The success of this episode relies almost entirely on the perfect casting of Famke Janssen as Kamala. Star Trek doesn't have a great history of guest stars, but it's so clear from this episode that she's above the usual guest talent and was destined for a big acting career. True to her character, she manages to create excellent chemistry with everyone she interacts with.

It's also a strong episode due to how much it exposes of Captain Picard. It's clear that he always keeps a tight reign on his own personal feelings and those walls come down here. I particularly loved the casual scenes with Beverley, and I'd wish we'd seen more like that through the series.

For all that, there's no denying it's a fairly offensive story in regards to women. It also assumes that all men are attracted to Kamala, forgetting that some people have different sexuality, and doesn't even attempt to show how she interacts with other women.

The Ferengi are both fun (another Max Grodenchik performance) and it's amusing to see a pre-X-Men Stewart and Janssen together, especially as she introduces herself as a "mutant".

I had to laugh at Riker resisting the come-on from Kamala. As he leaves he says, "I'll be on the holodeck" ... is that the Star Trek equivalent of, "I'll be in my bunk?"

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