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The Wolf of Wall Street 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street was great, unbelievably excessive in its debauchery and it was admittedly lots of fun to watch such incredibly despicable people on screen. It was apparently three hours long but it honestly didn't feel like it at all, so that alone says something. Lots of reviewers were complaining that it glorified Belfort's lifestyle but that seems like kind of a shallow way to view it, you'd have to be pretty morally corrupt to watch it and think that by the end of it, he was a pretty good guy. Thinking that viewers would react like that seems to me to seriously underestimate what your average person's morals are like.

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Catch me if you can > The wolf of wall street

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Di Caprio deserves an Oscar for this one

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this is one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen. It's boring as h*ll. Even the sex is boring... tedious, too much talking about nothing (and the dialogues aren't all that super either), predictable, drugs and sex to be an end isntead of a means for the story to be told (and as I said, even the sex is boring). Even DiCaprio could not save this incredibly crap movie.

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This is not a good is funny at times and incredibly stupid at times...but this Jordan Belfort guy is a huge douchebag and this movie just glorifies douchebags like him...he is a pretty horrible person and this movie tries to make him some kind of messed up hero. This is appalling.

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This is one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen
basically it's about some guy who is an inspirator and uses his good talk to make shitloads of money and then loses it all because of a huge amount of drugs abuse.
the movie is tideous, slow, predictable, and just not all that good.
Di Caprio his action is great, but that's about all there is to it.
extremely overrated.
I continued to watch it, but that was only coz my girlfriend had fallen asleep with her head on my lap and I didnt wanne wake her up

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It keeps your attention and had some great cinematography. The acting was decent but not exactly challenging material to be honest. 3 hours of debauchery and celebration of the fact. Far too long and failed to make any kind of impact on me.
I just ended up feeling bad for the female characters. Definitely overrated.

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This whole Film Just 100% Is Degrading to Women! I gave this 3 Stars! 180 Minutes is an R Rated Film to A 240 Minutes of an NC-17 Film!

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Fair movie. It not great, not even good. It lacks the genuine feeling of the rich life with no limits. Too much of the drugs theme, and its just meaningless, since people in the movie just use drugs like each day for years without any consequences for their health. Also, movie abounds with explicit language, and seeming unreasonable at first glance - it actually helps to feel the difference between people who use it and all the outside world. It's a shame that they needed that to make heroes different. Despite being 3 hours long this is a very depthless movie, which lacks class. Yes, Di Caprio is just great. Without him it would be 3 out of 10. With him - only 6.

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I think my problem with this movie (apart from the glorification of some truly despicable people) has to do with the lack of emotional modulation. It strikes a particular tone from the beginning, with McConaughey’s primal chest-thumping and it doesn’t stop for another two hours.

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the movie is full of shit honestly drugs sex and all the excess you can imagine boring literally too long for nothing its like a buckle sex drugs screams and full of zero dialogue that really matters also I can confirm I can't stand the clown of Jonah Hill all of his characters are stupid assholes the only thing good is Matthew's part sadly only appears for like 10 minutes this movie is blank vainglorious for a person who. just steal and make a lot of bad things

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Holy shit! what did I just watch? A pure cinematic masterpiece from Martin Fucking Scorsese:fire:

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In this film, no one speaks. The entire film is roared. This sucks a bit. THIS FUCKING MOVIE IS LOUD. And it's too long. You don't have to know more. Everything else is average. It's ok. But no more than that.

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This was really hard to watch. Every single person was an asshole, the amount of soft porn is ridiculous and the story is going nowhere most of the time. This could have been 1h+ movie.

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It’s difficult for me to settle on a rating for The Wolf of Wall Street. Of course, it was expertly crafted, and I enjoyed elements of how well-made it was. There was plenty of great acting, and one moment actually made me laugh (the car reveal). But for the most part, I just feel gross for having watched three hours of debauchery from absolutely unlikable characters for whom practically no just consequences occurred whatsoever.

And I get that that lack of justice may be a part of the point of the movie, but it just makes it unenjoyable to me. Most of the vibe of the film feels like it’s telling me to have fun and enjoy the debauchery rather than it feeling as if the film is telling me, “Look how shitty these people were. They really sucked, man. You should really hate these guys.”

So I guess I’ll give it my highest rating (due to Scorsese’s ever-present expert craftsmanship) for a film I dislike. But I have no judgement for those of you who actually like or even really like this film. I suppose it just isn’t for me.

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I know that it is "art" but this is just gross. God would not approve.

