Review by abetancort

Marvel's Iron Fist 2017

To me, someone who have not read any Marvel Comic neither when young or as adult but have watched a most of the contemporary Marvel TV productions, they have a chronic problem without an easy solution: the story line from almost every one follows the same structure, something that makes them quite predictable even to the level of guessing exactly what it's going to happen take by take. After watching a couple of titles it starts get boring, you are watching almost the same "story" every single time only changing the names.

And because they churn them as mid-budget series, there's not even the visual appeal of a fine production series with lots of exterior shots, visual effects, FX, cast and great post-production work. I truly think they have been burning much faster than they thought the goodwill they had built with the generation that grew buying superhero comics

I suppose their comics were similar, the found a formula (storyline) that worked and kept churning out comics with different superheroes doing all basically the same. It may have worked 50 years ago but today I don't think it will cut it any longer. And especially with the audience to which the TV Shows are targeted

I have seen the whole season and it's neither visually impressive nor the story is original, moreover I'll dare to say that it's too slow, dull, with cardboard like characters. If you decide not to watch it, you wouldn't be missing anything and if you do watch it, don't expect much - just another way to kill a few hours but nothing more.

Hope Netflix realizes the Marvel Mine is already kind of exhausted and starts looking elsewhere for its in house productions

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