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Bodies 2023

Shout by TheFlippantFox
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-10-24T21:24:54Z— updated 2023-10-30T15:59:22Z

A huge plothole is that how does the loop even begin? Elias had to come from somewhere. How can he be his own ancestor? Other than that it's an unique and quite amazing take on time travel genre

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2023-11-08T22:44:09Z— updated 2023-12-01T12:02:27Z

What used to be "Netflix Gold" has just dwindled into anything Netflix makes is going to be agenda driven garbage and this is no different. Heck, after Making a Murderer and all the crap they pulled on that you can't even rate their documentaries (aka storytelling shows leaving out most of the actual facts and making them up as they go) as watchable.

This is no different. The storytelling is really quite bad, this could have been super interesting as a movie but as a show it is total crap. They really ram the agenda down your throat on this one, making sure to point out how virtuous it was to be secretly gay 200 years ago.

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Pathetic agenda driven nonsense. Within the first 20 minutes it's pretty clear this is going to be typical Netflix garbage for the intellectually challenged.
Nothing looks or sounds real and is like some comic book for kids with not so subliminal messages that reinforce today's mores.

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I used to trust the feedback in trakt comments and genuinely enjoyed most projects that had positive reviews. But I've been mislead few times now with undeserved high praise. No more, sir. This show is terrible in every sense of the word. If you value your time, don't waste it here.

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I enjoyed it. Captivating concept and well acted. My only complaint was how distracting those very bad coloured contacts on young Elias were.

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Interesting premise. Of course Netflix had to stuff it with nonsense to drag this onto an 8 episode snoozefest. This could have been a great 90 minute movie, if they trimmed all the rubbish off.

The first five episodes have a lot of padding. We get a good idea of the premise during the pilot. Then they beat around the bush until the fifth episode. After the 5th episode, the "science-fiction" part comes into play and things pick up speed. It's brilliant from that point onwards.

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The trailer looks good, the story looks good but i'm so afraid that this is on Netflix.

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After a half decent start the woke bullshit crept in. Another good idea ruined by Netflix's woke mob.

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They studied "Dark" for this, they did, right down to the occasional weirdly warning music at times.
But this show, while less rigorous in its fake science, has a great deal more heart to it. You care. You love.
Know you are loved.

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A cool idea for a script that is poorly implemented. Boring unfortunately

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Well acted, great unique concept. A very tense series that concludes in a fantastic, thriller over 163 years. All in a very unique style of story telling. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch. People CAN BE persuaded to change their minds. It just takes great detective work and collaboration over 163 years! I won't spoil the ending but really take time to watch. Enjoy. :grin:

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Great "DARK-wanna-be" serie!

If you like DARK (2017-2020) you probably will like this too. Not so brilliant, but same vibe. And if you never see DARK, do yourself a favor and see it now! Let BODIES for later... You will thanks me for that later too!

[spoiler] Just last episode is a little weak, some script flaws and an end too "American" for my taste (and for an UK serie as well).

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I agree the other doubts, but the many travels of the scientist was because of him getting shot during the travel, there is some mentioning on that. That's why he is the only erratic. What I really wonder is what happens to the 2053 cop in the past

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not my style so its gonna off my list.

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Could have been 4 episodes

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Very good show. A bit confusing at times as to how the different bodies from different timelines get there, but it all gets wrapped up nicely in the final episode. An episode that also adds more questions and I'm thinking there's going to be another season...

Don't believe the people that review this and say it could have been wrapped up in a movie or most of it was padded. Every little piece of the puzzle eventually gets revealed.. and that takes time to tell the story.

Solid 8.5/10

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Why on earth did they cast an actress with such a weird accent especially when her brother has a 'normal' accent...

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Only complaint, upto the 2nd half, was they don't really explain why it has to happen. But a brilliant sci-fi thriller this is!!

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Starts out a little confusing, so pay attention, but by the 3rd episode, the storyline starts to make sense. It's definitely not a show you can watch while doing other things. You need to focus. The acting was great. Highly recommend this show.

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It truly felt like Dark, I missed that sci-fi feeling. It's a great series, I really enjoyed it!

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An interesting take on the time travel genre. One case spanning 4 time periods. The nuances and arcs of the main characters were clearly demonstrated.

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This is a very unique time-travel movie. The time-travel aspect is different as well as the story surrounding it. Definitely worth a watch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Three episodes in and out seems to be a BBC show along the lines of the German Dark.
Quite diverse. Good people. Reasonable fun.

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No. I am sorry. No.

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I thought it was good, it did give me Dark elements, but I think Dark is more complicated. It would be interesting to see how the loop started. If you like Dark or Predestination this will be right up your alley.

Also not sure what it means that Iris is driving Shahara and remembers her name.

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A successful production even despite a few plot holes. However, these comic book scene transitions are a big plus.

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Shout by Evan

Classic time-travel show with a concept of cyclical time . Time-travel shouldn't work this way and I don't like shows with this premise. There should be at least multiple timelines in order for it to make sense. Otherwise the expected happens and in the end the good guys win and everything that happened just didn't ever happen. The bad guys magically disappear and no one remembers a thing. Disappointing

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Good enough show with a great cast, good acting and an original and interesting plot. The sets and cinematography are also top notch. Sadly though the plot is single track and, while it's interesting and somewhat innovative, it's not anywhere near interesting enough to keep you occupied and engaged for eight 1 hour episodes. It's not that the story or the acting got any worse as the show went on, I just found it really hard to keep motivated enough to be interested and by episode 5/6 I was just wishing that it would hurry up and end, the ending, by episode 6 is also entirely predictable. It should have been 4 episodes maximum IMO and easily could have been if they'd taken out the excessive padding, especially the now almost mandatory Netflix PC crap.

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It's good, worth a watch if you ignore the usual problems with every time travel story. They do a decent job with it but somethings you just need to suspend the disbelief :joy:

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Gripping like few Netflix shows these days, don't let yourself be discouraged by any police whodunnit foundations. Ambitious, very well produced and not without its flaws, but servicing top notch mindfuck quality for the sci fi aficionado.

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Back to the future + Inception?

I liked it quite a lot. It wasn't just "haha! timetravel!". There was more to it. And it was interesting and entertaining.

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Too many loose ends and plot holes for my taste. And even if the end was decent it still feels like a cop out.

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[Netflix] An interesting idea that slowly fades as the story tries to be more ambitious, but loses consistency. As a recreation of four different timelines, it is well executed, taking advantage of the construction of shots to solve the lack of budget. As a story it is intriguing until it begins to reveal itself, failing to maintain interest beyond the first half of the season. At least it relies on good actors, who handle the complexities of their characters, especially Shira Haas and the always reliable Stephen Graham. But it seems like it wants to be more ambitious than it can.

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concept was interesting, reminded me a bit of continuum

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great premise but as always, time traveling is always too hard to do. lots of things make no sense.
like everyone only traveled back when it was clear that a version should travel to future as well. conveniently only 1 person goes to future. never was explained why those Eras, the 1890 is understandable but the others, why? and why only the body went to all those eras, why Mannix didn't? and when Mannix explained to Polly who he is and from when he comes from, why Polly didn't just say "oh, great, then if you won't exist then my father will never be killed".

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Stephen Graham would make a fantastic Ebenezer Scrooge!

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I like it, very different and complexe, yes i know, the ending was a door open to a season 2, but, i would actualy enjoy it, nice acting,to !

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