Review by moonkodi

Eraserhead 1978

I like some of David's movies but thought this was terrible. Blue Velvet was good. Twin Peaks was so bad it was good but also had geniunely great moments. But this? For a movie that relies on visuals it can be very good but also boring. I don't mean boring in the sense that it's supposed to be to make us feel a characters boredom. I mean it's visually boring as cinematography goes and it's made worse being minimal as it has nothing else to offer when it goes tits up. Your left with some man with crap hair in black and white to look at. David's use of sound with visuals I used to really like and still do in small amounts but this is like he's trying to show it off too much to please the art crowd. Self lauding overkill. The movie tries too hard to be arty with its sluggish for the sake of it pace, lack of narrative because that's so mainstream and it's opportunist quirks in all scenes when possible just to add some more bizarreness.
This movies mentality is 'what should or would a movie usually do'? 'OK let's just do something weird because I want to be taken serious as an artist and this is the easy way.' It's the Lady Gaga of movies. I'm glad he never made a movie this bad again. This should have ended him in a saner world without narcissism driving creativity but as we know that world doesn't exist anymore.
It failed to entertain (even if it's not that kind of movie), involve me with stimulus or tell me anything interesting. You know it may be pretentious when characters talk to each others with a 10-20 seconds delay between replies even though they're next to eacn other and when they do reply they mutter a single word if possible... long pause... because words are so conventional.
I wanted to like this movie but held back watching it for a long time as deep down I knew it would be hip trash. If you think a man with ridiculous hair doing a silent movie walk into a puddle is meaningful then please watch it.
When I was younger I used to like Lynch but I grew up and got perspective on the world and real hard work creativity.

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@moonkodi > it's visually boring as cinematography goes

