Shout by wolfkin

Naked 2017


Shout by wolfkin
BlockedParent2017-08-12T13:40:14Z— updated 2017-08-21T03:05:30Z

Naked is a good but not great groundhog day clone. It's above decent even, with a touch of gross out humor (and I'm not talking about Marlon's naked body) that plague Wayan's films since Scary Movie 2. Still sincerity is developed eventually, though it doesn't feel that way from the start.

Groundhog Day movies are about characters becoming better people. The main character in this movie usually has to start off as a bad character and become better. Rob Anderson, our naked main character, does not start off bad. He actually starts off very sympathetic, but as the movie goes on you realize that he's not exactly good as he seemed.

It's a sort of backwards wave for character development and it causes things to start off a bit slowly because you don't realize if anyone has had any actual character progression. By the end of the movie, however, a solid argument could be made that the film is worthwhile. So to reconclude, in the end the movie is better than decent but not fantastic.

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