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The movie is good, but it has some flaws. It is better to make the movie shorter than 3 hours. I also don't understand the stock market, so there are a lot of things that I didn't understand. The movie is full of unnecessary scenes, like scenes of nudity and drugs, but the thing that I liked In this movie is the good acting of Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill and the great director Martin Scorsese

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I am gratefully satisfied with so much sincerity as the facts are narrated and I confess that I laughed a lot with the amount that the various expletives are repeated several times. Hahaha

They could have extended the ending more, I wanted to know what happened to him after the presentation, after all, I haven't read the book yet.

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"The Wolf of Wall Street" is an excellent example of perfectly executed, pure over-the-top entertainment. The film teaches no lesson but is just on another league in terms of direction, writing, and cast. It surely isn't as groundbreaking as "GoodFellas" was 40 years ago, but it's impressive how a director in his seventies could make one of the freshest, most irreverent films of this generation. Three hours might be a bit too much for a black comedy, but none of the scenes felt unnecessary. It's such a fast-paced series of memorable moments that it felt almost one hour shorter.

The only problem with me was that the film starts on a high note, keeps it until the end but has no climax or impactful ending. It just starts on a high note, keeps going for three hours, and simply ends. I wasn't looking forward to some kind of moral lesson about the empty American dream to spoil the fun, but the last series of events just felt a bit flavorless.

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Superb. Did it make me want to live like that crowd of absolute dicks? Not remotely.

The "delayed fuse" scene in particular is a cinematic masterpiece - terrifying and hilarious in equal measure.

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Leonardo DiCaprio's enthusiastic acting kept me engaging throughout the movie. Narration makes the story simple and straightforward. This movie doesn't very much connect to me, may be because i am not as luxurious as him

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Extraordinary performance by DiCaprio, just amazing.
The 180min feels like 90min, and when this happens is such a good thing.

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A movie that has already been made many times - a tale of men behaving badly. Please move aside for stories that actually still need to be told. Women deserve it.

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The funny thing is, as an actor Leonardo DiCaprio will probably make more in one year than this Jordan Belfort ever can legally :P

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Almost 180 mins which feels like 90 mins.

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Ohh my god i loved it

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This is just three hours of vulgar, bat shit crazy fun and I absolutely love it. Leonardo DiCaprio should of won the Oscar for the crawl scene alone. Jonah Hill and Margot Robbie are both great too. Even Matthew McConaughey stole his few scenes he was in. Martin Scorsese, I love you. Please keep making movies like this as long as you can.

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The negative press around this movie was amazing. This was a film about a scumbag but it was really so much more than that. It was about the scumbag in all of us. I don't want to (necessarily) be uplifted by a film and I can't imagine why others need that in their films. It was a very ambitious film and Leo knocked it out of the park. It actually felt very much like Goodfellas .

follow me at

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Weaksauce. Margot Robbie and Leo being the shining lights of this movie, obviously, but aside from that I found the plot somewhat 'meh' and found the movie a bit too long.

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Five words, and they are all No

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Shout by PorterUk
BlockedParent2019-09-17T21:17:03Z— updated 2019-09-21T19:10:11Z

A great, GREAT film.
Amazing story which is all the more remarkable as it's largely true.
Fantastic performances by the whole cast. Dicaprio is nothing short of flawless. I cannot think of an actor outside of a young Jack Nicholson who could have delivered that with such class.
The content of the film means some will downgrade their rating as their behaviour is reprehensible. But it speaks to something more human. They do illegal things in a legal setting. If he did what he did with drugs not stocks, it would have gone someway to normalise an illegal activity. In short, he shows incredible ability at something - that something just happens to be illegal!
It tells us something about human character though - and for that it shouldn't be punished for the acts being depicted.
This film is a masterpiece. In time, if it isn't already, then it will be seen as such. There's not a single unused thread in the narrative.

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Thank you the Wolf of Kodi Street

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Brilliant acting, I'd expected it to be better though.

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Who doesn't want live like a wolf?

Leonardo DiCaprio was BRILLIANT!

Club - > Car Scene was the best!

I RECOMMEND this movie for cinema lovers. It worth the 4.15€

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Sorry, I didn't like it. I found it veeeery long and excesive.

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A bit too long but not too bad. Leonardo DiCaprio brilliant as always

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Scorsese mastered a specific kind of storytelling and it's such a privilege to be alive during his time. The scene where the actual Jordan Belfort introduces himSELF played by Leo is genius - I feel like, in many ways, this film is about the concept of selfishness. Good Bad & Inbetween. How does that obsessive focus on the self look when taken out on others around them?

Very clearly Scorsese's funniest film too. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of its influences were actual comedies.

