Review by Deleted

Promised Land 2012


Review by Deleted

As a fan of the Office, naturally I wanted to see Promised Land upon learning that John Krasinski was going to be in it. I hadn't seen any of his other work, and I wasn't even that interested in the plot of this movie, but coming out of the movie I was very pleasantly surprised. The movie moves slowly-- so if you're looking for something that's fast paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat, I wouldn't recommend it. However, don't get me wrong, Promised Land will keep you on your seat!

Unfortunately, Krasinski's role is not very impressive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he had a part in writing this movie, and his character really just seems to be a re-hash of Jim Halpert. I guess if it's not broken, don't fix it, but it was a little bit disappointing. I didn't see his character as being a separate character, not really. At one point in the movie you get a glimpse of his singing ability, which was also pleasantly surprising.

I'm not really sure what the message of the movie was, but it's been a while since I've seen it now. I would watch it again. It had a feeling that you just can't get from many other movies, and I think that's what it's strength is.

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