Review by Stefanie

Ready Player One 2018

I hate when people whine about that the movie is totally different from the book, cause' it's really hard to fit everything in 2 hours, but this was so bad! I would say, the book inspired the move and not based on.

I could live with the fact that you changed the challenges, these look way more awesome in the cinemas, okay, fine. Skipping the part that Parzival is only a teenager who is poor and got no friends in the real world? Okay, it's not that relevant either.


The romantic line between Art3mis and Parzival: why?! You skip the part where Wade suffers and turns his back on the real world to forget about Samantha, and focus on the challenge, but than you add a part where Wade heroicly saves her (???) and add a cheesy ending. Cmon!

Also, what is this bullshit about "wE wAnT pEoPlE rEaLiZe tHaT tHe ReAl wOrLd Is gOoD, So wE cLoSe ThE oAsIs FoR 2 DaYs."?! Is this a move for a 5 year old to teach him something valuable? Geez...

Also had a feeling that if wouldn't read the book, I wouldn't have any clue what is happening. Everything is so fast, many question left without answers, etc. I'm disappointed, however the CGI and some references were pretty nice.

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