Review by FinFan

FlashForward 2009


Review by FinFan
BlockedParent2012-12-28T21:15:14Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:46:01Z

I started watching this although I knew it was killed after one Season.

Honestly I don´t know why. This was in my opinion a real quality show which deserved to live to develop it´s plot. This looked and felt good. I went through 8 seasons of 24 ´cause everyone said it was so great - the one season FlashForward has had more than the whole 24. Of course this is just my view but there is so much s**t on TV and this had potential. Maybe not for 8 season but 3-4 to play itself out.

I will miss it and although it´s not finished I don´t regret watching it. It will remind me of how stupid TV-Stations are. They are pushing a lot of shows down our throats that don´t have good ratings either.

One thing for those of you consider reading the book: If you like good SF without spaceships and aliens you will problably like it - if you´re looking for the conclusion of the show save the time. The book and the show have very few in common. They took the general idea of the FlashForward but that´s about it. Few other parts, too, but in a different context. Whole different story and characters beside from Simcoe and even he is different. It is a good book, though.

What did you see ? ;-)

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@finfan this is actually one of the shows cancelled just after the first season that I miss the most (along with Almost Human) . I remember being so pissed when I got to know it was cancelled (I watched it one episode at a time, weekly, as they were being aired). I really needed to know more! It's the only show that made me buy the book on which it was based. Sadly, I still haven't read the book after all these years :P

@misnomer I bought the book in hope to get closure on the story. As I mentioned that's not the case. But I really recommend you read the book. I don't remember any details (can't spoil anything) but it was a great read. That much I do remember.
