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Better Call Saul 2015

Fantastic show, though I don't agree with people who say it's better than Breaking Bad. I guess you could argue that it's more masterfully crafted and put together, but Breaking Bad is still infinitely more compelling IMO. There's no contest. The final two seasons of Better Call Saul are the only ones that I'd personally put on the same level as Breaking Bad. Still, it was a fantastic show and I highly recommend it.

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The Best :medal: show I have ever seen. Great love to all the staff. Still can't believe BCS lost to the squid game. :cry:

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Where is walter white?

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Great show -- if all the episodes were released at once, I wouldn't sleep ;-)

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One of the best TV shows out there. The screenplay writers are some of the best. Character development at the highest quality. This is why this needs to be a TV show and not a movie, you need time to develop a character.

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I like this show just as much as Breaking Bad. BB had a better story, and better characters, and better lead acting, but only by a small, small margin. Cranston and Paul gave two of the best performances I've ever seen, but Odenkirk and Seehorn are barely a step behind. Mando is great, McKean is fantastic, and Tony Dalton in seasons 4 and 5 is one of the five best performances from either show. The story and characters don't undergo as dramatic of transformations as Breaking Bad, and there's some story beats that feel the same as Breaking Bad because the shows are really the same at the core. But even with these caveats, as small as they are, Better Call Saul is better scripted and much stronger visually, enough to put it on par with Breaking Bad in my mind.

Season 1: 9/10
Season 2: 9/10
Season 3: 10/10
Season 4: 10/10
Season 5: 10/10

10/10 overall one of my favourite shows

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Do you know what I appreciate with this show, and especially with the creators Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould? The fact that they trust us, the viewers. They do not make things unnecessarily obvious, but rather plant small easter eggs from Breaking Bad and it is up to us to figure it out and make the connections. I believe that is what makes this show so incredibly well-made. Every time I rewatch an episode I find something new that gives the show and the characters of both Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad a whole other dimension. I have been on the edge of my seat for the entirety of this show. It really has been a pleasure watching it, and I fully believe that Better Call Saul is a worthy prequel of Breaking Bad. The characters are incredible, the dialogue is witty, the cinematography is so beautiful, the writing and plots are amazing. I feel like every single thing on this show - from the dialogue, to the props, to the colors, to the camera angles, everything - has been thought out and planned. Nothing has been left for chance. I am in awe. 10/10. A fantastic show.

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It's 2022 why am I watching shows in black and white?!?

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it's so sad no one reviewed it in here
such a great show

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This show redefined what I consider good acting, especially the scenes between Chuck and Jimmy. The last season became extremely solemn, and it was crazy seeing Jimmy and Kim's true characters revealed once their oppositions (Howard and Chuck) were out of the picture.

Only half a season into breaking bad, so the spoilers in the final season were unwelcome, but I look forward to seeing Jimmy in another light.

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A Good and well done series. Some would say the pace it's a bit slow. I personally didnt mind, It is apart of the feel of the show.
Cinemetography top of the notch. Pay attention to the visual themes, from wide shots that by themselfs show the feeleing they want to show.
The characthers are really something. It looks like you dont get to know fully the personality. Even Jimmy, that we know where he is going to end up, we feel like we're finally understanding, episode by episode how he got there.
Kim and jimmy relationship is also something that intrigues me.

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Stopped watching after season one. Too. Fucking. Slow.

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With Breaking Bad over and Fargo between seasons, this is probably the best show on television. Bob Odenkirk reprises his role as "Slipping Jimmy" better known as Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad. He brings a lot of new depth to the character in this underdog origin story and is in my opinion, a far more sympathetic character than Walter White of Breaking Bad. Mike Ehrmantraut(Johnathan Banks) is back and is as cool and savvy as ever.

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Excellent show that captures the brilliance of Breaking Bad yet at the same time feels unique, exciting, and you don't need Walter White or Jesse Pinkman to make this good. It's great without them. Not that I wouldn't say no to a cameo, though.

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When a prequel doesn't constantly remind you that it is a prequel of the original show, it deserves appreciation. Especially if the original show is Breaking Bad.

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Absolutely crazy that they made the BB spin-off the best romance of all time but alas

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just finished this series :sob: very good characters, awesome acting and great scenery. gonna miss Jimmy and the gang

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Interesting journey, but the end was cowardly and even inconsistent with all of Saul's development.

