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Shōgun 2024

God, I NEED more big budget historical shows like this.

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What a boring show, it builds up to a huge battle and then you never see it. Toronaga allows friends and family to be killed all for his master plan, which looks more like bad writing than a thought out idea. Every episode finished and each time I would make excuses that it’s all leading up to something important or something exciting was coming up only to be let down. All that reading for nothing

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XVI century Portuguese people speak English, for some reason, but Japanese people speak Japanese.

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It’s a shame that such a beautiful and well done show is littered with such stupid comments about language. Seriously it’s not that big of a deal.

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This is one of those shows where IQ levels are rather transparent in the comment section.

For those looking for a brain-off action show, you might enjoy parts of a few episodes. Hopefully the subtitles will filter you out before you get too far in.

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Triggers one of my pet peeves in that it shares a language inconsistency with Scorsese's Silence (2016), whereby Portuguese is spoken in English, yet Japanese dialogue remains Japanese. Both are as a result inhibited from achieving something truly great.

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Shogun is a great historical adventure set in Japan's past telling the story of the Samurai and their rulers. A Must Watch and I hope the series continues after season 1.

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Are people really upset because they weren't using actual Portuguese? Come on, first, y'all are mad because it's in Japanese and you don't want to read the subtitles? Just focus on watching it, it's one episode a week, what's the harm?

Secondly, what's the point of a show if it's all subtitled? :joy:

Some American viewers are already annoyed because it's in Japanese and they don't want to read subtitles all the time. Now imagine Portuguese with subtitles for the entire series.

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it's pretty much all in Japanese{with English subtitles} except Europeans speaking English don't understand why show runners do this it's like shooting a movie in black and white it distracts you from the viewing experience otherwise the show is very good

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It's so refreshing to see a good show without a woke propaganda and forced diversity

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Absolutely love the show! I generally dont leave written reviews but was compelled to do so here. I can see some people complaining that it's too Japanese and others complaining that it's not Portuguese enough. Firstly, it's in Japanese as its set in Japan and a lot of viewers have increasingly become accustomed to native language shows and reading subtitles ie the whole anime genre, Netflix shows such as squid games, money heist etc so I don't really see a problem here. Secondly I suppose the Portuguese language being substituted for English brings in a larger audience (despite the half thats spoken in japanese). Come people, stop nitpicking to put off viewers! Again, love the show and would recommend it to anyone.

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Shout by Bussun
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-03-27T13:17:24Z— updated 2024-04-20T03:51:06Z

Drama to action ratio is high. Even in the rare occasions there is some action, it's not impressive. Lies, manipulation, and pornographic violence, needless to say, with the instillation typical Hollywood-driven western criticism of Japanese culture due to its nonconformity with western misandry. Intriguing at first but the overdramatic acting, application of western morality or lack thereof on eastern culture, and lack of creativity turn it into a tedious watch. If you enjoy drama, feeling better about yourself because you're not in the east, and the usual backstabbing plot, you might enjoy. Otherwise, a sleeping aid.


after watching additional episodes, had to reduce the rating from a 6 to a 5. So much overdrama in every single scene. So boring. How can you be a man and watch this thing!? That Mariko and her pretentious whiny voice. Ugh. I hope that she doesn't miraculously survive the door bombing even though I don't intend to watch this series anyway.

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well they made a great historical and cultural show but, they fail in casting especially with that sailor total mess acting !

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So it's in Japan and speaking in Japanese - great!
It envolves the Portuguese Empire and Portuguese people speak English? Come on, you could have tried more and i totally agree with the respect for Japanese language, but no respect for the Portuguese language? I didn't even finish watching the first episode - very disappointing.

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Always has to be an English speaking guy to save the world, be the better man, be the handsome one, be the smartest one..... I'm so tired of the sense of superiority the Anglo-Saxon world has. 長寿日本

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I can't wait to watch this series!

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Another masterpiece, we need more like it.

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The best show on TV right now!!!! Season 2 has to be in the works

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Really well done, I loved the first series decades ago and this one is even better.

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Hopefully the Portuguese characters aren't well represented

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Unfortunately I can't give it a high rating. I would love to hear the portuguese language in the portuguese characters. Come on, this is a historical show. These types of things make the difference between an average show and a good show.

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I love me some Samurai TV show! :D

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Shout by ralucaDirector

Highly recommend it! I think it's not for everyone's taste though, it requires patience and attention.

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Best show for 2024! Love it

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My God what an incredible show.

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Awesome! Best thing that i saw in 2020-2024

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One of my faves of the year so far. Subtle and beautifully written. Very conscientious.

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After watching 5 episodes, Season 1 is a 5/10. Great filming and acting but there is really nothing going on that'll keep you engaged. I appreciate all the cultural indications and the world building. I also loved the idea of a tense political climate but you live that tension for brief moments and it doesn't resonate with you. I really liked the characters and the acting but some actions just don't make sense.

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Wow what a show. I need more of those big budget historical dramas. Loved it from start to finish.

Thank god more is coming. I don’t care if they write their own story and continue or they adapt another clavel book. I’m just looking forward to more!

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Seasons 2 & 3 just confirmed!

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I must say... the cast for John Blackthorne..... I must say... only Tom Hardy would've been acceptable. Although, would've stolen some spotlight from other characters.

Brilliant show. Loved it.

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[Disney+] Trying to eliminate the most topical features of the novel, the series has been built on the attempt to expand the story, transforming a Westernized vision of medieval Japan into maximum historical rigor, the epic dimension it needed. It could be argued whether this is not also a form of orientalism, but this claim to be rigorous and respectful with the representation of Japanese culture offers a more complete perspective to the story told by James Clavell, in which there are more developed characters and providing a spectacular visual conception.

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What a show, beautifully made.

