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The Godfather 1972

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

–Vito Corleone

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Not good as I imagined it.

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One of the best

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If you don't like this, you don't like cinema. Period.
How can some people say it's slow and boring when there's always something happening?! Don't want to think what you'd call entertainment.

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"The Godfahter" is Coppola's lengthy epic about the Corleone Clan, one of NY's big mafia families in the '40 and '50. The film is rather slow pacing and features way too much drama and too few action for my gusto.

Why this is considered "one of the best movies, ever" I will never understand!

Despite it's shortcomings the film has some nice ideas and shots (i.e. Sonny's shooting or the switching between the baptism- and shooting-scenes at the end of the movie).

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did everyones heart start racing when mike went in the italian restourant?

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This is without doubt the greatest film I've ever seen

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This is regarded by many as the greatest film of all time, and I can definitely see why. Incredible storytelling, tension from the first to the last second, fantastic performances, beautifully shot film, iconic sequences. The story in itself, you know, mob business, doesn't mean anything to me and films only become my absolute favourites when they touch my heart in some way, which this one didn't, neither do most - if not all - the classics. Probably a generational thing, I don't know. Happy I finally watched this, after so long though. It wasn't really what I imagined, but I think I liked it better this way than what I thought it was going to be like.


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"It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business."

There is a reason why this movie is so highly rated: It truly is a work of art. I consider this a cinematic masterpiece. Is it long? Yes. Is that necessary to fully tell this story? Absolutely. Everyone brings their A-game and that's what makes it feel so real. The score is beautifully done and made me want to open a bottle of wine to enjoy while watching this movie. I don't want this to be a spoiler review so I won't talk about character arcs, but the ones that do happen are so good. A must watch for any cinephile out there.

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I waited a long time to watch this so I could pay my respects to the film and watch it with no pausing. This way I had a long time to "over-hype" it. Even though I did so, after my first watch I realised that this is not my kind of movie, "overhyped" or not. I can see all the good acting and cinematography, but I think where the problem lies with me here is the story, it just didn't really invest me. I'm sorry I can't join the fanbase of this movie, as I have seen all the passion for this movie and I can only say I to see hope the movie grow on me.

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For one of the greatest movies of all time, didn't quite slap as hard as I expected

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Quite possibly the most overrated film ever made. I expected it to blow me away but it just put me to sleep. There are much better crime films out there like GoodFellas and Pulp Fiction, this film is a complete waste of 3 hours. the only real reason to watch it is to understand pop-culture references

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only took me 46 years to watch this Masterpiece.

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I'm only in my 30s, so there is no rose tinted nostalgia involved when I say this movie is one of the best mobster films. It's a true timeless classic, great performances, and brilliant storytelling. The film didn't need non-stop action or violence to set the tone. I can't wait to sit down and watch The Godfather 2 now. It has been so long since I watched it, I can't remember anything about it.


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Second time here thanks to limited 50th anniversary theatrical release, When I was young I thought it was a masterpiece and now without a doubt. Watch it on cinema while you can.

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Absolutely superb film. At nigh 3 hours long it should drag but it draws you in wonderfully and keeps your attention. We'll crafted in all ways.

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A masterpiece without doubts. Maybe not (yet) one of my favourites, due to a plot not always clean and smooth. But likely the only minor drawback.

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Everything that should be said has been. This is without a doubt one of the finest films ever made. It's not on my personal short list of favorites, but that's because I am not as smart as this film is.

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Most of the story is what you except it to be and it's blunt.
It's the Don movie which you always wanted to watch but never knew existed.

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a masterpiece. Without doubt Coppola's best film. Brando transformed into Don Corleone and Pacino ready to conquer the world. More than a mafia movie is a movie about the family

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Now, I think this was a great movie. Definitely a source of inspiration for the show The Sopranos and other mafia related movies. I liked it a lot, but speaking from a non-nostalgic standpoint, it wasn't outstanding. But it was great!

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So well crafted and acted that almost every other mob movie suffers for the comparison. The movie doesn't just give us a crime story, it also gives us an absorbing family drama with characters to care about. The Godfather is a phenomenal piece of work that's thoroughly deserving of its position as one of the best films of all time.

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Rare flick that is great but sequel is even better

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Me ha gustado, pero bueno no me ha parecido una obra maestra, quizás porque la veo con ojos del 2017.

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Another classic off the list. Good but not as awesome as many have said.

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After Watching This Movie I Can Only Say One Thing For Sure. That Is I LOVE MY DAD...

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Do not miss this film! An offer you can't refuse.

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Overrated but it's pretty good

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I have lost count of times I watched this classic. A benchmark in Move making!

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When the movie came out I see why all this hype, the acting is really good, and the photography and dialogue but for me there are better movies than this, good fellas, the Devils advocate, The Shawshank Redemption, The green mile, etc. I watched this movie in 2 parts because I can't stand watch a 3 hour long movie even if it's good.

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"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."

– Vito Corleone –

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The greatest movie of all time. One of my all-time favorites. It’s classic it’s iconic tells a great story and is directed amazingly. The cast is great, Vito Corleone is the best part about the movie. Overall well it’s The Godfather what’s not to love about it.

(10 out of 10)

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it is boring but fantastic

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Just amazing. Two of the three best performances I have ever seen in any film.