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jimmy is on the mount rushmore of television characters. what a special experience that truly sticks the landing

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It's no easy feat becoming a worthy spinoff for a show as acclaimed as Breaking Bad, but they pulled it off big time.

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So great just like his Daddy Breaking Bad.Worth the watch,no doubt and I'm definitely gonna give it a second watch another time.Enjoy!

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Hi, I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The Constitution says you do. And so do I. I believe that until proven guilty, every man, woman, and child in this country is innocent. And that’s why I fight for you, Albuquerque! Better call Saul!

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I always have a little grin on my face when Saul does his thing… one of the best shows out there!

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A masterpiece. From start to finish

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It was a great show for 5 seasons. Solid 9/10. After watching the 6th one, I honestly don't think anything out there compares any more.

9.5/10 overall for me.

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What do I do now?!?

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Wonderful performances, well written characters and awesome cinematography. Less action than in BB. It's more like a study of character. It's great. I dare to say, I liked it better than BB.

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Worth every minute even if you didn't watched Breaking Bad (then it will make you want it).

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This is one those shows that you'll binge on when it's done and you can, it's that good. A great story about the biggest crook and sketchiest person in Breaking Bad who really ends up being a good hearted and kind guy.

I have a hard time finding anything truly wrong with this show except there's too few episodes!

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Season 1 was slow, but I've gotten back in it recently and I'm much happier. Getting to see the beginnings of Mike and Fring's association is AWESOME. Push past season 1 and it does get better.

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It is just the greatest show.

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I love this guy and Mike both. Amazing spinoff series.

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I love that show. Second best show, afther Breaking Bad, on TV/VoD. The producers are geniuses, i hope they will do more shows together. Forget Game of Thrones, forget The Walking Dead, this is the real greatest show on TV at the moment.

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Shout by Deleted

The best spinoff out there!

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Shout by Deleted

A riveting show with a deceivingly leisurely pace, that has each scene leaving your heart racing and your bum on the edge of the seat!

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Started this only because it brings back Breaking Bad's memories for me but I really liked it!

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Cant wait for the next season :)

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Shout by Deleted

The best spinoff out there!

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An absolute gem and a stunning prequel to the iconic Breaking Bad. As a fan of the original series, I had high expectations, and this spin-off did not disappoint. The show brilliantly delves into the backstory of Saul Goodman, the morally flexible lawyer we all loved from Breaking Bad, and turns him into a fully fleshed-out character with depth and complexity. Bob Odenkirk's portrayal of Jimmy McGill, the man who eventually becomes Saul, is excellent. He flawlessly captures Jimmy's transformation from a struggling attorney to the cunning and quick-witted lawyer we came to know in Breaking Bad. The plot is incredibly well-crafted and addictive. Each episode adds a layer of intrigue, leaving you eager to watch the next one. The way the series seamlessly weaves in connections to Breaking Bad is brilliant, and it deepens the overall experience for fans of the original show. Personally, Better Call Saul is one of my all-time favorite series. If you're a fan of Breaking Bad, be prepared to binge-watch.

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This is one of the best tv show based on other tv show. Not as aggressive as Breaking Bad, but just perfect in their own way

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Why does this show keep getting renamed to something in Russian?

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Firstly it is near 8. Bur whole history at all - 10/10.
I was child when all started and now .... :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Never thought I’d say it but I like this more than Breaking Bad.

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This series is a lot of things to me but if I can call it one thing it's a love story. The best love story I've ever witnessed. I also love how the show focuses on the little things like smoking a cigarette or brushing teeth and makes them interesting and even tell a story through those things.

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This is a love story!!!

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its funny how overrated this show is. its soo slow talking and boring. totally not breaking bad. bb 100 times better. of is it because this show starts at season 2? because i cant even watch this show anymore?

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Well this is an absolute masterpiece… the greatest tv show oat and probably will be for eternity :heart::heart::heart:

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Best spin off tv show I've watched.. is it better than breaking bad? No.

First 2/3 Seasons can be a bit slow burning for the majority of people but man when it starts to pop of...

