Review by Greeneidal

Arrival 2016

Finally back to having some time for movies, and Arrival has been waiting for me for a while now...

When it comes down to the technical this movie is a masterpiece. Plain and simple!! It looks gorgeous, the cinematography and editing were superb, and the sound is out of this world. If that had been all I cared about this would be an easy rating to set...

The story?!? Well...I got some issues with that.

SHAME ON YOU Denis Villeneuve!!!!!

I don't like to have my heartstrings pulled shamelessly from the first frame of a movie. It's a cheap trick, and it works for the ones doing it every damn time...and I hate that fact sooo bad.

Though...don't get me wrong. The story is actually rather good, it's just that it uses all the tricks in the books to make you feel something. I like to make up my own mind, and not getting things served on a platter. Especially feelings...

Anyway..the movie works...I suspect it does everything Villeneuve set out to do. The story in itself are interesting, and it got me thinking about what I would have done in that situation.

For many people, this movie will be a masterpiece...It will, however, not be high on my rewatch list.

On a side note...I REALLY want Dr.Banks house. What a gorgeous view...

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