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Attack on Titan 2013

One of the best anime ever.

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11/10 :fire:
Literally, a masterpiece.

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• Attack on Titan season 1 (episodes 1-25)

• Attack on Titan Ilse's Notebook (OAD)

• Attack on Titan: The Sudden Visitor (OAD)

• Attack on Titan: Distress (OAD)

• Attack on Titan: No Regrets Parts 1-2 (OAD)

• Attack on Titan season 2 (episode 26-37)

• Attack on Titan: Lost Girls: Wall Sina, Goodbye Parts 1-2 (OAD)

• Attack on Titan season 3, part 1 (episode 38-49)

• Attack on Titan: Lost Girls: Lost in the Cruel World


• Attack on Titan season 3, part 2: (episode 50-59)

• Attack on Titan season 4 (Final Season), part 1: (episode 60-75)

• Attack on Titan season 4 (Final Season), part 2: (episode 76-87)

• Attack on Titan Final Chapter Special 1: (episode 88)

• Attack on Titan Final Chapter Special 2 (episode 89)

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Absolutely great anime!
Every episode makes you wanting for more.
I watched the whole 1st season in 3 days!
This is with no doubt the best anime I've ever watched...But to be honest I've only watched S.A.O and A.o.T.

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One of the things I dislike the most about anime is the unnecessary use of sexual imagery. This show lacks that completely. It takes itself very seriously and I absolutely love that. It's an amazing series with tons of action. Expect to feel on edge from the very beginning to the last minute of it. I can't wait for season 2

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Now I see why Drama is put before Action in the genres! It's a great Action anime, but not meaningless fights and beatings, There is quite the story for it! Amazing anime!

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Literally one of the best things I've ever experienced. I put off watching it for the longest time because I thought I wouldn't like it but man was I wrong. I felt like something was missing when it ended (after rushing through all the episodes in about 4 days because I couldn't stop), I wanted more. I started reading the manga as soon as I finished the anime and I'm all caught up on it now. Can't wait for season 2!

Also, just a tip for anyone who's planning on watching it - make sure you watch after the credits on the last episode. There's a pretty massive plot scene afterwards that's very important and I almost missed it.

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The best. And I'm not even exaggerating. A must see.

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One of the best anime I've ever seen, if you want a good story combined with mystery you should definitely SEE IT.

Waiting long for the last season...

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So far I'm enjoying this series. It isn't without its problems (and is probably hyped more than it deserves), but I am still finding it genuinely enjoyable and at times unexpected. The combat scenes generally are fast, well animated and exciting. I also love the soundtrack. Some of the songs are really good (composed by the same guy who did the Guilty Crown one, I believe). Also, Mikasa is badass.

Things I'm not enjoying: Whilst the combat scenes look epic, the rest is fairly lacking. The backgrounds are especially bad, there is a LOT of copypasta, and I normally don't notice stuff like this. Seriously, look at any of the scenes with crowds or lots of buildings and you will see some VERY obvious copypaste. Spending so much time/money on the combat scenes has obviously affected the budget elsewhere in other ways too. There are a lot of still images when people are talking etc. Fairly standard in anime anyway I guess, but it's just a lot more noticeable here when compared to the aforementioned action scenes. And of course, there's the angst, which I could do with much less of. It's one thing to establish that mankind is on the losing side, but sometimes it really goes overboard with the "waaah waaah, we're done for" scenes. Finally, Eren is an annoying protagonist. He seems to have two modes: Angsty and Angry.

In spite of all this, as I said, I'm still enjoying this series. It's just not quite as amazing as it perhaps could be.

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Lot's of action, drama, and mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
I personally enjoyed the animation and OSTs used.
Some scenes will surely remain in my memory for a long time.
But most importantly...

"I've always been...the same as you! I'm human!"

A great story telling us that there is no pure black and white in this world.
Only the shades of gray you know and those that you don't.

"Like I thought, I'm the same as you.
I think we were born this way.
I keep moving forward
Until I destroy my enemies."

