Review by Karu
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-17T01:53:52Z— updated 2017-04-19T21:27:21Z

This has probably been the best episode in the Capaldi era so far. Been waiting a long time for the show to return to its best moments.
Watching this I couldn't stop thinking about the original Pilot.
1) Susan, whose photo we got to see so many times <3, was the one that named the Tardis
2) The ones that happen to find de Tardis, and The Doctor, in the junkyard were Susan's teachers (Ian and Barbara) whereas in this case was a student (Bill)
3) Susan is the one that has that thirst of knowledge. Though she loved Earth she was very curious, just as Bill.

Also, there were what to me felt like hints to the other Pilot this show had: Rose. The idea that Bill was almost not to travel with the Doctor, but he decided to look for her and remind her that his machine also travels in Time (which is part of my favorite headcanon about Nine and I'm glad to see it protrayed here: the idea that between invitations, Nine travelled alone and decided that he needed a companion and went back to look for her).
And, last but not least, the chips. Remember how much fun Rose and Nine had eating chips? And how Rose also worked in a school cafeteria serving chips? And how she, like Bill, had a regular job, came from a working class and was, by The Doctor's standards, sometimes a bit slow at first?

Finally, I never thought we'd see the time when we were reminded that the habit of erasing someone's mind without their consent was absolutely not right. I already love Bill and her determination.

I also love the bit with Clara's song, which I also thought we wouldn't hear again.

Overall, sooooo good. I just hope the season continues in this line.

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@gallifreysbowtie Thanks, I really enjoyed your comment, it helped me understand why I didnt like the episode. It was a nostalgia thing. I did see notice a lot of things that I was not familiar with, but seemed like they belonged. I only began watching the show when it was remade in 2005. I really like the double (triple?) meaning of the title of the episode, after reading your comment, I now realize there was more to it, mostly going over my head.
