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Black Mirror 2011

Set in an dark, dystopian world full with dark humor and unique, creative stories which pretty much could happen in the future, "Black Mirror" is one of the best shows of all time. Everyone should watch this. ♥

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Has an interesting and creative concept, but the execution is mostly bad. The writers did a bad job creating believable and relatable worlds, it lacks good dialogs, most of them are cringy. Also you can predict the outcome of the episode after about 15 minutes in. I liked the first season for its themes, which made you think about what the future could bring. But the second and third season are very over the top and not relatable at all. Very overrated in my opinion.

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Horrid show. Don't waste your time. Yuk

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Would be a really good show if they didn't had a really poor ending in every episode. Only White Christmas and White Bearer had good endings.

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Unbelievable how bad this season was. Not one thought provoking episode

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Boy, I am dropping shows from my watchlist left, right and center lately

I only watched the first season and I can understand why people like this. I really do. But to be frank, while the topics the episodes deal with are relatively modern the concept isn't. Those dystopian stories are nothing new and have been told throughout the 20th century. Since I am already a pessimist at large I am not really interested watching what I think will happen anyway. Or what I think is f****d up in this world.
This isn't me saying this is a bad show. Watch it yourself and see what you make of it. Because another problem of today is that we are all to eager to follow other peoples opinions.

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It’s certainly a strange show, and not to everyone’s liking. I can’t say I understand each one, so far I think I’ve only been confused about one episode.

I suppose they are dark stories of morals and teachings of IT. Things that could go wrong, or do go wrong but in a very exaggerated way. Interesting concepts, some a bit silly, but nevertheless it’s the point they are trying to make.

I suppose each one will mean something different to each person, based on age, life experience etc.

They can be deep and dark and even emotional. Which is probably the point.

Some are better than others; whether it’s the meaning, acting, production etc. But, all worth watching as can be thought provoking towards our own personal use of technology and the ripple effect it can cause from us personally, to our close friends and family, and to strangers.

Take what you want from it; watch and simply enjoy or think and see if you can learn something to improve ourselves. It’s just a show at the end of the day, but I do like what they are trying to do.

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Darrrrk.. And I like dark!

  1. Shut Up and Dance
  2. Entire History of You
  3. Hang the DJ
  4. White Christmas
  5. Hated in the Nation
  6. Black Museum
  7. Playtest
  8. USS Callister
  9. Nosedive
  10. National Anthem
  11. Crocodile
  12. The Waldo Moment
  13. Men Against Fire
  14. 15 Million Merits
  15. Be Right Back
  16. San Junipero
  17. White Bear
  18. Arkangel
  19. Metalhead
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From being one of my favorite shows of all time to a steady decline after Netflix took over it. This past season is beyond bad, in the sense that is no black mirror but a different show altogether. Such a letdown..

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Deeply uneven, and preachy at times. Still, there is something there, there, even if it only makes you want to yell at the writers for their sometimes cliché expectations.

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If you want to lose your mind, I suggest you watch this series. This series is a mind-blowing series where each episode has a different story that revolves around the nightmare that technology can give. Since each episode has a different story, you can watch it in any order but I still suggest you watch it in order. Kudos to the writers of Black Mirror. Still one of the best series I have watched in my entire life.

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One of my favorites.

Season 4 was a little weak compared to the rest, but I still liked it.

My favorite episode is 15 million merits.

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every episode is different from the previous one, it is fresh and interesting, but has some very boring parts in a few episodes. EP1 was easily the best episode of the 6eps i watched, if they had not stretched out some parts this would have gotten a better rating. It is hard to rate this series tho, because there are very good eps and not so interesting ones. But you can clearly see the hard work and thaughts they have put into creating this show. Recommended if you like scifi dramas

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Totally not what one expects. A good change from the usual drama series.

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Wanted to see what all the buzz was about... I've watched 5 episodes and got bored out of my mind. Feels like it's targeted for teenagers.

It has a very simplistic take to it: ultra-hyper-dramatization of very basic concepts and bad behaviors of a minority of people. Reviews say it raises questions about society and politics but does not provide arguments or details either way. The stories are sometimes interesting but lack any depth and in the end, it's the idea that counts, or so they say. Just presenting basic questions with no details and some vague/weird drama only makes people argue and thus promoting the series. I find it pretentious.

One of the society satires i enjoy is South Park which most of the times present quite a complete picture about a topic with multiple perspectives and arguments. Compared to South Park at that, Black Mirror is kind of showing you only what the main character(s) see.

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Season 1 and 2: stellar. Exciting, dark, spooky. Season 3... meh. It has all the ingredients, but lacks the cynicism. Instead of wanting to confront you, the viewer, as I see it they just invent stuff that could happen in some version of the future, and roll with it. Grim was cast aside for cool, and the abstract got replaced by the obvious. Season 1 and 2 were unlike anything I've ever seen, but 3 doesn't do it for me.