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The godfather of the legendary film series

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It took me so long to finally watch this movie that when I got finally around to it, it turns out I had already seen it via pop culture references.

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Every time I watch it I say "what a great movie".

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The best way to represent a historical era of American history... It's an icon

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Rewatched it. Holy hell it's fucking better than the first time

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"Look How They Massacred My Boy"

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A very slow and somewhat boring start... But at the same time a very much needed one to set the world up.

10/10 all around.

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A classic for a reason. Simply an amazing movie.

Score: 9.5/10

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It is ceremonious and slow-paced.

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I’m glad I finally gave The Godfather a watch. Despite its age, it’s now one of my favourite movies! I really enjoyed the storyline altogether. I thought the ending was great and it’s just edging me to watch Part 2 & 3 now.

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Seems improvised and structureless. Like the actors were given guns and said “just go!” Quite silly if you ask me.

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This was 3 hours long? Can't believe it. There are many good 3hr movies I have watched recently (Schindler's list, scarface, the batman) but most of them still start feeling like, “damn there's still some time left." not in a bad way or something but you still feel like it's a 3hr movie. This one just felt like 2 hours at most.

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It’s a shame that I’ve waited this long to watch The Godfather. I don’t have to tell anyone that it’s amazing and that it deserves to be one of the best movies of all time. Everything that you can say has been said a million times… I’m just glad it lived up to its reputation.

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I liked this movie, was great :star_struck:

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I thought I'd add my opposite comment to the majority. It was extremely boring to us. A lot of talking, some action,talking oh and there was some walking too.

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the GodFather is none of these things, but when you read these words vertically it perfectly describes it.

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Amazing you shouldn't miss it 10/10

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"The Godfather", an almost perfect and unparalleled masterpiece in the history of American cinema, is not unbeatable. I don't ask for an origin or end to the story, but the repetition of the cases that go hand in hand between the mafia makes the 177 minutes feel like an extra pain in the ass. Francis Ford Coppola is a genius, and "Apocalypse Now" is so much more than a legend, but maybe I am young, but there was not much to see in this trilogy. The film critics are not satisfied to give it a perfect score, and as a film, it ends up being a less than inspiring piece of work.

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Having never seen this movie, I was happy to finally have a reason to get around to it. It’s crazy to think this movie turned 50 years old this year. FIFTY. It’s hard to maintain quality for that years. Hell, it’s nearly twice my age…and it’s still great. I loved every second of the movie. While it’s not something that will work for everyone my age (or younger) due to its age, there’s a reason this is one of the greatest movies ever. I’m very excited to check out the sequels!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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One of my favorite movies ngl

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The Godfather Trilogy
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II 1974
The Godfather: Part III (1990)

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Shout by Darth

Seeing semi trucks from the 70s in a movie set in the 40s broke my Immersion. During the funeral for Corleone in the back ground when they go to bury him you can see the trucks from the 70s :(

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it's a great movie don't think anyone have to elaborate any further at this point

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Just a normal film, nothing special.
I think it's because tha perfectio misogynyio in it.
Well... I don't know.

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The movie was perfect on paper but i felt like it was very dragged out and boring.

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Just fucking marvelous. I love it.

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Family is always the most important, years go by and that doesn't change. Only the means to achieve their goals can be different. ps. A well-deserved Oscar for Marlon Brando.

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I don't know that it would be in my top 5 movies of all time but it was still extremely good. I was a little surprised that Brando got as much run from this movie as he did. Maybe I am biased.... John Belushi did such an amazing impression of him that seeing the real thing was almost a letdown. Marlon, clear your throat for crying out loud! Anyway, the real star of the movie was Pacino and he deserved any accolades that he got. To see him transform from an idealistic boy to his father's protege was really amazing. 100x better than the overrated sequel.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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You don't need to like gangster films to enjoy this film. It's brilliantly written and produced from start to finish and deserves the accolades it's received.

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I haven't seen this in full and uncut in a long time. Good news, it's still one of the best movies ever.

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It's the legend favorite movie

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We are not going to have a movie like this ever again and that's so sad.A masterpiece an almost perfect movie 9.3/10

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really good movie yea man

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Great shit man rate it 10/10

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This movie is somewhere in my top 15. But as stated in the previous comments, some people love it and some people don't. I just hope movie makers have enough respect and don't try a modern prequel / sequel reboot.

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One of the great movies you should watch before you die . No doubt .
Even small role in this movies have a great great acting .

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One of the best movies made in the 70's and it's still the best movie to watch no doubt

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Absolutely fantastic and part2 is even better.

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I think this is one of the greatest film adaptation from a novel

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One of the best movies ever made in history.

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Que filme incrível!! Da gosto assistir a uma obra como essa.

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Al Pacino's deadpan, seething anger, performance is marvelous to watch.

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Best movie ever <3 <3 <3

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Cinema Paco 2. Picture & Sound 4/5. One of the best movies ever and the theme of the mafia. You know "an offer you can not refuse"

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Best Movie Ever

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You can watch it 100 times and never get bored

Brando had the best ever in this film.

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Cinema History

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I saw it, FINALLY!

Great and powerful. Everything else has been said already.

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One of my all-time favorite films. Also, the novel it was based off of is absolutely wonderful!

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One of the all time greats

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Great Movie!

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Best Film, ever!

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