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The Curse 2023

It's not a comedy guys, it's a tragicomedy. And it's the best after Shakespeare. ;)
It is a kind of reflection to "todays" wannabe social behevior.

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Not recommended for those unfamiliar with Nathan's work. It's building on top of things he's done in the past and trying to further himself. It was a hard watch for me but very enjoyable imo. You'll either like it or hate it with your whole being.

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Ok, so I started out with extreme skepticism, but now I watch every new episode as soon as it comes out cuz I'm really enjoying the creepiness, cringeness and dreadful feeling, as well as not knowing how and if this will culminate.

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My hopes were high for something from Nathan. Unfortunately, this is garbage

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The real curse is having to watch this show.

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This show is basically Twin Peaks meets The Room (one might even call it Wiseau Noir, perhaps). The sheer awkwardness & eeriness is unpalatable, but in the best way possible.

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Most of the first episode was almost unwatchable. I was disinterested in the characters.

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Emma Stone was wasted on this. The story doesn't advance, it's not funny or clever just long uncomfortable scenes.

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Bizarre but wholly inspired character drama that explored themes like white virtue-signalling, social media phoniness and colonization.

Ultimately sputtered out on multiple plot threads and themes, opting instead to take a huge swing in the finale that didn't quite land... But will undoubtedly be something I think about for years to come for its equal-parts audacity and artistry.

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At some point while watching this you might be thinking "what is the point of this show?", but then suddenly there is this really intense zooming in on some random object in the frame while the music gets sinister and mystical and you'll think "well hold on, what's this? maybe..."

No. You were right the first time.

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Slow-burn cringe that was painful to watch yet I couldn't look away which was a complete novel sensation to me.

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I had to make myself finish this series. I made myself believe, somehow, at the end, all would be made clear. Clearly, I was disappointed. I'm sure it could be said I missed themes, underlying meanings, and symbolism; however, I couldn't wade through the drivel of the creepy, eye-rolling, and painful storyline to find anything deeper. And the ending, whatever it was supposed to mean, was absolutely the most ridiculous piece of work I've ever seen. Not even Emma Stone could save this show.

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nine episodes wondering whether there is or not a 'curse' only for it to be introduced in the finale. there were far too many repetitive episodes and the whole thing could have been 3-4 episodes frankly. everyone is unlikable and there are no sympathetic characters. ultimately quite a grating and pointless experience. surely this is a single season show?

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I’m holding on for dear life, hoping that somehow this gets better, but after 5 episodes and knowing there are still 5 more, I don’t know how much longer I can hold on to hope for this one.

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We gave it 18 minutes... 18 very long, very painful minutes. It's disjointed, has no direction and isn't the remotest bit funny - it's supposed to be a comedy - somebody missed the memo. The characters are completely uninteresting too.


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This is actually a better series than expected. It is also more complex than just the characters and the storyline. It watches like a tragi comedy but is actually a protest against corporate America, Boomer hell culture, bullying, college sports team culture, Reddit, Twitter, and the insanity coming with these days small entrepreneurship,... all under the blanket of doing good but with hidden agendas and thus it will fail at every point. It reminds me of a quote a few years ago: When big money enters doing well for all, doing well is the first that suffers. I like the cleverness coming with this series, and how bigger issues are being made small to understand the big picture.

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It takes the pure evil of reality TV and carefully turns the dial up in increments. "Are you not entertained?" Fielder asks at the wrong moment in the conversation, he's too deadpan, too intense. A notification for a payment goes through on Stone's card and something inscrutable contorts her face for a microsecond. This TV show's a critique of the attention economy and empty cultural fixations; it confirms that the best progressive intentions will never fully remove the nonchalant malice and self-absorption of our time. There's a gravity here that isn't found in other shows, you could say.

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Life of insects. The quality of the production.. no quality. Why are all the stand-upers are so uncharismatic yet so go-getters?

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Live like a reality show,so people think that you are always performing.

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I was saying "WTF did I just watch?" after each episode. Especially the finale which is the most absurd thing I've ever seen.

It's a cringe comedy that will leave you with more questions than answers. But for some reason, you feel you must continue the story.

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classically painful to watch, while also having a lot to say about virtue signalling/arts and culture/gentrification/priviledge, all reslly well portrayed through the dynamic of asher and whitney.

great watch, easy recommend, i will mever watch it again.

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The ending didn't hit as much as I hoped it would, but that didn't detract from the overall quality of the show—a show I loved so much I truly don't get how anyone could not at the very least like it. But different strokes and all that. Will definitely be giving this a rewatch (several, even).

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I have no idea what I just watched :sweat_smile: awkward, cringy and not that funny... however I couldn't stop watching!

Emma Stone is the reason I watched it, and she is just great in this show.

The end was.... interesting :sweat_smile: Nothing like I thought it would be. I'm not familiar with the creators of the show, but it seems that perhaps this is the norm for them? Guess you have to watch it for yourself really. Won't watch it again, but enjoyed the ride!

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Show and season 1 rated a 7.6

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It’s difficult to settle on a rating for this limited series. I really dug so many things about it for so much of it: the acting, the extremely critical points made about social media and performative culture, the overall vibes . . . But as a whole, this didn’t feel like, well, a whole. I don’t think I would enjoy a rewatch of the series anywhere near as much as this initial viewing; all that’s left for me is recommending and/or rewatching very specific scenes and segments for various reasons. The Curse will stick with and perhaps even haunt me forever, though.

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Do yourself a favor, and skip the rest of the season, and just start the final episode 27 minutes in, and treat it like a short film. The rest of the season really doesn't matter. That's the story.

As much as I like Emma Stone, and the other actors do a good job, the cringe comedy/tension was difficult to watch for an hour at a time, but the ending was something that will stick with me for a long time.

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I've never seen anything quite like this, and I'm not sure I fully understand it yet, but l love it in ways I've never loved a TV show before. 

Uncomfortably funny. Karmically devastating. Unsettlingly poetic.

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Seriously though this is my least favorite Nathan Fielder work. The middle episodes felt very weak, though episodes 1, 8 & 9 were very good. The finale was certainly memorable. Can't be good at least it was interesting. Emma Stone's performance in the show was incredible. The highlights would be the comedy sequences, Nathan when he portrays Asher feeling extreme emotions and just everything with Emma Stone as Whitney. The drama wasn't always the most engaging unfortunately.

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Feels like Safdie and Fielder met over a sabbath meal in Toronto, Safdie wrote himself a little show with Fielder as his cameo, probably sent a bunch of money of Israel with the cash out, ran over brown children in Astoria, Queens and proceeded to make a self-masturbatory snooze-o-matic that puts Nathan down and him as a hebrew travis brickell grand mastering a goyim
rich girls colonizer fantasy while taking pot shots at a Somali family and Native-Americans. Sry for the run on sentance, but this show made by these particular people who used the subject matter and other cultures the way its done, seems slightly psychotic in execution and projection.

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Watching Nathan Fielder make reality shows is much better than watching him in a drama about making a reality show. The performances in The Curse are fine, but the show doesn't go anywhere.

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