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If you wanna start watching this, you have to know that there is no happy ending.
And your life will change forever.

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if you don't watch this you're missing out on something awesome

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It's awesome and completely weird!!! Enjoy it!!! Every ep is completely different and amazing!!!

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Black Mirror is a punch in the stomach. Each episode, changing location and protagonists, you displace totally, you kicks and then leave you alone to think about what comes the human being is going. Great expectations for the third season!

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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It seems that there is a "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch" just released on Netflix on Dec 28, 2018, which is an "Interactive Movie".
You might consider it a Special or part of Season 5, and possibly also list as its own Movie on Trakt (though then most won't be a ware of it). It's an interactive episode (whatever that entails) so may be hard to translate perfectly to downloaded video form. You can learn more about it here:

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I think this is one of the best shows ever made, I love it. However the ones made in Britain are far superior. I could do without episodes such as "Metalhead".

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There's no fate but what we make for ourselves

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Shout by eileen
BlockedParent2018-01-04T14:27:42Z— updated 2019-04-16T16:27:06Z

I'm a fan of that show from the very beginning, like almost everyone. After season three I felt like something was lost and I was worry that means it only get worse. And it did. When it comes to this particular title my expectations are really high. I'm disappointed with new (four) season because as other people I'm watching this for the same (or similar) emotions that first two seasons gave me. If someone show me randomly one of the episodes I'm not sure I would have identify them as Black Mirror. Season 1 and 2 in my opinion were far more better, darker, more shocking, undpredictable, outstanding, petrifying etc. For most of current season I've felt off, I've struggle to connect with the stories. Episode 5 is a good example - beautifully shot in black&white, all eyes on one person and with ending that left watchers (check comments) with a question mark. Me too, for a moment. Then I realize if this was different show I would be pleased. But it is not. When it comes to BM I need to feel fear, anxiety, tension, raw emotions... be left speechless, on the verge. And sadly I wasn't.

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Some episodes could use some more depth and they can be quite vague in the beginning, which makes it harder to stay interested. I really like how twisted the concepts are and how they make me think about society and science. The show portrays the fine line between robots/humanity in an interesting way.

I like the longer episodes from Season 3 the best, especially the one about the bees.

It's one of those shows where I'm not even sure if I really like it, but I also don't dislike it. It is different.

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I don't know if I could ask anything more of a show. From the acting to the plot lines to the perpetual intrigue. Even when you think something is coming it works to undermine itself and land on a somber or intelligent note. Perfect casting in subtle character work to match subtle writing. This is what TV should be. It opens your mind and keeps you glued. It can be felt deep in your chest the power of story-telling and complete immersion and empathy can take root. I felt guilty trying to give it a 9 before watching the last 2 episodes. I'm rarely if ever so excited and joyous in looking forward to each one, that alone warrants the highest possible praise. This pushes our conception of ourselves. It's a bright and guiding light of authentic pursuit. What a privilege being able to experience this show.

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This is a great show. Especially the first episode was mind boggling.

This is truly a remarkable show that makes you think about life and technology, as they are weaved stronger and stronger together. While most of it is for the betterment of humankind in the grand scheme of things, there are sides to it that can be a nightmare.

This is a series i won't soon forget and will watch many more times in the years to come. It's really a shame only 3 episodes have been made because this could have become a hit as big as other shows in the same genre as The X-Files or The Twilight Zone.

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The scariest thing about this series is that most, if not all, of these scenarios are possible in our near future.

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Started off great but went to shit once Netflix took over.

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Started pretty good, but lost its magic a couple seasons later.

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cant believe people really like this

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Season 6 rated an 8

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Season 6 is not at the level of the others

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The most hit or miss show tbh

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The original 2 British seasons were excelent. Then the show got hijacked by "current year". It rapidly descended into a poor imitation of a shadow of what it was, made by hollywood hipsters too afraid of making a dark dytopian show that offends the sensibilities of anyone. They will soon need to change the name of the show to "Light MIrror" to avoid hurting racial sensibilities. .

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i just watched all seasons on Netflix and it's one of the best series i ever watched. Really great

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Not impressed , boring & the storyline wasn't up to much !

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It’s really hard to properly rate this series, since it has such difference in quality between any particular episode or season that it feels hard to pin to a specific score. I love almost every episode in the first few seasons, but there’s a slow decline in quality that’s really culminated in the last two, which I felt were just “alright”, with some genuinely quite bad elements at times. Overall, though, definitely worth checking out the first few seasons.

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Absolutely love this show. Although season 5 and 6 are a bit disappointing.

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Great season if you don't like it you probably just have a certain idea about what the show is but it's just something else, this season is by far one on the best that netflix produced

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This season was bad. It felt like an entirely different show. What happened to the thought provoking gut wrenching show? This show used to stir up emotions and actually make you think about reality. Season 6 felt like the PC police got a hold of it and sucked everything creative and eye opening about the show out.

