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The Winter King 2023

The book this is based on is actually an interesting subversion of the Arthurian story, but the television show is not great. Lackluster acting, flat writing and no sense of pacing. Someone at the studio was sniffing around for a "hot IP" but squandered it.

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You can skip this! Trust me, you are not missing out on much.

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Take no notice of the negative comments this is actually a ok show.

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I dislike Inclusive movies and series

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Almost passed from reading the comments here, but glad I decided to make my own assessment. It took into episode three for me for it to completely find its legs, and then I power binged the rest.

This isn't the same old story and I'm thankful for that. There's at least a half dozen movies I can revisit if I want more of the same. This is something new and interesting precisely because you don't always know what's coming. It's certainly not without its issues, but I think dismissing this show after one or two episodes would be a big mistake.

Interesting characters with beautiful sets and scenery go into the win column. Some overused tropes and a few out of character moments hold this back from it's full potential. All in all this was an entertaining watch and I'm looking forward to another season.

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Great so far very enjoyable

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Well, another complete bastardization of the commonly accepted Arthurian legends. Characters are mixed up, relationships are mixed up, roles are mixed up...
The production is done reasonably well but I cannot stomach the bastardized story line... At least not after watching S1E1... I'll not be watching more episodes especially if MGM requires me to pay above and beyond basic subscription.

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1/10 :poop:
I was so looking forward to this, I did no research at all and just wanted to watch it…
The first 5-10 mins started well and I thought oh this is going to be okay!

Then it started, race changing, implanting people that just shouldn’t be there at this time in history and all in the name of PC WOKERY…..
15 mins in and I switched it off and will not return to it again, give this rubbish a wide wide berth….
:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

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I really wanted to like and give this a honest try. And I did try....3 times...but oh boy the more I tried to be open minded the more I discovered horrible screenplay and very bad cut. Really not worth at the end to put time in it.

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It could have been a good series, but it wasn't. I don't know what HBO was thinking when they cast such ugly actors, because the point would be to have beautiful, visually appealing people in it who would grab you. But this has made it specifically unwatchable.

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All 10 episodes are now available on ITVx player

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All 10 episodes are available today 21/12-2023 on ITVx player

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The Premiere date is wrong!

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