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It started great. I loved the first 3 seasons but after chuck died it went downhill. Seasons 4, 5 and a large portion of 6 have no reason to exist, they were boring and the writing took a complete nosedive during them, they just kept pulling scams over and over and over and so on, we saw enough scams in the first 3 seasons. Could the writers not come up with something new? I think this show should have only been 3 seasons long, there was no need to stretch it out just because amc wanted money. Anyone who claims this show is "Perfect" is an idiot. Breaking Bad was better in everyway but above all it was better in the most important way: consistency. It never started to feel old half way through like this did.

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I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance!
…And you, you have to stop him! You

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This is the Greatest show I have ever watched. Keeps me hooked every second.

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A mixed bag: brilliant in recontextualizing the character of Saul (and at times Mike) and introducing new characters who quickly became my favorites; but often tedious and heavy-handed when it comes to setting up the events of Breaking Bad (do we really need a backstory and explanation for everything?). I wish the two halves of the story would have been married more organically or the cartel shenanigans minimized as much as possible to leave room for more shady lawyer stuff with Jimmy. The slow, meandering pacing also got tiresome at certain points. Despite this, it is impressive for a show like this to barely suffer from prequel syndrome. I still don't agree that it is better than Breaking Bad, though. Both shows are successful in being their own thing, and that is all good, man.

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If Breaking Bad was a slow burn, this show is even more of one. I feel like the last season alone could fill two, maybe three seasons. Still, the show kept me hooked, but in an entirely different way to its predecessor, giving incredible depth to Saul/Jimmy as a character.

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A different take on Breaking Bad. In lieu of the fast-paced action and remarkable plotting and acting, Better Call Saul is a well-written slow burn. It explores characters deeply with numerous engaging plotlines. Saul is one hell of a choice for a spin-off. A slow descent to moral ambiguity packed with symbolism and minutiae. I'd recommend it to most people, however, don't go in expecting another _Breaking Bad.

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Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time. The closest thing to perfection from start to finish that has ever existed will likely ever exist. When Saul gets a spin off, I need to see it. I wanted full Saul shenanigans out the gate, and more or less continue where Breaking Bad left off. That's not what we get. Not even close. Instead, the slate is wiped entirely clean. The pacing, a full 180. It took nearly 5 seasons to get "Saul". And this journey was fully worth every second. Much like Breaking Bad, it slowly builds to a better and better state with each passing episode and eventually leads to the greatest final season it could be.

This show is not what I wanted, but it is what I needed as a Breaking Bad fan. I can easily see this being the preferred show for a very large group of fans.

Average Season Review: 8.5/10

Recommendation - Must See (for Breaking Bad Fans)

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Best spin-off I've ever seen. Almost better than Breaking Bad.

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Amazing spin of for sure on of the greatest i have ever seen.Not one of my favourite tv shows but i really enjoyed it and the characters building was once more exceptional. 8.5/10

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Everything about this show is amazing .. before I watched it I said that it can’t be that good it’s a spin-off but only then I realised it is a definition of a perfectly well executed show … 10/10 !

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[Movistar+] There are shows that are part of the history of television, and this is a bridge between the golden age and the birth of streaming. A long journey that has built a universe of deeply human characters and therefore eminently imperfect. A forceful reflection on morality and ethics, but also on repentance. It is not possible to change the past, but at least it is possible to accept the consequences.

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The title is wrong, It should be better call Mike. Don't get me wrong i love Mike ... but the show isn't about Saul at all ... It's about how the characters of Breaking bad got to where they were in breaking bad.

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Lots of very positive reviews so it's clear a lot of people really liked the show but for me it was just OK. Goes without saying I suppose that it would never live up to Breaking Bad but the first 3, maybe 4, seasons were OK but even then some of the episodes were really slow. Seasons 5 & 6 though were just boring for me, especially season 6. Felt I was really just watching it for the sake of it by this time, the whole Saul and Kim vs Howard story just didn't really have any wow factor at all and I just found myself waiting for something interesting to happen. I'm glad it's over really, not sure I could have endured another season, as it is, it should have ended at episode 9 IMO, after that the show was just bleeding out to a very anti-climactic ending. I'd give the first few seasons a 7 with a 3 max for the last two, for an enrage of a generous 6.