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who made the seasons list forgot to add season 4 part 3..please fix this problem

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its a "good" show. but its so hard to follow to the point where it isnt even enjoyable any more, and s4 ruins it further with the political fascist bullshit. i want to watch anime, not that shit.

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I’ll preface by saying, I really wanted to enjoy this show. But the reality is that each episode was like a 50/50 chance of enjoyment. Some episodes my eyes were glued to the screen, but others I easily found myself distracted, doing something else, or flat out ignoring the show in the background.

The twists are probably the most powerful part of the show. You really can’t figure out what’s going to happen beforehand. Perhaps there’s something about the sheer chaotic nature of the series that made it hard for me to root for the characters. Or maybe it’s simply the fact that every character has a fairly high chance of death in any given episode.

While I can’t say the series is great, it wasn’t garbage as others may suggest. I just couldn’t stick with it since fairly few episodes kept me interested.

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hurt me so bad I can't even hear its name...I sobbed so hard I couldn't breathe.... my heart physically hurts thinking about it....altered my life forever... Will never be the same again...loved it sooooo much.... wish I could rewatch it for the first time again

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I'm sorry, how THE FUUUCK am I supposed to recover from this anime? HOW??? I bawled my eyes out with that finale oh MY GOD!!! How am I expected to just move on with my life??? I don't understand, I DON'T GET IT. This was the most beautiful ride, I would sell my soul to watch the entire anime for the first time again.

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So.. the final ep dropped, and the journey of one my or actual best shows has ever made in this life has come to the end, i really wanna say a lot about it but i feel that I can't express it, It's a show that i started years ago and grew up with it, so i feel like big something will be missed
i really recommend this show for anyone bc it's really great, even if u agree with ending or not u really have to respect what they have done, bc they really made something that u won't see another thing as it!
so thank you for this long journey
and gonna miss the characters, Farewell Eren..

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My favourite show of all time. While there’s some pacing issues early on, and a handful of things are translated weirdly to English (though this is very rare), it’s such a compelling story. Absolutely worth your watch.

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When the OST alone is a masterpiece. I have no other words to say but you will enjoy this tremendously.

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It's long, like unnecessary long. Once it got attention and recognition, they squeezed "Attack on Titan" brand to get as many viewers as they can and then they named season 4 "the final season" for the same reason but guess what, it's not the final season. Sorry but I don't need another walking dead loophole.

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Goddamn I wish it would just be over already.

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Me: OMFG hafhaflkhhadfbak I'm not ready for this to end! :sob:
MAPPA: But wait :fingers_splayed:, there's more!

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STRESSFUL, but had to put on my recommend list. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a TV show that captured me from the first episode like this one. I thought that all the seasons continued to be super strong. BUT the only thing is that it is super intense and there is like no breaks. So it was hard to sit there and be stressed for a long time. It was worth it though.

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One of the best anime. Must watch

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The first 3 seasons are great but the 4th isn't that good, especially the art.

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A Cool fanta/giant zombie show full of intense emotions, start strong, action is well animated and there is always an ispirational moment for the protagonists. The CG is ugly, The pacing is bad, i hate the pointless flashback, there is too much boring exposition and too much talking repeating the same things over and over. Is very good in the Climaxes but boring when nothing happens.

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So much of despair, sorrow and almost not one tiny hope for mankind against Titans.
Awesome BGM in certain episodes really kicked the mood high.

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Do you know that feeling of sadness and emptiness you get after finishing a good show that you really loved with all your heart? Well, this is what I felt towards this show. Each episode I watched on this show got me craving for more. I'm glad good story lines still exist, and I'm glad this show is popular because it honestly deserves to be recognized. I can't wait for season 2! THIS IS THE BEST ANIME I'VE EVER SEEN SO FAR!

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So far it is amazing, hope it can keep this up.

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Terrible show you want so badly to be good. The writing is so lazy and cheap. Cliffhanger tactics to keep people watching.