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It starts by selling a pen whereas it sells out the plot to us till the end...
Leonardo di Caprio and Martin Scorsese always rocks together. This one takes all out from Leonardo and gets it going in a whole new level.Such complex story was presented here so brilliantly that it felt like it was the ludes kicking through my brain and making it fu***n' awesome.

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In theaters I envied their luxurious, globetrotting lifestyle. Ten years later the excess just looks empty.

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the most realistic thing about this movie is that leo dates a 22 year old

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I understand the message the movie was trying to give, but was all the sex, drugs, and language needed to do it? It has some funny bits. I'll give it that. In terms of quality this movie is very good and I can see why people like it. it's just not for me.

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That sure was a movie. Why, though? Why does this film exist? Its subject isn't interesting, and there was no moral, and it wasn't even anything more than competently made. Does Scorsese even have anything to say? Fuck Belfort. What a fluff piece. In general, fuck people who get people to buy things against their will.

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A bit much in some respect. Nonetheless a great film, DiCaprio is well fitted in his role

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When this movie first came out, I was absolutely in love! It was my first real appreciation for a Martin Scorsese work for being a Martin Scorsese work. This is real, hilarious, engaging, stylistically unique, and it is three hours. Back in 2013 I was never more engaged for a three-hour movie, and now in 2023 the only other equally engaging three-hour movie has been Avatar 2 (and that is due to the visual spectacle opposed to the substance in the story). The chemistry between the characters is great, and this is once again another Jonah Hill side character role that absolutely knocks it out of the park!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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Great parody and social commentary.

It was a bit too long, though, and the sex scenes weren't so great either.

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Arguably, Scorsese's most entertaining film after Goodfellas. Not surprising it's his biggest box office hit.

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This work is so damn strong that not even the presence of Jonah Hill could ruin the film.
With the exception of the exceedingly strange, superfluous kissing scene.

Epic acting by DiCaprio &McConaughey.

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One of my favorite movies of all time. It’s an amazing biography movie about Jordan Belfort. Watched countless times, and will continue to watch more. DiCaprio shines in this film, like all his films.

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An amazing bio pic of Jordan Belfort that has everything you'll ever want: comedy, drama, romance, heart and the list goes on. This movie was an absolute joy. The acting was superb in this movie all around. Leonardo DiCaprio gives one of his best performances of his career. Jonah Hill and Margo Robbie were fantastic! For a movie that was almost three hours, it flew by and was incredibly engaging. I can not believe it took me this long to see it.

Score: 90%
Verdict: Excellent

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"Get the fucking ludes."

That scene on the Naomi were they are trying to get through the storm and Jordan (Leonardo DiCaprio) wants Donnie (Jonah Hill) to get the fucking ludes is such a blast. I laughed so damn much. But the whole movie is full of scenes like this. John Bernthal is perfect as Brad, Margot Robbie hasn't been sexier, Matthew McConaughey is a presence for the 4 minutes he's in this, Kenneth Choi went on to because a fit firefighter in 911, everyone seems to be having fun. And how about when Lemon Ludes kick in? GIBBERISH!! The not leaving speech, the Steve Madden scene, the being sober scene. There is soo damn much to enjoy here.

The Wolf of Wall Street will never get old of me. It is not a movie I watch many times because 3 hours takes a lot of time out of a day but when I put it on, time flies!

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This film was good, and the fact that it's a true story is always a plus. Few issues, one is that the movie is unecessarly long. It does not need to be 3 hours and it did not need to have that much naked women in it. The insane amount of sex was completely unnecessary.

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I gotta say, I want to buy some stocks and coke right now

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I liked this flick a lot. Reinforces my thought that nothing comes easy and if you stray across the thin line of legality, you will get caught.

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What A movie !!!!!!!!!!!!! and Leonardo, I love you man.. Deserve an Oscar for this brilliant performance

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Shout by Tho Fi
BlockedParent2019-11-29T00:08:36Z— updated 2020-02-05T00:24:15Z

Are this Director and actors humans with all this stinky flesh all around

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A great movie with great story with great DiCaprio which i believe this is the best playing of him. This movie is too long (3 hours) and i kindda don't like movies more than 2 hours but this movie don't make you tired.

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The Crap wolf of Crap Street.. that i can say to this crap movies

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Excessively vulgar and filled to the brim with notable performances, the film adaption of a memoir is a bold, detailed take on life's twists.