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Liked the show but there were big parts of it that just didn't really work for me. the brothers phobia, the slow pace with elements that were not really related to the process of getting to BB. The mob stuff was all good, Gus and Mike were great, although Mikes age was a bit of an issue. final season just seemed a bit off and scattered on where they were going.

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Awesome show! Love every second of it.

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Cucumber water for customers only!

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I fucking love this show!What a show!Worth every bit.Enjoy this masterpiece somebody who's asking whether to watch or not

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The greatest to ever do it :goat::goat::goat::goat::goat:

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Two black and white episodes in a row? Stop it already it's not 1945!

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Great!!!I mean impressive!!What a show!Hope this will be the best spinoff of Breaking Bad.Wow,just wow!Bob Odenkirk nailed it

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Just like breaking bad i dont want this show to end.

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Unlike Breaking Bad which was gripping from the start, BSS is more of a slow burn that becomes more compelling with each episode. As it stands now it will likely go down as an all-time great TV show, assuming it sticks the landing.

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This has to be the best spin off ever made.

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A little less exciting than Breaking Bad, I thought the first two seasons dragged on and had some boring bits - but Seasons 4 - 5 are pretty great

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It's not Breaking Bad, but it's got the same spirit (and that great slow pacing). The story is considerably more upbeat, but it still has its dark moments. While one might think a spinoff for a show as close to perfect as Breaking Bad could only worsen its legacy because nothing will come close it, Better Call Saul eradicates any doubt. It almost feels as if Breaking Bad was originally written with this show in mind, and maybe it was. It adds even more to it, and I can't imagine anyone loving Breaking Bad and not also at least really liking Better Call Saul. We get a lot of the same characters, written, directed and edited by the same people.

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Six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. We meet him when the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, and, more immediately, hustling to make ends meet. Working alongside, and, often, against Jimmy, is "fixer" Mike Ehrmantraut. The series tracks Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman, the man who puts "criminal" in "criminal lawyer." INTJ Type Interest: Dark Comedy, Criminal.

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The sound mix on this is fantastic. All the subtle queues that put you in the place of the characters. Amazing.

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It just works.
So good.

2.7 points -> Acting and Characters (0-3)
1.8 points -> Plot development (0-2)
1.7 points -> Cinematography (0-2)
0.9 points -> originality (0-1)
0.9 points -> Based on Genre / Theme (0-1)

0.8 -> Overall Quality (0-1)

Aka. 8.8 points

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Normally it is hard to capture the essence of how great a show or movie is in a prequel story because it isn't the original but Saul is still fantastic and season 5 ending with Nacho's rox glass in the frame as Lado looks sets up a great hanger into season 6

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I am loving this show!
It falls in line, in creative excellence and artistry story telling as well as massively entertaining characters that we are used to in Breaking Bad.
If you liked Breaking Bad you cannot go past this brilliance from the talent that brought us BB.

These later seasons are turning from gold to platinum. If you haven't watched this show yet, stop everything, and binge watch it till you catch up!

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This really is a phenomenal show. Such a strong, confident vision behind each episode, and so beautifully shot.

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You want more and more with each episode! That's how good of a spinoff this is!

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2018-10-03T05:36:40Z— updated 2018-10-08T03:59:33Z

I really tried to like this show. It's too slow of a burn for me. I couldn't make it through the 6th episode before calling the quits.

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3 seasons was too much

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Shout by Deleted

The latest is not up to the expected standard, I hope it improves.

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A beautiful and quiet episode — and a good season 8/10

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Definitely filled a void after Breaking Bad ended.

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Lawyer shit bores me, heck who doesn't get bored? But I never thought that this will grip me until the end!
Can't wait for more!! I love it more than Breaking Bad and Vince Gilligan is GOD.

Simply the best spin-off series I've ever watched.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing show. Gripping viewing. Great writing & acting. Slow burning, but fast becoming a show for the ages. Odenkirk's character, Jimmy, will stay with you for life. Dare I say it, better than Breaking Bad.

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I was so happy when this started to come out at the ending of breaking bad.

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Brilliant story line, brilliant acting, brilliant directing and production! Some of the scenes in this show are brilliant. Its not super fast paced but thats the style of producer Vince Gilligan. He truly is a perfectionist. I really hope he does another BB spin off in the future, maybe just called Fring or "The Chicken Brothers" ? could be fun.

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