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I'd hesitate to call this show an action anime as its real appeal is in its mystery. The first season bombastically introduces us to the world of Attack on Titan, where everyone is boxed in to protect themselves from giant mysterious monsters. As the story continues in the later seasons, the story matures like fine wine, answering mysteries while bringing up new ones in a completely believable fashion. The plot twists in this show are so well done that re watching is basically a must as you get an entirely new feeling after knowing what is actually going on behind the scenes.

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Shout by Deleted

season 2 in 2016 :(

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It's hard to put into words how amazing this anime is. As someone who doesn't watch a lot of anime, Attack on Titan feels accessible to any (mature) audience that can handle a great deal of violence and gore.

It has everything a good show should:
- Phenomal soundtrack and score
- Complex plot and political landscape
- Grounded and relatable characters
- Grand reveals and plot twists you never see coming
- Masterful foreshadowing that you only pick up on on a rewatch
- Beautiful animation with a mix of 2D and CGI

This show is an absoulute masterpiece. As an anime-only fan, I can't wait to see how it all ends.

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I honestly wish I could watch this all over again for the first time. The storytelling blew my mind in a very unexpected way. The fact that all the plot twists leading up to the major plot twist were all distractions (with substance, not just distractions for the sake of it) to keep you from making the realization early on? Simply masterful. I went into this thinking it was just a story of humans vs. titans and what I got is so much better.

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I've tried twice to watch it and actually menage to end first season. everyone is so enthusiastic about it , but I don't get the reason why. I've read some of your comments and I've not seen an easy answer about this. it would help to hear some easy answers about it.

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Shout by Freek Bes
BlockedParent2020-11-20T15:59:15Z— updated 2024-03-30T14:54:31Z

This show is getting better and better with every season. In season 1, almost nothing is known about those giant monsters living on the other side of the wall. Then, in season 2, everything starts to make a little bit more sense. And do continue watching, because season 3 is where it gets really, really good. I'm not going to spoil anything, but it's totally not what you might have expected when you started watching season 1!

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Shout by sp1ti

Arguably better than the show itself are the countless OP mashups:

Attack on Bollywood:
Attack on Snuggle:
Attack on Pingu:
Attack on Witch:
Attack on Eva:
Attack on Christopher Walken:
Attack on Anon: (which basicly says everything)

There are tons more (hundreds) on Nicovideo ( but you'll need an account to watch these. Of course potato-girl has her own tribute

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I only saw the first season. Too much useless and not so smart dialogues. It would have been better with half the episodes. Everything else is good though.

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watching this masterpiece is great experience

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One of the best anime out there.

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definitely my most favourite anime and probably better than so many shows out there

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Shout by alias

So, having now watched it I would have to agree with the general consensus. Attack on Titan is a rather awesome anime. So many twists that kept me saying 'just one more episode. I'm pretty sure they're making another season (biggest cliffhangers at the end), which I can't wait for!

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What a great anime, I,ve entered the anime world after seeing this anime. Great job and I hope they continue for season 2.

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My first anime also turned out to be my best anime. Where do I even start here? It's almost flawless, only criticism I have is the ending. But everything else... plot, characters, production, everything... Wow. 10/10

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I'll be honest, I had tried to start this anime several times, but its slow start and unbearable protagonist made me give up watching it. After years I decided to give it a chance and watch it all, I regret not having given it a chance before, because it really is an incredible anime with an equally incredible story, even after finishing and considering this anime great, having cried at the end and wishing for a few more episodes, I won't change my opinion about Eren, I still think he's a weak protagonist and the other characters that made me watch the anime, if there was a different protagonist I'd give the anime a 10, because there really needs to be a lot of effort put into it. to endure it.

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The final 2 episodes are missing from the list.

