Shout by Elie

Suicide Squad 2016


Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2017-03-05T14:56:43Z— updated 2017-03-07T10:21:23Z

  • Fun movie for what it is: a superhero comic movie
  • Don't expect a mind blowing plot
  • All the squad combined cannot even scratch Superman so I am not sure how the writers decided to depict this in the movie
  • The comedy side of the movie was good. It made me laugh several times
  • Pretty good VFX
  • A mix of outstanding characters (Harley Quinn - Deadshot - Amanda Waller) and underdeveloped characters (Croc, Joker and Diablo)
  • Croc was a major disappointment. Croc should have been a complete badass character with tons of muscles and almost invincible.
  • The OST aided the movie in many sections
  • Joker's role in the whole movie was a joke.
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