Force Awakens is far better. This was choppy, slow, plot-holey and in a couple of places cheap looking.
Still there are quite a few good bits (mostly with Rey), but don't fall for the critic hype.
(EDIT: After pondering this movie more, and reviewing my Star Wars films in order of greatness list , I've come to the conclusion that, apart from the obvious exception of the first movie, it takes Lawrence Kasdan writing for a Star Wars film to really shine. I guess my theory will be put to the test next May when Solo, co-written by Kasdan, hits the screen.)

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@kanootcha FYI your account is private so no one will be able to look at your list.

@nmahoney416 Thanks for the heads-up. Strange that a public list is overridden by the account privacy.

I honestly would have never noticed that there were two different directors there. In Rougue One definitely.
But EP7 and EP8... both movies have a heavy lack of story filled in by too many hommage scenes to the original trilogie. Both make the empire look really clumsy and ineffective. Both want to take out a big threatening machine by attacking a small weak spot on it. To me they seem like they are made by the same person.

@leed-dave Fair enough. They certainly seem like they were churned out mostly by the same process.
As it relates to story-telling though. I'll ask you, which one made you care what happens to the characters in the future?
You might answer neither. For me though, I was intensely interested in finding out what happened with the characters post-TFA, whereas post-TLJ I have none. There are no character story hooks driving me to see the 9th movie (don't get me started on that horrendous last scene), and this is pure bad writing.
How much of that was due to Kasdan's influence in TFA and lack of it in TLJ, I have no idea, but I'm guessing a fair bit.