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Not comparable to the original series Shogun with Richard Chamberlain

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Came to watch hoping to see Hiroyuki be a legendary samurai. Stayed for the interesting characters and political schemes/battles.

When I first heard about this series I hoped it would be great.
When I saw the trailer I thought this could be the best series in a long time.
Now that I've seen it all, I can guarantee this is the series of the year.

House of the Dragon S2 is coming out soon, but this year's Game of Thrones is already here, and it is Shōgun. Except without dragons and other magical things. The world of Shōgun is even more realistic and cruel. Wouldn't recommend eating while watching this.

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The main actor is such a disappointment. Really bad acting.

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Impressive scenography and budget. Absolutely illogical decisions, making the series frustrating to watch.

Everything builds up to the great battle which we never see.
Is it worth watching? Yes, but there will be a lot of wtf whyyy moments.

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it is amazing I liked everything except mariko and buntaros character solid 8 out 10! We need more shows like this

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Anyone not giving this show a 10 does not know what they're taking about!

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10/10 ninja

Should be 9/10, but for episode 9 alone I boosted it up to 10/10.
A splendid show……

I do agree with comments about the use of native languages, Japanese used but Portuguese not…..
Be 100% accurate in this regard or not at all,
The use of Japanese is correct and adds dept to the story telling, would the use of Portuguese?
Probably not as it’s a very minor part of the story……
If reading subtitles is beyond you, then the story isn’t for you in the first place, Broaden your horizon and mind.

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This show will probably grace the walls of TV history on the same level as something like Chernobyl. Masterfully written historical fiction with compelling characters, a dense narrative and excellent pacing. As with something this incredible, there's really not much else I have to say. The usual stuff like visuals, music, set design etc are all superbly executed and everything comes together in every single episode. I'm incredibly happy that TV like this is being made today.

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The Portuguese speak English, but the Japanese speak Japanese, and the movie is set in Japan so 80% of the dialogue is in Japanese. Wouldn't it be just as, uh, immersive if we had the Portuguese speak Portuguese and the Japanese speak English, and then I could do other stuff while I watch this?

Also, it's based on a novel, written in English, and all the Japanese people in the novel mostly speak English because otherwise, the book would only sell to people who speak English and Japanese or people with an English-Japanese dictionary to look up the Japanese words.

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I wasn’t convinced when watching the first episode but was hooked by the second. Great tv show I enjoyed a lot. Not all things made sense but it was still entertaining and would not mind a second season exploring more of that time period.

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This show is so very slow......

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This show is SO VERY SLOW......

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This show is SO SLOW......

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Anything: happens
Yoshi Toranaga: "All according to plans..."

I didn't know this was going to be only one season, which kinda explains how they could easily kill off many big characters . I honestly wanted to see some more, it's a well built background with interesting characters, and visually stunning (tho I'm not sure I am a fan of the radial blur on close-ups).

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Show and season 1 rated a 6

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Shogun is my favourite novel and I've read it many times. The book is infinitely better. Regarding the show I'm a little bit disappointed due to several changes they made in the script. Hyroyuki Sanada is sublime, he is truly Toranaga. I liked a lot other actors like Ishido and Hiromatsu but I didn't like Mariko and specially Anjin. One of the worst performances I've ever seen.

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In a sea of subpar production of TV shows par the dozen, to have something of such quality as Shogun is a breath of fresh air. Finally, something original and bold.

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Oh my days such a masterpiece. The perfect finale to the perfect show. Easily one of the greatest tv series of all time!

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Absolutely masterful political drama that semply envelopes you into the world of Japan. Everything done in this show is done perfectly with an amazing cast, cinemtography, sound design, everything. Everyone should definitely give this a watch.

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Oh wow, only one season. That's disappointing :( I enjoyed it a lot. There is room for quite some more seasons...

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"Flowers are only flowers because they fall."

Poetic, poignant, and powerful tv.

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It's definitely up there as one of the best series of all time. War and action are simply side characters to the intense script and characterisations. A huge positive because when the action and drama reach a certain height, you feel it more than the explicit gore. The acting was phenomenal, as was the set building/locations, cinematography, and score. Anna, Hiroyuki, Fumi, and several others, including the crew, put their heart and soul into this, and its visibly obvious. The special effects, tension, dialogue, genius, emotion, accuracy, and production is some of the best I've ever perceived.

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The photography is excellent and the attention to detail is unlike any TV show I've seen. However, the series is quite slow going and many subplots end up being meaningless. The series looks stunning and had a lot going for it but unfortunately the main story just isn't that interesting to me, which ultimately is what makes a TV show entertaining to watch, for me at least.

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Wonderfully engaging and immersive show.

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I don't know if the story is real, but there is a plot, good settings and excellent details... a very good series.

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The show on FX is in Japanese. If you watch on Hulu you can English dub so it is in English.

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Very hard to watch as it’s in Japanese with English subtitles. Would’ve been great if it was all in English. It’s 2024, who’s got time to read. We all have busy lives and doing 5 things at once. This show prevents you from doing that.

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not for me... lost interest when episode is in Japanese. English audio was useless almost.

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I recently watched the original show in preparation for the release of this remake. I've watched the first 3 episodes so far, and as much as it is almost a copy of the original I'm far from disappointed I'm loving the production.

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I read the book as a boy and was captivated by it. Only watched the first episode so far. It looks fantastic and the writers seem to be trying to be true to the book so far. Great start, really enjoyed the first episode.

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Top watch the first episode and it was great can’t fault it outstanding

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The Sound design and the story are lovely

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I write this part of my review BEFORE I watch anything, as I read the novel and have been wanting a good adaptation; this does not mean 1:1 from book-to-screen, just that the isn't utterly mangled through some putz's hand(s).

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Trakt says it's not released, yet there are two episides released...what gives?

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