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season 6 has been the best season by far. insanely fun and very cool

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I don't think that comes as a surprise to ANYONE the season 6 is terrible. It's been free falling faithfully. Apart from the lack of script and intresting characters, the Show became a self-indulgent Unoriginal, uninspired vessel for wokism at times. Just sad sad sad. Season 6 3/10

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Please God just let this next season be better than the last one, that's all I'm asking.

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mostly bangers, a couple of lame episodes but overall incredibly potent messaging and brain-bending concepts. all around great

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This show is so unique and interesting to watch, and it is helpful that every episode tells a different story. While not every season is a home run, I still really appreciate the creativity this show has, and I believe some episodes can honestly stand by themselves.

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Its the best Show! blew my mind every episode. So creative and exciting.

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Technology is an asshole God!

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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Wonderful series. There are very good chapters and others that are not so good but it is worth it.

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The best TV show I've ever seen.

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wonderful show....Something that will make one think. Rare in the world of mindless shows that flood the waves. I wish there would be more episodes. A lot more.

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A show centring around technology.
I went in with no information except to skip season one. Netflix even starts you watching from season 3. There are several really good episodes and some really famous actors I'm surprised were actually in the show.

Each season minus 1 (havent seen it) has an episode I really enjoyed. My top 2 favourite episodes are probably the Bee one and the Virtual Reality Game with the guy playing Falcon in Avengers. Definitely recommend and the Christmas special. That one had a really great twist.

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First game of Thrones and now Black Mirror! Season 5 was terrible.

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Shout by Deleted

since netflix took over, mediocre.

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Skip the first two episodes which are terrible.

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season 2 white christmas is missing

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Something very special. So cool

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One of my favorite series because it opens the eye of people when it comes to technology. You can literally see and predict what can happen in the future. Love this series so much! Very smart!

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I recommend this show, if you can withstand some a lot of cynicism.

Quality varies heavily per episode, some are written poorly and just do not feel 'finished', while others manage to get original, thought-provoking and almost feel like a full movie. The view on the future is sometimes/often so pessimistic (especially with the amount of bad endings) it can break immersion. Acting and cinematography is (usually) above average. They managed to create an enticing universe through seemingly unconnected stories, and all things considered it is definitely a unique world they try and often manage to create.

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Shout by Matt

Downgrading this show to a 9 after a forgettable 4th season

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Black Mirror's success isn't rooted in its flawless cinematography or perfect acting, but in how relatable and honest it is. It's never about the happy ending, but the story. And it nails it every damn time.

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I didnt understand anything but i liked it

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very entertaining show a must watch

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Two & ½ words, "Badass Twilight Zone".

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Shout by Deleted

episodeo 04 season 2 out

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Plot twists over plot twists. Really nice series.

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I've watched all shows and seasons. Can't wait for some more. #Recommended

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Shout by Deleted

Truly this is a series that has understood what it's all about. Very entertaining while making you aware of the unease that we all feel at times in this modern and digital world. We all fear the 1984 scenario which seems to be creeping ever closer with each passing day. This series plays right into the beauty of technology and its inherent evil and dangers. Beautiful.

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Crazy episode, best episode I ever saw!

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Theres a new episode, series 3, episode special.

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Shout by Deleted

A British series in the style of the OuterLimits/TwilightZone, with a focus on technology and how it may be changing humanity for the worse. Creative storylines and compellingly produced, is just a shame it was such a short series.

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Shout by Deleted

Highly recommended! Sorry about the first episode, it is a little weird.

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WOW!!! i've enjoyed every single episode but i'm scared now!

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Picked up by Netflix yaaaaaassss

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Shout by Deleted

The information is wrong. There was 3x1 episode long time ago. Check it!

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Shout by Nathan
BlockedParent2013-07-11T01:24:37Z— updated 2017-11-17T00:05:20Z

Surprise after surprise... Definitely a recommendation!

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I'd suggest watching only the first amazing season (which is truly highly recommended!). Second season was a big let down for me.

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Shout by Ben

Robert Downey Jr. has picked up movie rights for an episode of "Black Mirror"

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Season 2 - what a nice suprise :)

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Shout by Ben

Never heard anything about it ==> read @dunpealhunter's comment(s) ==> looked for trailer on YT ==> thought "OK, interesting" (even it is british) ==> watched the first episode.
Result: SICK, SICK show!

It's like a modern/high-tech version of "Outer Limits" from the 90's wich I loved so much because of his outstanding courage NOT having a happy ending, but moral lessons.

So far every episode of season 1 has been a nightmare :)
Thanks @dun for the hint!

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Good news everyone! There is gonna be a second season of this amazing tv show!

So far three episodes have been commissioned for the second season. I hope that they will be as good as the first season, because than this will be definitely a tv show to keep a close eye on.

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How have I never heard of this? Spectacular!

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Great Mindbending show.....

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Shout by Deleted

Shame there's only 3 episodes, it's great so far.

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fucking awesome so far

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