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Image and sound 4.5 / 5. It is better than I thought and they are outdone with drinks and drugs more than I thought

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Shout by HN

Overall a good movie. It does depict the life of working in investment agency for wall street. If you think you are going to be presented with insights into daily working of wall street, you would be greatly disappointed after watching this one. Of course I did not expect that level of detail crammed in a less than 3 hour movie, but was greatly disappointed on seeing almost next to nothing about wall street.
The movie revolves around a man who wants to make a career in wall street and become rich and is willing to break any or every rule possible to achieve his goal. He indeed achieves what he sets out to attain and the movie depicts in very shallow detail the path towards his success. If you are looking for some inspiration like this you are in the hunt.
In conclusion, the movie is more of a motivation to many people and also at times tries to deceive that people can live their dream by working as investment broker. The fact is you still need to have the talent and put the required efforts to reach anywhere close to what you set to achieve.

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Good or bad depending on what you want...

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The dream of every man summarized in a movie.

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rent it: great comedy drama with great acting just domt see myself re-watching it

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie, recommend totally. Let's rock

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What can I say. I liked it.

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Drugs, sex and money and... nothing new, too long story about the world, where naive people are used by the others. It works pretty the same from millennia.

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Whatch it without kids in the room! It's worth it!

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Shout by Deleted

Leonardo DiCaprio was impossible
i don't blame him when he had that's moment of tears eye on the Oscar

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The movie is all I thought it would be, or should I say feared it would be. For sure it's controversial, it's not family entertainment. It's not bad it just never reached me. After 70 min I felt I watched 2 hours and I couldn't bring myself to watch another 3 1/2 ;-)
Maybe I didn't get what Scorcese wanted to say with this movie but what it showed me (for as long as I watched it that is) is that there is no morality in the business world.

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Wait, why doesn't Leo have an Oscar yet?

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best acting by leonardo Dicaprio HE DESERVED A FUCKING OSCAR FOR THIS!!!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I don't know if I could watch more than once every 3 years

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Duuuudeeee, Ted Mosby's wife!! lol

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While always entertaining, this feels like Scorsese repeating himself. Essentially following a similar structure to Goodfellas, the majority of characters here are all largely reprehensible, but still interesting to follow. The film is overlong with many scenes showing the lifestyle of these characters that whilst often funny or shocking, nevertheless don't really drive the story forward and simply reinforce the points already made. That said it is still a cracking story and three hours flies by.

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Shout by Deleted

i only can say (fuck its a fucking nice movie) xD

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Shout by Deleted

One helluva entertaining film I could afford to sit through for three frikkin hours without taking a break. Kudos, Leo.

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Entertaining as fuck. 3 hour movie and you're not bored for a second.

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Shout by Deleted

An Amazing movie but there is a lot of Sex & Nudity & drugs use.

There is non-stop sexual content, and fully nudity women in this film. The film was edited to avoid an NC-17 rating because of the content.

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Shout by Deleted

After the hype I expected more. Film good, but not amazing. Heavily vulgar, sometimes I had a decent WTF. Great Leo, Margot Robbie was nightmare.

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Shout by Deleted

great drug fueled trip. fun reliving some the of the 80s (what i remember anyway). all the luudes lol. not a huge fan of dicaprio, hes a very hit n miss actor for me. this wasnt one of his better roles in my opinion but the movie was fun nonetheless. i think most actors can pull off drug-crazed, narcissistic, millionaire playboy without many problems so i wasnt entirely impressed with most of the acting.

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Everyone, including the director Scorsese, is friggin fantastic here. In love with this drug fueled trip through the decadence if the 80's.

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This was pretty awesome, especially since it's a true story!

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Shout by Deleted

I will not die sober!!! wow, what a movie! superb acting!

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To think someone living the lives like these people..

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Shout by Deleted

DiCaprio shows his versatility in this, Jonah Hill was good too and you certainly can tell Scorsese was involved enjoyable watch.

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So long for this movie !!

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In my humble opinion, this is the best film of 2013!!!

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guys is it considered as a drama film?

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Shout by Deleted

10 stars because I can't give 11. a MUST watch. amazing movie, can't get enough of it.

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A fantastic movie, and the best thing I've seen in the cinema in quite some time.

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that was fucking awesome!!
best movie eveeeer !!!!!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Wolfie! Wolfie! Wolfie!
Big contender for Best Picture, Director and Actor. Great film and holds its own despite the length. Can not wait to see it again!

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Shout by Deleted

I just have one question :what does Leo Di Caprio need to do ( or needs to "please" ) to win an oscar?

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It's a good movie. Not very special as a whole, but still really worth watching. The crawling/driving part alone is worth the 3h sit down for this movie. Really brilliant work from DiCaprio! And hilarious too.

Overall theme is not that original, it's very similar to the famous Wall Street movie from 1987 with Charlie Sheen. Even though 'The Wolf Of Wall Street' doesn't surprise you as much as that one does (maybe because now 'we all already know') but it still has a story worth telling. Above all because it has a more light-hearted tred and some more comedy mixed into it.

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