Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2017-01-21T12:00:06Z— updated 2017-01-31T04:40:22Z

This show used to be great. Well, the first 5 seasons were amazing and so so funny... But I just feel like the writers have lost the plot and the actors don't seem that enthusiastic any more. The only people who must be excited about the show are the producers because they are raking in the cash. I hate that they split the cast into 3 separate subplots. This just made everything stop working and flowing well. Every episode is basically the same now (different settings, same terrible sub plots and jokes) and its just NOT FUNNY ANY MORE.
I feel awfully sad to say goodbye but, I tried to stick it out to the end of season 10 but just can't. Time to move on.

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The show used to be great. Now so dumb.