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Personally, not really a fan of anime. So when I am recommended this show as it is the "best show ever", I was skeptical. Firstly, because I already know it will not have that impact on me. Secondly, because that is a darn bold statement when so much great stuff is out there. I will report, this show was damn good. It is a very good introduction to anime, on top of being incredible for those that already love the genre. While this did not blow me away, it is comfortably up there with the original Avatar series as the best anime series that I have seen.

Average Season Review: 8.38/10

Recommendation: Must See (For Anime Fans)

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Perfection, the magnum opus of fiction. 10/10 :star:

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All of that, just to pull out another gantz, what a joke.

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Pretty amazing anime.
Personally, i found it a bit slow at the start but after a few episodes you get hooked. The first season was good but it did lack something, presumably a bit more information about the world and its state. The second and third seasons were superb - can't really think of anything negative there apart from pretty minor things. The last season started a bit confusing but after you episodes you get the idea, which is explained in the last episode - this was something I did not like. Other than that the ending was what was mostly expected when you followed the story but at the same time it is not the ending you would want to see.
I also did not like that there were some supporting characters that had quite a bit of screen time but almost zero character progression, it felt like the main 5-10 chars were developing overtime while the rest stayed the same all the time.
I did enjoy the world building, the massive amounts of action, some of the characters and their characteristics and most of the story.

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Unexpectedly and remarkably mindfucking. Give it a try.

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There is a reason Attack on Titan was so popular back when it first came out and seeing how far it has come makes me appreciate it even more. This show is probably going to go down as one of the greatest anime shows ever made, and I highly recommend people watch it even if you aren't a fan of anime.

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I’ve enjoyed watching this. Lots of different twists and foreshadowing done throughout which I like.

If you do watch this, hopefully you don’t get spoiled and can fully enjoy the experience.

Looking forward to see how they end this next year.

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It didn’t hold my interest. I will read the wiki.

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One of the best animes in history and also the most rewarding show to watch as a viewer. All the pieces to the puzzles and the hints are right there from the start but only after things are properly revealed, it all makes sense. It starts strong and only gets better and crazier as the story progresses.

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The greatest of all time.

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Incredible show but plot armour and the poor ending bring it down from a 10/10

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Shout by JAKGDubs
BlockedParent2022-05-10T22:04:22Z— updated 2024-04-06T10:53:46Z

To Watch:

Dorororo (Amazon)
Dai Dark
White Cat Legend
Heavenly Dillusion
Hell's Paradise
Tomodachi Game
Ore no Monogatari

Sakamoto Days

Solo Leveling
The Beginning After the End
Omniscient Readers Viewpoint

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I really love this show.

I mean, here I am going to read the manga of the episode I've just watched.

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Shout by Ergun Ozden
BlockedParent2021-09-15T16:56:54Z— updated 2022-03-03T11:28:26Z

This anime, with its characters and plot twists, has turned to be one of my favourites.

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Perhaps the greatest anime ever made. Rivaling even Death Note.

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@OM4R those are some rookie numbers

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@ihuda 2016 is about to end ans still nothing..... didn't read the Manga yet.

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Wow i'm not an anime fan but this serie is really good one of the best animated series i've seen, is just awesome

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The first episode of this must be the worst start of an anime I have ever seen. Perhaps it gets better after a while, but I seriously doubt that considering the astounding amount of flaws we are introduced to immediately. I don't think I'll stick around to find out though.

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Thank you very much for the excellent voiceovers KANSAI

Огромное спасибо за прекрасную озвучку KANSAI

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Shout by Deleted

It's,good but I just can't wait for season 2.

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Easy to tell why it is hyped, it's a good show. I just felt it was way too easy to predict (I watched the first 15 episodes with a group of friends and we could all guess what was going to happen next). Nonetheless it was still exciting and worth watching. Every episode ends on a cliffhanger.

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Shout by Deleted

the human fears (via Clutter for Windows Phone)

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Shout by Deleted

Overrated shit, much like monster

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Shout by Deleted

The best anime ever

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the shows awesome I love all the episodes leaves me wanting more

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this could be good
can't wait

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