny without being camp or childish, dramatic without being overly serious, and heartfelt without being too corny or cloying, this is Whedon at his best.

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I hope the Silver Surfer movie that is rumoured is going to be of the quality of this movie.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Awesome film!

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Shout by Deleted

The Avengers on tv on Christmas Eve? Why not have a little fun with superheroes while waiting for midnight? Yeah, I had to give it another try.

At first viewing, I didn't thought it was so brilliant as many claimed it to be. I still think the same way, it has some flaws but this time I had much more fun watching it! That's the reason why I'll change my vote of 3 stars for 4. Maybe it's because of the Christmas spirit in the air, who knows?!

p.s. Tony, you will always be my favorite. Loki, don't be jealous!! :p

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I give 10 only because it doesn't go any higher

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